“What is it?” Andrew asked.
“Maximus is not to be taken lightly. His temper is volatile,” Eleazar warned. “It’s best if you avoid him as much as possible. Stay in your room and don’t venture out unless it’s necessary. If he approaches you again, you’re to come to me immediately.”
“How can I come to you if I’m to stay in my room?”
Eleazar would have to work that out because he couldn’t have his servant terrified of his coven. “I have an event I need to attend. You will be with me tonight.”
That seemed to pique Andrew’s interest. “What kind of event?”
“The kind that requires a suit.” Eleazar stood. “Amon will escort you to your room to get ready. We leave in an hour.”
And Eleazar was going to take that hour to track Maximus down. He needed his coven to understand that Andrew was off-limits, and if he had to use Maximus as an example, so be it.
As soon as Amon appeared and took Andrew away, Eleazar went on the hunt. He found Maximus in the library.
Eleazar walked over to the vampire, Maximus unaware of what was about to happen, then he grabbed Maximus by the throat and lifted him off the chair. “You dare approach my servant and scare him?”
Instead of being afraid, Maximus narrowed his eyes. “I see he ran straight to you.”
“Your behavior will not be tolerated.” Eleazar slammed him to the floor, never taking his hand off of Maximus’s throat. “You are not to speak to Andrew. You are not to breathe in his direction. Do I make myself clear?”
“Why do you care?” Maximus spat out. “He’s just a human, Eleazar.”
Eleazar picked Maximus up and threw him across the room. The vampire slammed into the wall, fell to his feet, but pushed himself up as he glared at Eleazar.
“He’s my fucking servant!” Eleazar stormed over to him. “If you persist in harassing him, I will have you have you locked in a cross-wrapped coffin. Am I understood?”
Eleazar had a feeling that would happen anyway at some point. Maximus was a danger, a threat that he should have taken care of a long time ago. Maximus’s indiscretions had been getting worse over the years, and Eleazar was tired of cleaning up after the guy.
This was his last chance. If he went after Andrew again, Eleazar might skip the coffin and throw the bastard into sunlight.
“Understood,” Maximus grumbled as he walked out of the library.
Eleazar didn’t trust Maximus’s compliance. He was going to assign someone to watch over Andrew. Eleazar couldn’t be with the human all the time, and to ensure the human came to no harm, Eleazar would have him guarded.
He should have just hired a vampire servant, but that was unheard of. All of Eleazar’s servants had been human. All of Fayez’s servants had been human, too. Nelo hadn’t had time to find one before Eleazar had had him killed.
Those two were Lazarus’s predecessors. Two leaders Eleazar had had killed because of their flagrant disregard for the rules. Always maintain balance in Ridgeway.
Fayez had declared war on the wolves.
Nelo had been out for himself.
Hopefully Lazarus proved to be a good leader, or Eleazar wasn’t sure what he would do. He couldn’t kill Lazarus himself for fear of an uprising. The person he’d used in the past to eliminate the leaders was now retired and happily living with his mate in some remote cabin.
Eleazar pinched the bridge of his nose. God how he hated politics.
An hour later, Eleazar looked up from his computer when Andrew was escorted into the room. Eleazar’s breath caught at how dashing Andrew was. Silky brown hair that shined under the lighting in the room, pretty gray eyes, soft features that begged to be touched, to be kissed.
“I’m ready,” Andrew declared. “Is there anything I should bring with me?”
Eleazar cleared his throat, telling his cock to settle down. “I wish you to take notes during the meeting.”
Andrew pulled out his phone. “Not a problem.”
As Eleazar stood, he went on. “You are to blend into the background, as if you weren’t even there.”