Page 7 of Zero

“No. Don’t you dare.”

Walker didn’t listen and Jet wasn’t fast enough. Once Walker caught Jet and managed to smear dough onto his nose, Jet gave up fighting him.

“Ass,” Jet grumbled.

Walker trapped him against the counter with an arm on either side of him, murmuring something thankfully too low for Zero to hear because whatever it was had red filling Jet’s cheeks while he licked his lips.

“You know,” Zero said, “Usually people save the hanky panky until after their guests have left.”

They both jumped and when Jet saw him, he snorted out a laugh.

“Those guests don’t usually sneak inside,” Walker said with a raised brow.

Zero held up his key. “Shouldn’t have let me keep this, then.”

Walker shook his head and mumbled, “We really shouldn’t.”

Jet slapped a hand against Walker’s chest.

“Stop lying,” Jet said.

Zero shook his head with a laugh and walked over to pull Jet into a tight hug. Jet grumbled and very maturely rubbed the dough on his nose off in Zero’s shirt.

He didn’t mind. He was just happy that Jet felt comfortable enough to do it.

In the beginning, Jet had hated that he and Walker had a thing years ago, but he’d worked hard to prove to him that it hadn’t and still didn’t mean anything. He’d never had feelings for Walker. He was his best friend and while the sex had been pretty good, if he had to choose between the two, he’d choose their friendship without hesitation.

“What are you making?” he asked, taking a sniff of something delicious.

“One of Jet’s mom’s recipes,” Walker said with a grin.

Jet dropped his head back with a loud groan.

“What?” Zero asked, looking between the two with a badly hidden smile.

“She gave him one of thé recipes,” Jet said, pouting at Walker.

“One of those she hasn’t even given Jet or Ash,” Walker said with pride in his eyes and a cheeky smile on his face.

Jet rolled his eyes, then said, “Clearly, she loves him the most.”

Zero chuckled and wrapped an arm around Jet’s shoulders, his gaze on Walker.

“Yeah, he kinda has that effect on people.”

Walker’s smile turned soft as he met Zero’s gaze. They both knew he wouldn’t have made it out of prison with his soul intact if Walker hadn’t decided he was worth loving.


He knocked on the door and stepped back, his hands sweaty, and his heart heavier than ever. When Jet pulled open the door, he took one look at him, and his easy smile faded.


“Come on,” Jet said with an eye roll, holding the door open for him. “Want some dinner? Walker’s made enough for the whole neighborhood.”

He followed Jet into the house and came to an abrupt halt when they entered the dining room and the first thing he saw was Zero.

His throat suddenly felt thick, his anger flaring, though he held that shit back. Zero’s smug smile pissed him the fuck off, but Jet and Walker deserved better than them ruining their dinner.