Page 45 of Zero

Her eyes widened and she shook her head, disbelief clear on her face.

“Are you sure? One of my colleagues?”

“Oh, I’m sure.” He barely kept from grinding his teeth. “Name’s Gillies.”

“York? Detective York Gillies?”

“That’s the asshole.”

The woman’s eyes narrowed, and she said, “That sounds personal.”

“Damn right it is,” Zero hissed.

He hadn’t realized he’d moved until fingers wrapped around his arm and pulled him to a stop. He glared down at Walker’s hand even though he knew it was for his own best. The last thing they needed was another cop turned against them.

“Who’s he harassing?”

“Jack,” Walker said.

Her expression turned from appalled to curious in an instant.

“He just got out, didn’t he?”

“You been keeping taps, Lopez?” Walker asked.

“Not like you’re thinking. I check in on you guys from time to time. Make sure you haven’t done something stupid. Speaking of which, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that bomb in Fell’s Point, would you?” Lopez asked Walker, eyes narrowed. “Or the three bodies left there?”

“Why would I know anything about that?” Walker shot back at her.

“I just thought you might, seeing as it was a motorcycle that got blown up and several of the residents have seen men wearing leather vests in the building.”

Walker crossed his arms and glared at her but kept quiet.

He was trying not to let any emotion show himself, but he had a harder time than Walker, though Lopez seemed more focused on him so he doubted she noticed.

“Funny thing,” Lopes said, her brow lowering and her lips twitching. “The motorcycle’s plate is nowhere to be found.”

He bit his lip hard to keep from making any surprised sounds.

Jack had gotten rid of his license plate? He remembered thinking Jack was moving with military precision but that had to be military thinking as well. It made him wonder which of the other Kings had taught him because he knew Jack wasn’t military. Something told him it was King which broke his heart for Jack a little more considering what had happened between the two.

“I don’t know anything about that bomb but it sure sounds like some smart criminals to me,” Walker said.

Lopez hummed, the look she gave Walker making it clear she didn’t believe him. She sighed, then said, “I’ll look into Gillies, but I can only do something if he’s breaking the law.”

Zero was grinding his teeth hard. The fucker was breaking the law. He’d been harassing and threatening Jack for months.

If Lopez wasn’t going to do something about him, he would have to do it himself.


When he pulled up in front of the place he’d spent the worst year of his life in, the man waiting outside it made him itch to grab for his gun. He left it where it was, though.

He got out of the car slowly, itching to wipe that smirk off Gillies’ face but it would have to wait. At least for a little while.

He walked up to Gillies and from the way the man shifted away from him, he figured it was pretty fucking clear how he felt about him.

“How exactly you think I owe you, I’m not sure, but I’m curious,” Gillies said.