Page 43 of Zero

Jack sighed. “Possibly. But he started this. Maybe he can end it.”

“You really think he’s gonna give himself up as the snitch?”

“Probably not but it’s worth a try.”

Zero stepped in front of him, crossing his arms while giving him a look that clearly stated he thought he was being stupid.

“All the people who want you dead are in the same place as Ricky. You’d literally be giving them the greatest opportunity to kill you.”

“They can’t get—”

“You already said they own a few of the COs. All they need is a faulty camera and the right COs to get to you.”

Jack dropped his head forward with a groan.

Hands cupped his face, thumbs brushing softly across his cheeks. He looked up and got caught in pools of startling blue.

“Maybe you can call him?”

Jack shook his head. “Calls are recorded. He’d never admit to anything.”

“What about a burner? Do you know if he has one?”

“I think he does, but I don’t have the number.”

“Maybe Auggie can find it?”

The last thing he wanted was to get the Kings involved, still, he nodded.

All he knew was that he needed to keep this man safe. No matter what it took. No matter what it might cost him.

There was only one way he could do that.


Waking up to the other side of the bed cold and empty had his pulse picking up and not in a good way.

He pulled back the covers and sat up. He turned, his feet hitting the floor, and glanced around. Everything looked the way it had when they’d gone to bed down to the open dresser drawers and the clothes strewn across the floor.

He got up and pulled on the pair of sweatpants.

“Jack?” he yelled, his voice echoing. The hair on his arms and the back of his neck stood on end. Something was wrong.

He grabbed the gun lying on top of the dresser and moved around the house until he realized that Jack wasn’t there. There wasn’t any sign of anyone else having been there either.

His heart was hammering so hard he felt like his whole body was vibrating. He’d never forgive himself if Jack got hurt on his watch. If anything had happened to him…

He shook his head, trying to shake away those thoughts.

He’d gone through the living and dining room and was on his way back to the bedroom when something caught his eye on the kitchen counter.

It was a note.

He could barely breathe as he picked it up, already knowing what it’d say.

Going to the prison. I’m sorry. I have to keep you safe. J.

He dropped the note with a curse. He ran his hands through his hair while he spun around himself and cursed some more.