Page 32 of Zero

Obviously, she knew what she was doing because there was no way he was missing out on Rhea’s pancakes. They were the best he’d ever had and she knew it.

“I was seeing this guy. Kind of. I mean it’s just sex, right?”

Rhea cocked a brow at him. “Why are you asking me?”

“I…” he shook his head, then dropped it into his hands, mumbling, “I don’t know.”

“You what?” Rhea asked, poking him in the ribs and being the annoying little sister she was.

With a groan, he raised his head to glare at her. There was no heat behind it and from her smug smile, she knew it.

“I like him and I don’t know why.”

He didn’t have time to react before he was hit on the side of the head with a fuzzy pillow. It was purple. With fake fur he was pretty sure he got in his mouth.

“Lies,” Rhea said. “All lies.”

“Fine,” he said on a sigh. “His name’s Jack. He’s… Even when he’s a complete asshole to me I still want him. It’s even worse when he’s being nice. When he’s defending me. Defending my actions.”

“Your actions?”

“He told me I did nothing wrong in killing Robert.”

Rhea’s brows shot up.

“You told him?”

“No. I thought he already knew. Which is why I freaked out. We’d already been together a few times and you know I don’t feel right about anyone not knowing who I am before going there with me.”

“What you did,” Rhea said, looking at him with a stern gaze. “Not who you are.”

Instead of his usual response, which would’ve been an epic eye roll, he sighed. He didn’t have it in him to argue with her about it.

“What happened?”

“He was uh… with a guy. One he told me he’s been with before.”

“You walked in on them?”

“Kinda. They weren’t doing anything. The other guy wasn’t wearing a shirt and they were standing close. Up against each other close.”

Rhea pressed her lips together and he knew she was working hard to hold back whatever had her eyes flashing.

He dropped his gaze to the floor and whispered, “I thought it might be real.”

“Of course, you did,” Rhea said.

His lips twitched as he arched a brow at her.

“Because I’m an idiot?”

“You’re not an idiot because you dared to dream,” she said with a shake of her head and put her hand over his. “You just wanted to be loved.”

And fuck if that wasn’t the truth.

Rhea rested her head against his shoulder and said, “It’s what we all want. Some of us are just too afraid to give it a shot.”

“You’re braver than I am,” Zero said.