Page 45 of Courageous Hearts

“Yeah, all right,” I say enthusiastically, rolling my weight onto Bo.

They settle happily against the mattress, practically melting into it as I fling the cover aside and straddle their hips. I slide their shirt up to their armpits and take a moment to let my gaze wander over their smooth, long torso. Their flat chest. The dusky pink nipples and little innie belly button.

Following my gaze with my hands, I trail my fingers over Bo’s skin. They shiver beneath me, their cock kicking against my backside. Fuck, I really like that. That hardness. That anatomy that’s so different from what I’m used to. I never realized how much of a turn-on it could be, making someone hard for me.

Sliding my hands down to Bo’s hips, I scoot back. They’re wearing my sweatpants—a sight I adore—but I tug them down, gaze settling on those blue, lacy briefs. Another thing I really, really adore.

“I was talking to my brother recently,” I say, and when Bo’s head tilts in confusion, I realize how that sounds considering what I’m doing. I shake my head quickly, huffing a little laugh. “Not about this, but when I was trying to figure out my attraction to you.”

Bo watches me curiously, not interrupting, so I go on, slipping my thumbs under the waistband of those briefs.

“I didn’t know what to think about the fact that I like the lace and the makeup and the clothes you wear. I thought, since I considered myself straight, those were the things attracting me, and I was worried about what that meant. I was worried I might not like the rest.”

Bo’s face flashes in surprise, and I rush to assure them.

“But I do,” I say emphatically, leaving Bo’s briefs low on their hips and tracing the delicate V of their abdomen with my thumbs until they tremble. “I like all of you, Bo. And I’m incredibly attracted to you.”

Bo’s mouth opens slightly, and they pant a little as I make my point, running my fingers over the erection straining against their briefs. This time, it’s my body rolling in a shiver.

“I do like these,” I say, tracing the lace. “But I also like this.” I palm their dick, loving the feel of that steel length against my hand, hard and standing at attention, erect because of me. Dampening a small spot on those lace briefs because of me. “Is that okay?”

Bo huffs in what sounds like disbelief. “Is it okay that you like everythin’ you see when you look at me? Yeah, Jamie, that’s very much okay.”

“Good,” I say with a smile, glad to have cleared that up. And feeling a little less uncertain than before, knowing, as they said last night, that Bo loves their femininity and their masculinity, and that it’s okay for me to appreciate both of those things, too.


“Mm?” I hum, rubbing along the length of their dick, unable to look away from the sight of it encased so snugly inside the lace.

Bo’s breath hitches, and they say my name again, almost pleading. “Jamie.”

I trace my finger along the hem that runs high across their thigh. “Can I see the back?”

Groaning slightly, Bo twists, and I lift up enough for them to maneuver onto their front. Sliding down, I rest my weight lightly against Bo’s calves and palm their ass, the globes smooth and round and so wonderfully pert beneath my fingertips.

“Blue,” I say softly, shaking my head.

They look over their shoulder, gnawing on their lip slightly as our eyes catch. “You really do like lookin’ at me, huh?”

“Yes,” I admit, sliding my hands down their thighs, feeling thick muscle under my palms. When I reach their ass again, Bo arches their back, pushing up into my grip. My cock plumps, blood rushing south at a quick clip. “So.” I cough. “This rutting thing?”

“God, yes,” Bo says on an exhale, causing me to chuckle a little hoarsely. They push up on their elbow, and I lift again as they spin onto their back. Wasting no time, Bo clasps their legs around my waist and tugs me down swiftly and without apology. “Pull down your pants, Jamie.”

“Yep,” I reply, shucking them down quickly. My cock slaps upwards as soon as the waistband clears the rigid length, and Bo glances down, licking their lips. “Yours, too?” I ask.

They nod, eyes fixed on my dick, and the look on their face sets me on fire. When I reach for Bo’s briefs, they let their legs fall open, and I shuffle backwards as I pull the material down and off their legs. Eyes moving slowly back up their form, I’m bowled over yet again by how very not straight I am. And how, until Bo, I never realized it.

“Gorgeous,” I mutter, sliding over Bo’s body, groaning at the first touch of skin against skin.

“One day soon, you’re gonna fuck me,” Bo says, startling me with their bluntness. Their eyes flash dark, full of promise. “But today, fuck against me. Bring me off with your cock, Jamie.”

“Fuck,” I hiss, forehead dropping forward as I start to rut against Bo. And uh-huh, it’s exactly what it sounds like, all external friction and hard bodies and cocks rubbing together. It feels almost animalistic, as the name would suggest, getting off against someone this way instead of being inside their body.

“Lube would also be good,” Bo notes, drawing me out of my musings.

“Yeah? Okay.” I roll to the side, reaching into the nightstand and grabbing the bottle.

Slicking my hand, I settle back over Bo, and they wrap their legs around me again, heels at the top of my ass. Ungh. I reach down, fisting Bo’s cock, my own bucking in excitement, and Bo moans, canting their hips into my grip, fucking my fist. Part of me wants to keep going, to bring Bo off this way with my hand around their dick and their legs around my waist. But Bo wanted rutting. So that’s what they’ll get.