Page 37 of Courageous Hearts

My smile stretches my lips wide.

I feel a little bit ridiculous, in retrospect, having been so confused and conflicted earlier this week. Because now, standing in front of Bo, it’s more than obvious to me that I’m attracted to them. It’s clear I want to take those lips in another kiss. That I want to wrap my arms around Bo tight the way they seem to prefer. I want to hear more of their voice and find out exactly what color briefs they’re wearing today. It doesn’t matter to me that Bo is different from everyone I’ve been with in the past. I’m not worried about what’s underneath their lace.

I just want.

I’d been so afraid I would be unsure. That any attempt to figure out whether or not I liked Bo like that would end in potential disaster. I didn’t want to risk Bo’s feelings on a hunch.

It’s not a hunch anymore. I’m certain.

I might have Grant to thank for that. For telling me to stop focusing so much on what was different and keep an open mind.

My mind has been opened.

“Hi,” I return, my cheeks sore from how much exercise they’ve been getting today. Can’t help it.

Bo makes no immediate attempt to step away, and, if anything, they lean closer. A million thoughts flash through my mind—tugging them in, feeling their body pressed against my own, making them gasp or moan or whimper—but before I can do anything, someone steps out of the dressing room. Bo straightens, taking a step back, and I let my hand drop as Ishani passes, a little smile on her face.

“Hi-bye,” Ishani says, not even bothering to slow.

“Hey,” Bo mutters, hiking up the backpack that’s slung over one of their shoulders. Their eyes flick back to me, and Bo shifts their weight slightly. “We’re rehearsin’ for next week. I should get out there.”

“Of course,” I reply.

“We’ll talk later?” Bo asks.

My grin is back. “Yeah. What time? Before the show?”

Bo shakes their head. “No, I don’t wanna do it here. After your shift?”

“Sure,” I agree easily.

Bo takes a short step away, seeming to hesitate, and the little frown on their face draws my concern.

“What is it?” I ask, taking a step forward.

Bo gnaws on their lip. “This is a good talk, right?” they ask. “I didn’t imagine—”

Bo’s words cut off when I gently tip their face up, and as I lean forward, pausing for any sign this isn’t what they want, Bo’s lips part in invitation. I fit our mouths together slowly, and from that very first press, Bo moans in relief, a soft, intoxicating sound. They step into me, one hand fisting the front of my shirt, and my cock goes from zero to sixty in seconds flat, apparently not clued into the fact that this isn’t the time or simply not caring.

Attraction is definitely not going to be a problem. I can’t remember the last time I was this hungry for someone. This keyed up.

Bo fascinates me; I can admit that much. They did even before I made sense of my reaction toward them. I want to know more. I want to unearth all the little secrets and carefully protected pieces of Bo that make them who they are. I want to see inside those blue eyes, and I so desperately want to prove to Bo that they can trust me with that privilege.

With a heavy sigh, I force myself to part from Bo’s mouth and take a step back, sad to end the kiss and yet delighted by the dazed expression on Bo’s face. They let go of my shirt, blinking a few times.

“Yeah, okay,” they say. “Didn’t imagine it.”

I huff a little laugh as another performer steps out from the dressing room, passing us to head to the stage.

“Gotta go,” Bo says.

“Later,” I promise. “We’ll talk tonight.”

Bo smiles, a small thing with their bottom lip trapped within their teeth. “Tonight,” they repeat, turning away and disappearing through the dressing room door.

I take a moment to let my body cool down before heading back behind the bar to finish inventory. Bo walks by a mere five minutes later, dressed in comfortable clothes. Their lips twitch my way, even though they don’t stop to chat, and I grin at their back, watching as Bo mounts the steps up to the stage. My eyes, this time, stay unrepentantly glued to Bo’s ass.

Stomach swooping, I get back to work, counting down the minutes until tonight.