Page 107 of Courageous Hearts

Bo is a solid, warm presence at my front as my dream drifts apart slowly, only to be replaced by an even better reality. The sun is streaming lightly through the window, casting the room in a gentle glow, and Bo themself has their face turned up into the morning rays, looking ethereal even in sleep.

It’s one of those perfect moments. One I’ll remember for a long time to come.

Bo hums, shifting slightly and rubbing their ass back against my morning wood. My senses come alive, sparks dancing over my skin.

“Morning,” I say quietly, running my lips along the shell of Bo’s ear.

“Mm. Fuck me, Jamie?” Bo mumbles, barely even awake.

My answer is a quiet groan and the reflexive bucking of my cock against their ass. Bo sure does love morning sex, and I have no complaints about that. I kiss the back of Bo’s neck before rolling away to grab lube and a condom. They grumble in a low, sleepy tone until I’m draped back over their body.

Dropping my face to the back of their head, I breathe in deeply—taking in that light floral scent that’s all Bo. My person. My Bo.

“Jamie,” they plead.

Scooting backwards, I drag Bo’s sleep pants down and uncover the soft pink of their underwear. It’s cut in a more revealing style than their usual briefs, and I explore the hemlines that run over the curves of their ass cheeks with my eyes and my fingertips before dispensing with the lacy material.

With Bo bare before me, I lean down, swiping my tongue along the swell where their ass meets their thigh. Bo moans, rutting gently against the mattress as I explore them with my lips and tongue, but the moment I lift away to open the lube, they shift, getting their knees up under them.

They look beautiful laid out like this, their ass high in the air and the rest of their body melted against the mattress. So open. So trusting.

Going slow, I stretch Bo with one finger and then two. Their body is pliant, soft sounds leaving their lips every time my digits sink deep. But when they start making impatient noises, rocking back against me and mumbling for me to hurry up, Jamie and get that fat cock inside me already, I pull my fingers free and grab the condom.

Bo looks over their shoulder at me when I tear it open, biting their lip.

I hesitate. “What’s wrong?”

“Could we ditch it?” they ask, making my breath catch. “I trust you. I want you inside me bare if that’s somethin’ you want. If you trust me, too.”

Bending low, I kiss the base of Bo’s spine, running my hands over their hips and thighs as I gain control of the emotions and lust coursing through my body. The idea of marking Bo that way has me nearly dizzy.

“Of course I trust you,” I finally croak. Bo cheating isn’t even something that’s crossed my mind. I know they wouldn’t do that. “I’ve never gone without a condom before.”

With the women I was with before, the relationship never lasted long enough to get to that point of trust, and there was the added concern of unintentional pregnancy. But with Bo, neither of those hurdles are an issue.

“Would you want to?” they ask hesitantly.

“Yeah,” I breathe out, brushing my lips against the divots above Bo’s ass. “I really would.”

Hands a little shaky, I sit up and shift out of my sweatpants before slicking my bare cock. I keep it brief, already too keyed up to tolerate my fist around myself any longer than necessary. Every touch is like lightning, my dick hard as steel, shivers racing over my body as I edge my way forward on my knees.

“Ready?” I ask.

“Always ready for you, Jamie,” they reply, their cheek pressed against the pillow.

My heart beats heavily as I notch myself against Bo’s entrance. After a moment, I push, and then I’m sinking inside the most perfect, snug heat. I groan loudly, pressing forward an inch at a time as my thighs quiver and shake.

I focus on benign things to keep myself in check. The way the light is playing off the headboard. The little piercing in Bo’s nose. How the strands of their dark hair stand stark against the pillowcase.

As soon as I’m seated, I stall and blow out a breath. It feels amazing, no doubt—every nerve ending in my dick lit up from the extra stimulation, every sensation stronger and more acute. But it’s the mental, more than the physical, that’s affecting me.

It’s the fact that, for the first time in my life, I have someone I can do this with. Someone I love.

I didn’t know when I’d find that. Or if I even would. I’d hoped, of course. Otherwise, I probably would have “tried a little harder,” as Grant liked to say, to make a relationship work in the past. But I never did try when it felt wrong because I had hope that one day, it would simply feel right.

Now, here I am. With the person that feels right in every single way, knowing I’ll keep trying day in and day out to make our relationship flourish because Bo owns a part of me no one else ever has.

They own a piece of my heart.