Page 103 of Courageous Hearts

“Fuck,” I mutter, running my thumbs under their eyes again. “We’ve had a rough couple of days, haven’t we?”

Bo lets out a watery chuckle at that, leaning forward and resting their forehead against my own. “I’m exhausted,” they say. “I just wanna go to bed.”

I can imagine. Strong emotions take a lot out of you.

“Do you want something to eat first?” I ask. “I made enchiladas earlier. I can heat them up.”

Bo nods against me, and I press my lips to their cheekbone before moving back and heading to the refrigerator. After I prepare plates for Bo and me, we sit at the kitchen table, our chairs pressed together, thighs touching. We’re quiet as we have our late night dinner, both of us eating perfunctorily before we retreat upstairs.

Bo’s feet drag as they walk into my room, and they don’t bother changing for bed, so I grab a pair of my smaller-sized sweatpants and bring them over to where Bo is sprawled on top of the covers. They give me a gentle smile as I carefully maneuver their pants down and then pull up the sweats. Their shirt looks comfortable enough, so I leave it, and Bo seems satisfied with that.

I take a moment to use the bathroom and slip into my own nighttime clothes before sliding under the covers with Bo. They’re lying on one side, so I mimic the pose and face them.

Bo watches me for a moment, blinking softly, their face carefully smoothed out as if they’ve simply exhausted feeling for the day.

Just when I think they might fall asleep, they say, “Jamie. I love you, too.”

I inhale sharply, the softly spoken words making my heart soar. I think, deep down, I knew. But hearing it said aloud makes me feel as if I’m suddenly weightless.

“It was why I was so upset,” Bo adds. “’Cause I didn’t wanna lose you.”

“You won’t lose me,” I promise, voice a little hoarse. I grab their hand and squeeze.

Bo swallows roughly, sea-blue eyes pinging back and forth between mine. I wonder if they’re going to challenge my statement—to ask how I know. But after a moment, they simply nod.

Heart unbearably full, I scoot forward until Bo is wrapped in my arms, and they exhale, the tension leaching from their frame. They fit against me perfectly, our bodies pressed as one, the faint beat of Bo’s pulse thrumming against my thumb where it’s stroking gently over their neck.

It feels like the calm after the storm. The moment when the dust settles and all that’s left is the sun and still air.

“I’ve never loved anybody before,” Bo whispers. “Not the way I love you.”

My heart clenches. The best sort of ache.

“Me neither,” I reply softly. “I was waiting for you.”

They tilt their head up, eyes once again wet, and I press a gentle kiss to their lips. When we part, Bo’s lids fan slowly open, and neither of us moves. We stay lying that way, curled together, faces an inch apart.

And all I see before drifting off to sleep is bright, endless blue.

Chapter 32


“Hey, babycakes. So nice to see you at our apartment. You know, where you live,” Dee teases as I come through the front door.

I huff a laugh, and Dee meets me in the tiny living room, sitting beside me on the couch. It has been a hot minute since I’ve been here.

“How’s Jameson?” Dee asks, face settling into concern. “I still can’t believe what happened. The drunk asshole. Jameson fainting. All of it.”

“Yeah,” I say, shaking my head. Luckily, getting rowdy customers at Gertie’s isn’t commonplace. That’s the most action we’ve seen in a long time. “He’s fine.”

“As is Bridget,” she says. “Thanks to you.”

“Yeah, well. Guess my years of grappling with Will were good for somethin’.”

Dee hums, a thoughtful sound. “I think, despite all the shit, you turned out to be exactly who you were meant to be, Bo.”

My chest squeezes tight at her words.