Page 33 of Liv Parrish

“So, you must tell me all about how you guys met. Knowing Heath, it’s probably going to be pretty intense and wildly romantic.” I turn to face him, cocking an eyebrow in question.

“Wildly romantic? That’s not quite how I remember it,” I tease. His response comes without any hesitation.

“Hey, I was on my best behavior that night. That has to count for something.”

“Sure, but you were also pretty banged up and covered in blood.” Melissa’s eyes widen.

“Wow, that sounds pretty intense though. Definitely a story I need to hear.” But Aaron must have reached the end of his patience because he finally speaks up.

“Later. First you get to explain to us what the hell you’ve been doing for the past two years and why we found you in the middle of a Russian compound last night, not as a captive but as a fucking informant?! Oh, I’m sorry, I meant special agent. We don’t want to miss anything important, do we?”

Oh shit. Heath mentioned to me once that Melissa’s disappearance was the main reason he, Aaron, Mike and Riley left the Navy. Back then it was the sole purpose for starting Fortress, so that they could use their resources to find her and also to stop the same thing from happening to others. At the time I’m sure they would have considered it worth the sacrifice, but to find out that it wasn’t necessary, at least not in Melissa’s case … Would Heath regret his decision to leave the SEALS? Would he consider going back? Is that even a possibility? As if sensing my rising panic, Heath tightens his hold on my waist and dips his head so that he can whisper in my ear.

“I’m right here, not going anywhere without you. We just need to hear them out, let them get this off their chests.” I turn my head so that I can give him a quick kiss on his cheek, needing that connection with him, and he smiles as he stares into my eyes. “I love you, baby, and I’m not letting you go.” I smile back at him, so close to saying those words back. Soon. I’ll do it soon.

“Aaron, you have to listen to me, okay? There wasn’t time to try and track you down and explain what was happening. You know how it is. Timing was crucial. There was an opportunity for me to work myself into the syndicate and if I didn’t take it right then, we would have lost it and who knows when we would get another. I swear I tried to get a message to you to let you know I was safe, but–”

“Yeah? Well, you should have tried harder. And don’t even start with being safe! That whole situation was anything but safe. Guns, drugs, murder and kidnapping–”

“I know, Aaron. I was there, but I had the FBI watching my back. I had people I could call–”

“That’s just great. Fanfuckingtastic. I left my people, but as long as you had yours, no problem” It’s clear this is a sore point, not that he left the Navy for her, but that she couldn’t find a way to contact him, despite the resources at her disposal.

“Nobody asked you to leave the Navy, that’s all on you.”

“I thought you had been kidnapped! You could have been dead for all we knew. Mom and Dad were going crazy because apparently you couldn’t be bothered to let them know anything either,” he all but shouts, his control obliterated.

“Oh please! When did they ever care what we did? They weren’t exactly parents of the year when we were growing up. Why would that change now?” Aaron sighs out a breath, seeming to lose all the steam for his argument, his shoulders sagging with the weight of everything that lies between them, a past they are unable to escape. In that moment my heart breaks for him and his sister, because some of this feels achingly familiar. “I’m sorry, okay?” Melissa looks around the room, as if wanting to include everyone in her apology. “For everything I’ve cost you, for what you’ve given up in order to be here. I’m truly sorry.” Nobody responds. You could hear a pin drop as everyone seems to collectively hold their breath waiting for Aaron to either accept the apology or continue an argument that might be pointless at this stage. I mean, could you go back to the teams once you’ve left? You’ve got to give Aaron credit though; he knows how to hold onto his anger and doesn’t budge. It’s Melissa who steps up to him until they are toe to toe, slips her arms around his waist and hugs him until he finally relents and circles his arms around her too. She whispers something in his ear, and he hugs her a little tighter before letting go. I sneak a glance at Kate who’s wiping at her eyes, and when she catches me, she smiles, trying to hide the emotions running down her cheeks. I smile back at her just as three distinct message tones cut through the room. Aaron, Mike and Heath grab for their phones almost simultaneously and when they look at each other after reading their texts, it’s as if a silent communication takes place which only they could understand.

“God, I hate it when you guys do this. What’s going on now?” Kate’s exasperated tone makes it clear this happens often.

“Honey, something’s come up. We need to go and meet with Crisden.”

“The Feds?” Kate couldn’t sound less impressed, and Mike doesn’t look so happy either when he responds.

“Yeah. Mel, do you know what this is about?”

“I have an idea, yes. Come on, let’s go get this over with.” And just like that everyone except Kate and I stream out the door leaving us once again to wait and worry.


Hours later, I’m at work when Wyatt stops by. It takes a while for us to have some privacy as the boys are just as fond of him as they are of Riley. Positive male role models are in short supply, and I’m thrilled that they’ve taken a liking to these men who have become such an important part of my life.

“I’m leaving.” Okay, so I didn’t see that coming. I stare at Wyatt for a few seconds, my mouth hanging open as I try to come up with something intelligent to say other than huh? He doesn’t appear to notice that he’s caught me completely by surprise and continues as if this is just any old conversation. “I was never supposed to get involved in the Reznikov investigation and would have been gone already if it wasn’t for that. I have a new assignment waiting for me, but I wanted to say goodbye to you first.”

Damn, why now? Everything was just starting to come together, but I try to ignore the stinging sensation in my eyes and nose so that I can face my friend.

“When are you leaving?”

“Tonight. Things are already happening and I … I’m sorry, Little Pain. I know this is sudden but–”

“No, it’s fine. No need to worry about me. And at least I won’t have to deal with being called a pain anymore.” Not my best effort, but to hell with it. I’m going to miss him.

“Ah, now you know I only called you that because I care.” He tries to smile, but I think this is hard for him too. At least, I hope it might be.

“Sure, because there were absolutely no other options to go with.” I smile now so he knows I’m not upset.

“Of course not. Anything too friendly and you’d think I wanted you for myself. I knew there was a guy out there waiting for you and I definitely wasn’t him. Heath is a good man, one of the best, so you hang onto him, okay?”