Page 32 of Liv Parrish


Fortress is a hive of activity. The raid on the Reznikov compound is happening tomorrow night and forecasts predict that the current weather conditions are not going to improve, so the appropriate gear and equipment must be prepared. And the weapons. You can’t bring a knife to a gunfight, and there are going to be a lot of guns. Luckily, the intel provided is extensive. It seems the FBI managed what we couldn’t; to plant an agent within the syndicate who could blend in so seamlessly, his true identity has still not been discovered by the Russians. Even within the burau his identity is top secret and only known to a select few. After tomorrow, he’ll most like be reassigned to another field office in a different state, or if things don’t go according to plan, be given a new identity and a new life. I don’t even want to imagine what that would be like, especially now that I’m so close to having the life I always wanted. Does he have that? A family, a woman he can’t imagine living without? I say a silent prayer for the man and then go about my day, preparing while overseeing a handful of other projects currently on the go. By the end of the day, I feel simultaneously exhausted yet energized. Everything is set for tomorrow and all that’s left to do is to go home and get a good night’s sleep. I’ve never had trouble falling asleep before a mission, but this feels different. There’s more at stake than just the successful takedown of a criminal organization. When it’s all said and done, there will be someone waiting for me to come home, not that my family didn’t do the same while I was in the Navy, but again, this feels different. I don’t even consider going to my apartment, there’s no point. As long as my woman is waiting for me, she will be my home.

Morning comes far too soon, and looks even more dreary than yesterday, but right now it doesn’t matter because I’m buried deep inside Liv, taking my pleasure from her soft body embracing me with every thrust. I have to leave soon, but for the life of me I cannot pull myself away from her. We did talk a bit earlier, I told her as much as I could about what would happen today and tried to reassure her that we are as prepared as we’ve ever been, for every eventuality. She listened intently, nodded at the appropriate moments and when I was done, crawled into my lap, straddling my legs, and attacked my mouth with such passion, she took my breath away. We were still in her bed so of course that kiss led us here, to the most intense fuck of my life. She cries out my name when she comes and I follow her over the edge, surrendering all thought to the sensations of her trembling body clutching mine, her heat milking my cock. We stay locked together for a few minutes, her hand stroking over the tattoo on my chest and me running mine down her back, grazing her ass before moving back up again. Over and over until I’m hard once more.

“Baby, if I don’t leave this bed right now, I never will.” I squeeze her ass and give her one last kiss before rolling off the bed so I can get cleaned up and head to my apartment. I won’t see her again before tonight and might not even get an opportunity to talk to her during the day, so the kiss is filled with all the passion and love I feel for her. And then I leave.

The day passes like a storm cloud creeping across the sky, ominous and heavy with expectation. At least I don’t have to worry about Liv sitting alone, waiting for news. Kate invited her to hang out at their place after work, so I know she’ll be okay, but I’m done sitting around and I know my brothers feels the same way. The Reznikov compound is situated just over a hundred miles outside the city and consists of a mansion confirmed to be the family home, living quarters for various syndicate members as well as an office building and several storage warehouses. Fifteen acres of land, twelve buildings in total, close to one hundred people including twelve women being held against their will.

The FBI established a mobile command center on a nearby farm and seeing all the agents involved in one place is a stark reminder of the scale and work that went into this operation. We’ve been split up into smaller teams with clearly defined objectives, so all that remains is the signal to get this show on the road. The sun set hours ago, and the rain has still not let up, so the ground is a soggy mess of mud and trampled grass while the air feels cold and damp against our skin. Riley stands next to me, fiddling with his night vision goggles while humming an Aerosmith song under his breath, something he must have picked up from Liv, and Mike and Aaron stand a few feet away talking softly. I don’t even want to imagine what’s going through Aaron’s head right now. Obviously, he’s as focused as any other person here, but the outcome of this operation must be weighing heavily on his shoulders. If Melissa is one of the women being held here, I can only hope that we can find her the help she’ll need to overcome this horrific experience.

We receive the signal to execute, and things happen pretty quickly from there. The perimeter of the compound is breached at several key points simultaneously and then we are on the move, making our way to our objectives spread out on the property. Somehow Wyatt managed to swing it so that Mike, Riley, Aaron and I are on the same team, and given the objective to secure the office building. Not our first choice, but we have no problem slotting in where we’re needed so we proceed to our objective, which happens to be a smaller building situated close to the mansion. Clearing the building goes quickly as there aren’t any people around this time of the night, but we also need to make sure that no one will be able to come back before the Feds can sweep the computers and files for data or take away what they need to analyze later. Aaron and I make our way to the last office at the end of the hall on the second floor just as a message comes through our comms that the FBI’s undercover agent is in the building and to proceed with caution. We confirm our position and move forward, but just as we’re about to reach for the door, it swings open and we come face to face with … Holy fuck, Melissa! Wait, Melissa? She’s dressed in all black, her hair tucked under a black beanie and her face devoid of make-up, but it’s definitely her. There’s a backpack slung over her shoulders and a weapon in a holster at her hip, but otherwise she could be any young woman instead of an FBI informant. Holy. Fuck!

“Great, you made it. Let’s go.” And with that she pushes past us and heads down the hall we just cleared. Stunned, I don’t move for several seconds, and I can hear Aaron next to me, swearing under his breath, repeatedly. “Let’s go guys. Time’s a wasting. Crisden is going to have my ass if this goes tits up now,” she continues, referring to Special Agent in Charge Marcus Crisden, the man calling all the shots on this op.

This seems to shake Aaron out of his shock, and he swings around and marches after her, grabs her by the arm and carries on walking. From where I stand, I hear him growl: “If you think for one second there’s not going to be a discussion later, you are in for a huge surprise.” Well, so much for a happy reunion between brother and sister. Hell, I would have even preferred a tearful one, but this is not going to go down well. Aaron is practically running out the building, dragging Melissa behind him and I have to sprint to catch up with them. Around us, everything seems to be going exactly according to plan. Various agents are corralling syndicate members, taking them into custody and escorting them to the designated location from where they will be transported to God knows where. At some point Mike and Riley caught up to us as well. Riley appears strangely pale, an angry scowl painted across his face, and I almost feel sorry for Melissa. Almost. The deception, hiding all of this from her brother for two years is one thing, but it affected all of us.

SAC Crisden, who must have been notified of our approach, is waiting for us at the command center and is obviously well trained in reading a room because he picks up on the vibe the moment we step inside. Aaron opens his mouth, no doubt ready to lay into the senior agent for withholding Melissa’s involvement from him, but Crisden cuts him off.

“Gentlemen, let me remind you this is my party, and you are only slightly more important than uninvited guests. Please don’t make me regret extending that invitation? Things went so well tonight; I might even agree to do it again some time. Ah, and now for the guest of honor, Special Agent Yeager.” Agent Yeager? Sure enough, he’s now turned his attention to Melissa and is staring at her like a proud parent, or a mentor with his protégé. Another growl erupts from behind Aaron’s clenched jaw, and he looks like he’s trying to eviscerate the man with his stare alone, but he doesn’t move any closer. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a briefing to get to. Thank you for the assist.” And with that he leads Melissa away and we are dismissed and left to figure out what just happened on our own.

Chapter 10

~ Liv ~

In my apartment, in my bed, his body is wrapped around me in a sensual embrace, twisting the sheets around our limbs, tying us together. I roll my body against his as I hold him tighter to me, breathing him in while he whispers words of devotion in my ear, his lips caressing there before moving down my cheek, down my neck, down, down, down. I run my fingers through his silky hair, relishing the feel of it against my thighs while anticipation rushes through me. Then, from far away, the shouting starts, angry words I’m unable to make out, but drawing closer until the voice is so close whoever it is, must be in the apartment with us. Heath lifts his head from between my thighs, his look of confusion changing to accusation as realization sets in. You did this! You brought him here! But I didn’t. I watch helplessly as Riley comes into view and continues screaming at me while grabbing Heath by the arm and dragging him from the bed. “You did this, you stupid girl! I’m taking him away now, but in the end, you’ll be the one who leaves. It will be you who ends up all alone. It will be you …”

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m here. Shhh, it’s okay.” Heath. I sense him before I’m fully awake and as always, it calms me immediately knowing he’s close. I fell asleep in Kate’s spare bedroom once we received word that the raid had been a success, but that the guys would not be able to leave there right away. Now the bed dips from the weight of his body as he lowers himself down next to me and pulls me into his arms.

“Are you okay? I was worried,” I mumble while snuggling closer.

“I know, baby. I’m fine, we’re all fine.” I can feel the tension in the way he holds me but won’t call him on it. I can’t even imagine what his night must have been like. If he decides to open up about some of the details, I’ll listen but I doubt he will or that there’s much he’ll be able to say.

“What time is it? We should probably go so that Mike and Kate– “

“Nope, we’re staying right here. I’m too tired to drive and you need your sleep. We can leave in the morning. Riley is going to hold the fort at work so there’s no need for us to rush and Aaron probably won’t be in at all.”

“Is he okay? Oh God, did they find Melissa?!”

“Baby, I’m exhausted. Let’s sleep, okay? I’ll tell you everything later.” The words are uttered on a long yawn and barely out of his mouth when I hear his breathing even out and know he’s fallen asleep, but now I’m wide awake with questions swarming around in my head like demented bees. At least I know Heath and his friends are safe, which is the important part, but I also know how important Melissa’s safety was to the outcome of this operation.

Morning breaks with clear skies but a distinct chill in the air, and we’re now sitting at the kitchen counter while Kate makes us pancakes for breakfast. Mike and Heath have yet to say anything about last night and from the looks they’ve exchanged thus far, they have no intention of opening up anytime soon. I get the impression Kate’s been through this before, because she doesn’t ask any questions or push for conversation, just chats with me about this and that while the men sit silently watching our every move. Maybe it’s their way of reassuring themselves that the danger has been dealt with, at least for now. Who knows how long it will be until the next operation or crisis? This is their life after all.

We’re just about to sit down to eat when the front door bangs open and then slams shut again. Mike and Heath don’t even flinch, as if this is completely expected and maybe it is because a few seconds later Aaron walks in and the atmosphere in the room changes immediately. It’s filled with expectation, not the good kind but the kind where it feels highly likely that something terrible is about to happen.

Heath opens his mouth, but before he can utter a word, Aaron holds up a finger indicating he must wait. There is another sound as the front door opens and closes more quietly this time, and then a young woman walks into the room. She looks to be about my age, with jet black hair similar to Aaron’s, eyes so grey they appear to be almost silver and delicate features strung so taught, as if she’s bracing for an attack. This must be–

“Melissa! Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re here! The guys wouldn’t say anything. Are you okay? Come here!” Kate rushes to her and they embrace like long lost friends. Or sisters, and I suddenly feel like an outsider in this small group. Aaron still stands frozen in place and Heath and Mike stand beside him as if preparing to hold him back, which seems a little strange, so I edge towards the kitchen which is the furthest away from all the excitement as I can get. Of course, Heath doesn’t miss my little shuffle and before I can make another move, he’s next to me with his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.

“Come, let me introduce you.” He steps towards the two women who are still holding each other tightly, dragging me along so that I have no choice but to move with him. “Hey Melissa, it’s good to see you again. I want you to meet someone, but Kate will need to let you go first.” He waits a few seconds before chuckling softly and then taking Kate gently by the arm. “Come on, give the rest of us a chance to say hello.” Kate reluctantly steps back but doesn’t go far and when she glances my way, I see tears in her eyes even though I know she must be ecstatic right now. She flashes me a quick smile and goes to stand next to Mike, and then Heath’s pulling me in front of him to face Melissa. “Say hello to Liv, the love of my life.” His arm wraps around me from behind, circling my chest and pulling me tightly against him. “Baby, this is Melissa, Aaron’s sister.” Even without the introduction it’s clear they are related, sharing so many of the same features. We smile at each other before she looks up at him.

“Love of your life, huh? You mean to tell me you guys are finally settling down? Next thing I’m going to hear Riley’s gotten married.” I think she meant that to sound light-hearted and maybe she could have gotten away with it, but something in her eyes tell me this would not make her happy. In fact, the way she’s hunched forward ever so slightly, and her arms are wrapped around her waist, tells me Riley getting married would be very bad indeed. At least for Melissa. As if to cover her reaction, she focuses her attention on me. “Hey Liv, it’s great to meet you. And well done. You caught the best one of the lot.” She winks at me just as I hear Mike piping up from his position next to Kate.

“Hey, I heard that. I think we established years ago I’m the best. More skills, undeniably better looking, an all-round catch.” Kate doesn’t hesitate, just pinches him in the ribs and then responds with a laugh.

“Of course, you are, but you’re also married now so no longer eligible for the title.” Mike seems to think about this for a moment.

“You say that like being married is some kind of handicap, and I know you don’t believe that.” His cocky self-assured grin is almost blinding, but not enough to distract us from the dark cloud in the room, Aaron. He has not spoken a word since entering the house and the tension emanating from him is palpable. Melissa seems to be making a point of not meeting his glare, choosing to question me instead.