“Okay then, good luck with that. I’ll catch up with you later.” And with that, he walks out of my office, leaving me to my reports and a mood slightly less bleak than what it was before.
It seems Riley is not the only one being ghosted by Liv this week, and I’m officially done waiting around. How is a man supposed to apologise for his mistakes when the woman he needs to apologise to, doesn’t give him the opportunity? I knew my overreaction was going to cost me, but a small part of me is wondering if she’s trying to protect herself or just being stubborn in not letting me close to her. Either way, I’ve had about as much as I can take and am now camped out outside her door, waiting for her to get home from work. I know it’s extreme and not something I would usually do, but desperate times and all that. I check my phone for what feels like the hundredth time, hoping for a message or call giving me some indication of where I stand, but there’s nothing. And I didn’t call her to let her know I was coming over for fear that she might make yet another excuse not to see me.
Finally, I hear voices coming up the stairs towards me, which is unexpected, but I don’t care. I just need to see Liv and reassure myself that she’s okay. The first person I see is Ren, followed closely by Evan carrying two pizza boxes and Liv bringing up the rear. Ren and Evan both stop when they see me, causing Liv to bump into Evan from behind which in turn causes him to stumble forward, almost losing his grip on the food.
“Whoa, careful. That was close.” I give him a friendly smile because I’m aware that I’m the interloper and getting on the wrong side of Liv’s friends is not going to score me any points with her. He gives me a suspicious glance before turning to Liv.
“Did you invite him? I don’t think we have enough pizza.” Okay, message received. I’m not welcome here. Liv stands frozen in her spot, her eyes not leaving my face. I can see her chest rise and fall under the sweater she’s wearing, and it takes every ounce of restraint in me not to rush over to her and take her in my arms. I realise in that instant that I will do literally anything to have her in my life, in my arms, and in my bed. Failure to convince her that that is where she belongs, is not an option. I step closer to her, once Evan has reluctantly moved out of the way. I can appreciate that he’s being protective, but it feels like one barrier too many and my look in his direction tells him so. To his credit, he doesn’t back off right away but instead gives Liv a questioning glance before stepping aside. It’s Ren who breaks the silence.
“You know what? I wasn’t feeling pizza to begin with, so how about you two keep the one pie and we’ll take the other. Liv, I’ll talk to you later, okay? Come on Evan, let’s give them some privacy.” God bless this woman and all her future children! I can see he wants to argue, but Ren just grabs him by the wrist and once he’s handed the one box over to me while giving me a warning glare, she drags him back the way they came. Liv still hasn’t moved from her spot, so I step closer to her, making sure to move slowly.
“Hey, it’s good to see you. I’ve missed you.” She reacts like someone who’s been poked with a cattle prod, suddenly and without warning. She moves past me to her door, making sure not to brush against me on her way, and unlocks it with quick, nervous movements. My heart sinks into my boots because it’s clear I’ve made yet another mistake. I should not have just shown up unannounced. Whatever it is that has Liv reacting the way she is, it's not behind her yet, and I need to respect that.
I still follow her into the apartment but don’t step all the way inside. Liv is already bustling around in her kitchen, gathering plates and napkins for a meal I’m not sure I’m allowed to share, even though there are two plates and a beer for me. She reminds me of a bird who managed to fly in through an open window and is now desperately looking for a way out. When she finally stops and looks over at me, it’s as if she sees me for the first time, a small frown visible between her brows, so I do the only thing I can think of and prepare to leave.
“Look, it’s okay, I shouldn’t have rocked up here without talking to you first. I’ll go, but I want you to know something before I do. I want you to know how sorry I am that I scared you. I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you and I want you to know I’ll do anything for a chance to be in your life. I just want a chance, Liv. That’s all. Please, just give me that.” I put down the box still clutched in my hands and head for the door.
“Heath, wait.” My heart jerks to a stop in my chest, halting me in my tracks. I turn slowly to face her, not sure I’m ready to hear what she has to say but compelled to do so anyway. She takes an audible breath before our eyes meet and lock. “If you had said you needed a chance, or needed me, I would have let you walk out that door. I’m sure I would regret it, but I would do it anyway because I’ve been needed before and that didn’t work out so well. It’s not what I want.” My heart sets off galloping in my chest, even as I try to hold myself back from hoping that this might be our moment, but I have to be sure.
“What do you want, Liv?” I hold my breath as she walks slowly towards me, coming to a stop when she’s right in front of me.
“I want you to stay. I want to give you your chance, and I want to take one too.”
Fuck, yes!
“I swear to you, you won’t regret it.” She’s standing so close to me; I can feel the heat from her body and breathe in her sweet scent as if it was coating my skin instead of hers. And then, as if in a dream, she is in my arms and my mouth covers hers in a kiss so tender, yet filled with need and want and desire, all the things I cannot yet name as well as those I dare not mention. She might have come to me, but I won’t fool myself into believing that the issues that torment us have just melted away. It doesn’t matter though, I will be the one to hold her, stand beside her, and fight the demons that steal her peace, not because she needs me to, but because there is no place I’d rather be, no other pursuit more important.
My body ignites into a roaring inferno as the kiss continues. I have one arm wrapped tightly around her waist, holding her body flush against mine, while my other hand cups the nape of her neck, keeping her firmly locked in place while I devour her mouth, and for a moment I consider picking her up and laying her down on the bed that has been taunting me from behind it’s screen every time I’ve been in this apartment. As if sensing where my thoughts are heading, my body responds with a surge of adrenaline, tightening my grip even more. In response to this Liv moans softly into my mouth, while her hands continue to alternate between threading through my hair and cupping my face, but I have to be sure this is what she wants. I’ve made too many mistakes with this woman to rush things now that I’m so close to having what I want most. So, I pull my lips away from hers by an inch, draw in a ragged breath and try to focus on her beautiful face.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe we should slow down a little. I don’t want to rush this; I want you too badly, but we don’t have to do this right now.”
“I want you too,” is only a whisper from her lips, but I feel it in every cell in my body, “and I don’t want to wait, Heath. I’ve been hiding for a long time; from the things I want and the feelings that come with a real connection. I don’t want to do that anymore. I want you to take me to bed and show me how much you want me.” Fuck, I know there’s a warning behind those words, but denying her is as impossible as touching the moon with my feet planted on Earth. Not that I feel like I’m being held fast by gravity right now. There is nothing holding me in place … except her. I don’t hesitate, just pick her up and carry her over to the bed and lay her down on the covers. Then I follow, covering her beautiful soft body with my undeniably hard one. We’re both still fully clothed and my hands itch to rid her of every thread that lies between us, but I want to savour every second, every moment. I’m surrounded by her deliciously sweet scent and she’s panting slightly, her face flushed and her eyes shining as they take me in. She licks her lips and I feel it across my entire body, a whisper of a caress that spurs me into action. I shift my weight to the side so that I’m lying next to her and then lift the hem of her sweater, slowly exposing her toned stomach and firm round breasts covered by a lacy pink bra, until I can pull it over her head and toss it to the floor next to the bed. Her skin is flawlessly pale, silky soft and so smooth it defies reason. I need to touch it, taste it, claim her. I shift back on top of her, ready to start my feast but Liv tugs at my shirt, pulling it free from where it’s tucked into my slacks and slides her hands underneath, stroking up and down my back with her nails before bringing her hands to my front.
“Heath, take this off. I want to see you.” The way she breathes my name causes yet another wave of lust to crash through me and before I can attempt anything else, I first take her mouth in another blistering kiss, licking my way inside until I’m drunk from the taste of her. She moans into my mouth, a low hungry sound, while her hands continue to stroke over my stomach and up to my chest, lighting up every nerve in their path. Never has a woman’s touch had such an effect on me, driving me on like an out-of-control freight train, mindless to everything except her. I kiss down her neck, inhaling deeply as I go and she moans again, tugging more frantically at my shirt. I manage to lift my head even as every instinct urges me to move further down her body and she takes this moment to make another breathless plea, “Please Heath, I need to feel you.” I can’t deny her. God, I’d sign over my firstborn if she asked me to. Open a vein, seal it in blood. Done and dusted. Not a second thought.
With a monumental force of will, I raise myself off the bed and start unbuttoning my shirt. Her eyes lock onto my fingers as if she can will me to move faster with her stare, and as I reveal more of my skin, she licks her lips in anticipation, causing my dick to harden even more and the tip to weep with my own need for her. When I reach for the button of my slacks, she mirrors my movements and as much as I wanted the honor of removing her clothes, I don’t have the strength to make her stop. I need to be back on that bed. I stare for a moment as she shoves her jeans down her thighs, leaving only lacy pink panties to hide what I want most, and then her eyes are back on me, or at least the part of me about to burst through my zipper. Again, she licks her lips and seconds later my slacks, boxer briefs, socks and shoes are scattered in various directions across her floor, my dick is covered and I’m stalking towards her bed, ready to stake my claim. I lower myself over her once more, her thighs parting to allow me between her legs and I swear I can smell her arousal mixed with her scent that already drives me wild. Her hands come up and rest on either side of my head, fingers threading through my hair and pulling me down into another searing kiss. I love that, her taking what she wants from me, wanting it as much as I do. I slide a hand down her body, pause for a moment over her panties and stroke the delicate lace over her mound, before slipping a finger underneath and feeling how ready she is for me, how wet, how wanting. I slide my finger inside and her moan grows louder as she arches up into my touch, pulling on my hair while deepening our kiss, sucking on my tongue, revelling in me as much as I’m revelling in her. The last of my restraint snaps at the same time as the lace covering Liv splits at the seams.
“Fuck, I wanted to take it slow, but you just had to be so fucking sexy,” I growl, removing my hand so that I can grab my cock and push inside her body. Liv arches up again, meeting my thrust with her entire body and then locks her feet in the hollow of my back, her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her thighs hugging my waist. And I feel like I’m drowning in her heat and my breath can only come from her lungs. We kiss as I thrust into her, my tongue and my cock working her up to a climax that threatens to destroy us both, each stroke more desperate than the one before. My hand, that had been anchored to her hip holding her to me, now slides between our bodies and finds her clit just in time to shove us both over the edge of rapture, still tied together. Now tied forever, because I’m never letting her go.
Dawn creeps quietly over the foot of the bed, casting the room in a soft glow. We lie facing each other, our bodies a few inches apart, the covers only pulled as far as our waists and I’m gently caressing her nipples with the tips of my fingers, circling them, stroking them until they’re firm peaks beneath my touch. There’s a lazy, sated smile on Liv’s face that is causing all kinds of stirring beneath the sheet and I can’t help the smirk forming on my own lips. Her voice is low and slightly raspy when she asks: “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“Hmm, immensely.” A blush starts in her cheeks, spreading down her neck and then further down her body. So gorgeous, so responsive. No matter what I do, her body can’t seem to help reacting.
“You don't think I would mind?” Her eyes drop to my hand before meeting mine again, letting me know what she’s referring to.
“Why would you mind me playing with what's mine?” You can call me a caveman, I don’t even care. She’s all that matters and she’s all mine.
“Yours.” It’s a purr of agreement, contentment, trust.
“Hmm. These gorgeous tits, this amazing body, that beautiful smile, it's all mine now.” Her smile grows wider, and she opens her arms to me.
Chapter 6
~ Liv ~
I made the decision to go after what I want, and I won’t regret it. I can’t regret it, not now while I’m lying in his arms, warm, protected, and blissed out from his touch. I know that this could all go up in flames, end in devastating heartache, but what other choice was there? To live alone and in fear of being hurt again for the rest of my life? How is that any better than the possible worst-case scenario of giving my heart to this man?