Me: Surprise me
Heath: That feels like a challenge
Me: Maybe ; )
Heath: Accepted! I’ll see you later
There! I took the first step, and everything is fine. Yes, my heart is trying to beat its way out of my chest and my breaths are coming out a little short, as if I’ve just done one of Ren’s crazy exercise routines, but I’m fine. I should probably clean up a bit before Heath gets here though. It’s not like he hasn’t seen my apartment and it’s not dirty, but if I don’t keep myself busy, I might just talk myself out of this evening before I’ve even given us a chance.
Heath knocks on my door a little after seven and when I open for him, he says a quick hello before stepping inside and then promptly turns to face me, taking me in as much as I’m doing to him, our gazes scanning down and then back up as if we’re seeing each other for the first time. He’s wearing dark jeans and a grey Henley that are perfectly molded to his body. His hair is slightly damp as if he’s recently taken a shower and his smell is intoxicating. Leather and sandalwood and something uniquely Heath. It’s a heady combination and I have to stop myself from stepping closer to breath him in.
“You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble. It’s just takeout,” I comment. Hopefully it’s not too obvious that I did some primping as well, styling my hair in loose waves down my back and applying just a hint of make-up, more of a confidence boost than to cover or enhance. I’m wearing one of my favorite boho maxiskirts with a soft pink sweater that hangs slightly off one shoulder, which I hope conveys just the right amount of interest. Heath smirks at me.
“I’ll take that as a compliment, but I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. You look beautiful, Liv.” He takes a quick look around the apartment. “And anyway, nothing with you will ever be just anything. I might be jumping the gun here, but I’ve had time to think about this, about what I want and I’m not here to play games.” Wow, way to set the tone for the evening. I stare at him for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts and come up with something halfway intellectual to say, but come up empty. “Don’t look so freaked out, okay? Tonight is about a meal and getting to know each other better. Nothing more.”
I can’t help but remember that he already knows a bit more about me than he should at this stage but try to let that go. I understand why he investigated me, but it still makes me feel a little uncomfortable, an invasion of my privacy. I give him a tentative smile and then gesture to the kitchen counter where I already have plates and cutlery laid out.
“Okay then, let’s see what you brought.” He lays container after container of Chinese food out on the counter. Somehow, he managed to order all my favorites, even though I’m pretty sure that’s not the kind of information you’d find in a background check. We load up our plates, both leaving the cutlery in favor of eating with chopsticks and move over to the sofa to tuck into our meals. “You did good, Heath. This looks fantastic, thank you.” He smiles at me, his mouth already full of food, and then gives me the sexiest wink before taking his next bite. Wow, I could literally just sit here and watch him eat, the way his jaw moves while he chews and then swallows. How can that be so attractive? As if realizing that he’s the center of my attention and not the food in front of me, he stops with his chopsticks halfway to his mouth and looks over at me.
“What’s up? Why aren’t you eating? Did I forget something?” Realizing that I’ve been caught staring and have no words to offer in explanation, I shove a bit of food in my mouth and start chewing industriously, while giving him a close-lipped smile. He watches me for a moment, as if he’s worried I’m going to stop again, but after my second bite he returns to his own plate. We don’t talk while we eat, except for me offering him another beer and thanking him again for the food once we’re done. After everything is cleared away, we settle again on the sofa, this time with me tucked against his side after he pulled me from my side of the sofa, and his arm around my shoulder. His body is like a warm blanket, and it feels so damn good to just be held like this, my eyes start to sting at the emotions bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to ruin the moment.
“So, exactly how much time did you spend cleaning today? I can see my reflection in just about every surface and it’s a little weird.” Shit, could he tell I was struggling and attempted to lighten the mood? Needing to play it off, I throw a little snark his way.
“Please, don’t flatter yourself. And anyway, my place is always clean. You must surely remember that from the time you’ve spent here, or is old age affecting your memory already?” He gives me a mock glare and all I can wonder is if everything this man does is going to attract me to him more.
“You did not just call me old. There’s only eight years between us, not exactly a huge gap. And anyway,” he grins at me, imitating my tone, “my years only make me more distinguished, not visually impaired. So, tell me, were you always a neat freak?”
“Oh no, buddy, tonight it’s my turn to get some info out of you, so I’ll be the one asking the questions.” I smirk, letting him know that I’m playing at being serious, even though I’m dying to know more about him too, but his expression changes as he turns his body more towards me so that he can look me in the eyes.
“Buddy? No, not happening. Like I said before, Liv, I know what I want, and I’ll move at whatever pace you are comfortable with to get there, but we are not going to be friends.” At my frown, he amends that statement. “At least, that’s not all we’re going to be. I haven’t been in many serious relationships, mostly because being deployed made that difficult, so we should probably take this slow for both our sakes, but don’t doubt for a second that I want that with you. As for pet names, if you want to call me something, I’ve always been partial to Smoochie.” He bobs his brows a few times and I burst out laughing, which was probably the response he was going for, judging by the broad smile on his face. God, that smile.
“Only under extreme circumstances will the word Smoochie ever cross my lips. I’ll let you know when I come up with something a little more … dignified.” We’re both smiling now, drinking each other in and I can feel my face starting to heat. “You are very good at expressing what you want, but I think it’s time for you to give me what I want.” I try to make that sound as suggestive as I can, knowing full well that nothing is going to happen between us tonight.
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” He practically purrs, all his attention focused on my lips.
“I want you … to tell me … everything about yourself.” He barks out a laugh.
“Everything? You realize we’ll be sitting here all night, right?”
“Do you have somewhere else you need to be?”
“Not at all.” His stare is so intense I might never stop blushing.
“Okay then, let’s hear it.”
“Where do you want me to start?”
“Well, where did you start your search into my background?” He sighs out a breath, dropping his eyes from mine and for a moment I almost consider letting him off the hook.
“Liv, I explained about that. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner and you found out the way you did, but at the time it needed to be done.”
“I know, and I’m not mad anymore, but fair is fair, right?” I’m not sure he believes me, but after a moment of trying to stare the truth out of me, he relaxes back into the sofa and starts talking.
I’ve heard it said often enough that you should not make assumptions about people you don’t yet know. Take Heath for instance. During those times that I used to wonder about him and his formative years, I always imagined they were like mine. Don’t ask me why, it’s probably just easier imagining something I know. A single parent, maybe one or two siblings that he wasn’t all that close to, a life that steered him towards the military where he could find his people. I couldn’t have been more wrong. He grew up in a close-knit family with two parents who are still together, two sisters, one older and one younger than him, whom he talks to regularly and sees as often as possible, and friends he enjoys spending time with. Those are apart from the ones he works with every day. I sit listening to him, trying not to focus too hard on all the differences between us, but it’s painfully obvious who’s the more well-rounded individual here, and it’s not me. As if sensing that my thoughts have strayed, Heath pulls me a little closer.
“Hey, tell me what you’re thinking right now?” I take a moment, inhale and then meet his eyes.
“I feel like … you already have so much of your life figured out and I’m only just finding my way. There are things that have held me back from going after what I want, and I don’t know if I can … I want to be with you, Heath. I want to give this an honest try, but I don’t think I even know how.” A gentle expression settles on his face, a soft smile curving his lips.