“I’ve let Joe, Jay, and Aaron know that you’re here. Aaron will tell Tinsley; she’s called yesterday and today to hear how you’re doing. I thought she could come over tomorrow and you girls can hang out for a bit if you’re up to it.” Lisa swallows a mouth full of food before answering.
“Thanks, I’d like that.” She looks down to her plate, avoiding my eyes. “The doctor gave me the number of a therapist. I’d like to give her a call tomorrow, see if I can set up an appointment, if that’s okay.” I reach over and tilt her chin up so that she’s facing me again.
“Of course, I think that’s an excellent idea. Just say when.” And with that, I start to let go of my heart because there is no doubt that Lisa will take it with her when she goes.
Chapter 12
Joe is my first visitor for the day. After how many years of retirement, he still has no concept of sleeping in, but then again, I was awake too, so it doesn’t really matter. Shane said he would go run some errands and, while I feel guilty for driving him out of his own home, I’m grateful for the privacy.
“How’re you holding up, kiddo?” We’re sitting at the dining room table, each with a cup of coffee and I’m trying not to fidget with mine.
“I’m good. My head and ribs still hurt but I’m okay.” Joe just stares at me. As an interrogation technique it’s really quite effective and it doesn’t take me long to start babbling. “Okay, so maybe I’m not good yet, but I will be. I don’t want to live like this, Joe, nervous all the time. I’m jumpy and scared, and the weird part is it’s worse now than when I was actually being held captive. I know Cole is dead but when I close my eyes, I’m back in that house and I can still see him. I got the number of a therapist who might be able to help so I’m going to see her later. Shane’s taking me.” Joe raises a brow at this.
“Yeah, and how is Shane doing with all this?” Something in his tone sets off a warning bell.
“He’s been amazing, really supportive. He gave me space when I needed it but still stays close in case I need him. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to help me through this.” He considers that for a moment.
“That’s good, makes this a little easier. I’m leaving this afternoon, going home. They don’t need me here anymore and you’re doing okay, so I want to get back. Wanted to tell you in person though.” I expected this. Joe has always been a homebody and a stickler for routine even now, so I don’t hold it against him that he wants to go back to Chicago.
“Thank you, for everything. You have no idea how much I appreciate you coming all the way out here to help.” He gets up and comes to stand by my side of the table, then gently puts a hand on my shoulder.
“Kiddo, I told you before, I will always be here for you. Whatever you need.” I stand up and give him a hug, because there really isn’t much more to say and with that he leaves.
Shane gets back shortly after and hands me a package neatly wrapped in Christmas paper.
“Better late than never, right?” He winks at me and then motions for me to open it. Inside is a new cell phone. “We weren’t able to recover your old one and every girl needs a phone, so there you go.” I just stare at him for a moment, wondering how I got to be so lucky to have this man in my life and how I was going to keep him. I go to him and hug him around the waist, laying my head against his chest.
“You didn’t have to do this, but I love that you did. Thank you.” He squeezes me carefully so as not to hurt my ribs and I can hear his heart beating beneath my cheek.
“What time is your appointment with Dr. Wilson?” I’m not ready to move away from him yet but turn my head so I can see the wall clock hanging in the kitchen.
“At eleven. Ugh, we should probably go. I don’t want to be late.” Shane gently pulls me away from him and studies my face.
“Are you nervous?” I consider this for a moment.
“I’m not sure nervous is the right word. I don’t look forward to telling her everything that happened, but I really want to hear what she has to say.” Shane nods and takes my hand.
“Okay then, let’s go.”
“Hi Lisa, I’m Dr. Wilson, but you can call me Diane. Why don’t you come have a seat and we can get started?” She is not what I expected. She’s in her mid-forties with her hair in a short bob and wearing dark jeans and a pale blue sweater. Her office is spacious, light, and airy with only one piece of art against the walls, a landscape of what looks like the French countryside with fields of lavender covering most of the canvas. It’s beautiful and I mentally add France to the list of places I still want to visit. I find it strange that there is no couch to sit on, but don’t say anything and take a seat in a plush chair instead. Diane sits across from me with a notebook in her lap and a fountain pen in her hand. She catches me eyeing the pen and gives a soft chuckle. “I know, people expect a small recorder or something a little more technologically advanced, but I just love handwritten notes with a really good pen. So, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?”
I like her; she’s good at making people feel comfortable. I give her the Cliffs Notes summary of my life up to the point where I arrived in Marshall Falls. Here I find myself going into more detail, telling her about meeting Shane and Jay, as well as Tinsley and the rest of Shane’s family. When I get to Christmas Day and start blushing like a schoolgirl, Diane decides to take pity on me.
“Are you and Shane in a relationship now?” Yep, I’m pretty sure my face is about to burst into flames, and I just nod in answer. She smiles at me and I immediately recognize it for what it is, encouragement for what’s about to come. “Okay then, let’s talk about why you are here today. Tell me what happened.”
I do, from the moment I got to the festival to waking up in the hospital, I tell her everything and … it’s surprisingly anticlimactic. I don’t know what I was expecting but surely getting everything off my chest should feel better than this. More of a relief. Diane must see the confusion and disappointment on my face because she stops writing in her notebook and looks me straight in the eye.
“That sounds like quite the ordeal, are you physically okay?” I wasn’t expecting that because my physical wellbeing isn’t the reason why I’m here.
“Sure, my head and ribs still hurt a bit but I’m okay.” She nods.
“And are you having trouble sleeping?” This I expected.
“Not too much, a few nightmares but Shane is being really supportive.” She makes a note before looking at me again.
“That’s good. The key to both your physical and mental recovery is rest which is why doctors will often prescribe something to aid with that. I’m guessing you’re not taking anything though.” She manages to say this without sounding disapproving and I like her even more.