“I don’t think Mom’s going to be too keen on putting on a suit, bro. She’s more of a flower print kinda lady. Just saying.” He scoffs at this.
“No way! Mom might have gotten Lisa to come to Christmas lunch, but I’m the one who convinced her to stay in town when she was ready to hightail it out of here.” I will never think about that and not feel searing guilt rush through me, even if Lisa tells me every day for the rest of my life that she forgives me. I know she has, because that’s just who she is, but when I think of all I could have lost … Jay must read the emotion on my face because he moves to stand right in front of me and looks me straight in the eye. “Don’t do that, whatever you’re thinking right now. Just stop. She’s here, she’s yours and you guys are going to make it work. Have some faith.” He winks at me and I give him a half-hearted smile in return.
“So, what about you? When are you going to settle down?” The expression on his face is priceless.
“Why the hell would I do that? I’m having fun, I can see whomever I want, and the girls all know the deal, nothing serious or long term. It works for me so why would I change that?” He really is an idiot sometimes.
“Because it could be so much better if you find the right person. The fun doesn’t stop just because you decide to have it with only one girl.” He doesn’t look convinced and I guess I can see his point. He has time and he’s enjoying himself. It’s not like either of us are ancient. Hell, I’m only twenty-nine.
“You’re starting to sound like Mom and Dad. Is that it? You want to get them off your back so you’re trying to shift the attention to me? Nice bro. Did not expect that from you.” He shakes his head with fake disappointment painted on his face which makes me chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” Aaron appears next to Jay, so I give him the highlights of our conversation. “Shane’s got it right, man. Being in a relationship is the best. Takes all the pressure off and keeps the parentals happy too. Win-win.” For all his education he still sounds like a teenager some days. Who even says parentals anymore?
“Of course, you’ll side with Shane. You think exactly the same way he does.” Only Jay could make that sound like an insult, but I know he’s joking.
“How’s that a bad thing if he’s right?” Aaron takes the bait, even though they’ve had this conversation numerous times before.
“Because it’s your opinion and not everyone thinks the same way you do.” I decide to intervene before this escalates. Jay and Aaron are pretty close too, but some days they can bicker like an old married couple. It’s amusing up to a point and then not so much. I’m about to say something when Tinsley joins us and suddenly those warning bells are back with a vengeance.
“Guys, have you seen Lisa? I can’t find her anywhere and I need to talk to her. It’s super urgent.” She’s out of breath and a little frantic. What the hell?
“She texted me a few minutes ago, said she would come over soon. Why, what’s up?” She keeps looking over her shoulder as if she expects someone to come up behind her but there’s no one there. “There was this guy just now, walking around with a photo of Lisa, asking people if they’ve seen her. Shane, I have a really bad feeling about this. We need to find her.” Without a second’s hesitation I bring my phone up and press Lisa’s contact, but her phone goes straight to voicemail, like it’s been switched off or the battery died. Considering she was just texting me, I know that is not the case and I’m in full blown panic mode now.
“What did he look like, the guy?” That’s Jay, who clearly noticed that I’m in no state of mind to ask questions right now. She starts describing the city boy and my blood runs cold. Fuck, I knew there was something about him! If only I’d … what? Tackled him to the ground like a crazy person without knowing what his motives are? Yeah, they would have locked me up rather than figuring out what his story is. Holy shit, is he the across-state-lines guy?! I need to find Lisa. I need answers before I lose my mind. As if he knew that I needed him, Reid appears next to our little huddle and I get him to take over from me so that we can start the search for my girl.
I woke up alone in Shane’s bed this morning, and even though it took forever to fall asleep last night, I feel rested and ready for the day. The note he left for me is tucked safely in my wallet, a tangible reminder of our love, and I grab the last few things I’ll need today before locking his front door and heading into town. You can feel the excitement in the air, and everyone I pass on the way looks to be in a festive mood. I love that, the sense of community that I never experienced growing up in a big city. Of course, there were other factors too, growing up the way I did, but I choose not to think about that now. I don’t want anything to ruin this day, not my past, not concerns about Cole, nor the future that still seems a little unsure. I need to talk to Shane, tell him everything, so that we can figure this out together, but all in good time. We are probably going to be exhausted tonight so might have to put it off until tomorrow. No big deal.
I find parking on Main Street, right opposite the police station which looks practically deserted. This is such a small town; I can’t imagine crime being a big concern but it’s nice to know they are here if needed. I get out of my Jeep, grab my camera and backpack for all my loose odds and ends, and start making my way towards the center of town where most of the people are already moving between the various stalls and listening to music. I catch a few people casting curious glances at my camera and decide to grab the bull by the horns. I greet them, explain that I’m an amateur photographer and that I would love to take some pictures of the festival if anyone is interested. That seems to be all the introduction I need because those close enough to hear turn and we start chatting. This is going to be so cool!
I send Shane a text to let him know I’m here and that I’ll make my way over to the beer tent soon but before I can put my phone away, someone grabs my wrist and a familiar face suddenly stands in front of me, causing my blood to freeze in my veins.
“Hello, angel.”
I wake up slowly and my head feels like I’m under water, trying to fight my way to the surface. My nose still stings from the sharp chemical smell that lingers there and my eyes water from the pain radiating from the side of my head. What happened to me? Why can’t I remember anything? And where am I? Panic makes its way through the fog in my brain and I feel like I’m going to hyperventilate. No air enters my lungs though, and when I try to move, I find my arms and legs don’t work. Shane, I need you. Please help me!
But it’s not Shane’s voice that I hear and it’s not my lover standing in the corner of the dimly lit room, staring at me. Cole! No, no, no, no, no. This can’t be happening. Why can’t I move, dammit?
“Calm down, angel. Just breathe and everything will be fine. I realize it must have been quite a shock to see me this morning and I don’t blame you for running. I really don’t, but I needed to make sure you are safe and that you don’t hurt yourself again, so I sedated you and brought you here. I will untie you as soon as you calm down.” Untie me?! And suddenly it’s all so clear, the room that looks and smells like a converted basement, the metal frame of the cot I’m lying on and yes, the rope that is secured around my wrists and ankles keeping me spread out on the lumpy mattress.
“You can’t do this to me. Cole, please, you have to let me go. People are going to notice I’m gone.” He just smiles at me in that way people in positions of authority do when they’re trying to humor you until you finally come to accept reality. Their reality.
“Angel, nobody’s coming for you because they already know where you are. I took care of everything so that you don’t have to worry about such immaterial concerns. Trust me.” Dread builds until I want to scream just to alleviate the pressure.
“What did you do?” I whisper this because on some level I register that I should not make Cole angry, and I’m also trying really hard not to panic.
“What do you think? I texted your lover, of course. Told him terribly sorry, but this small town just isn’t where you belong, that there is a man back home that you need to return to. Don’t worry, I knew this might happen, that you might find someone to warm your bed while we were apart. I did too. It’s perfectly understandable seeing as we couldn’t be together, but now things are different. I’ve come to claim my angel and no one else will come between us ever again.” I can’t help it; tears spill from my eyes as my heart breaks.
Sorry to do this via text, but I can’t stay with you. This town could never by my home. My love is in Chicago and I have to go back to him. Goodbye
Jay, Aaron, and I are at the police station talking to Chief Reeves. He came back here after making his speech this morning and once we gave up on searching the crowds we rushed over and are telling him everything we know, which isn’t much. Then this text came through and obliterated my heart.
Jay, perceptive as always, takes my phone out of my hand before I drop it and reads the message. Aaron leans over his shoulder to do the same.
“That’s not her.” The words sound like they come from a great distance and I look up at Jay.