Page 7 of Thorne's Rose

“How about you take care of her, and I’ll make us all a sandwich. That way we can all hit the hay early. I’m pretty beat myself.”

“That would be great,” Rose agreed. “Would you mind making Sadie a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?” she asked. “It’s the only kind of sandwich she’ll eat.”

“Sure, no problem. It’s my favorite too,” he admitted.

“Great, I’ll take one too, if you don’t mind making three of them,” she said. She picked up a small pink bag and her daughter, heading down the hallway. Thorne wasn’t sure if he had told her too much about himself, but he had to admit, it was kind of nice to talk to someone besides the guys at the club.

He was kind of a loner. Besides taking the occasional woman home from Savage Hell for the night, he usually spent most of his nights alone, and that was just the way that he wanted things. He liked the fact that he didn’t have anyone to answer to, but the nights sometimes got lonely, not that he’d ever admit that to anyone. Having Rose and her kid around wasn’t going to be easy, but at least, it wouldn’t be so lonely.

* * *

“I’m going to clean the peanut butter off of Sadie’s face and get her to bed for the night,” Rose said.

“When you are finished, would you mind meeting me in the family room?” Thorne asked. “We have a few things to talk about.”

“Like what?” she asked, lifting the toddler into her arms.

“Like, what you can do to help me keep you and your kid safe,” he said. She wasn’t going to like most of the questions that he was going to have to ask her, but honestly, he had no choice. A part of him was curious about what had happened to her, but he also knew that the more information that he had, the easier his job to keep her safe would be.

“Fine, we can go over your rules, but I’m tired and will want to get to bed early,” Rose insisted.

“Agreed,” Thorne said. “While you put the kid down, I’m going to check in with Savage. I promised him that I would call back home with updates three times a day.”

Rose nodded and disappeared down the hallway to the bedrooms. Thorne pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the bar. He knew that Savage would be at Savage Hell tonight with Bowie and that would be the best place to reach him.

“Hey, man,” Savage answered. “Everything good?”

“Yeah, we got to the house a few hours ago and settled in. Rose is putting the kid down to sleep and I thought that I’d check in.”

“I appreciate that, Thorne,” he said. “How’s Rose doing?” he asked.

“She’s worried that her asshole ex is going to find us, even here. She wasn’t happy that I destroyed her phone, but you were right, it was probably how he was tracking her. Honestly, I think that he won’t stop looking for her, even without her cell phone. He doesn’t sound like the type of guy who would just give up. Your cousin might be in deeper trouble than she’s letting on.”

“Shit,” Savage grumbled.

“Yeah, she told me a little bit about her situation, but not all of it. I’m sure that there’s more to the story than she’s letting on, but I plan on talking to her about that tonight. Maybe she’ll tell me the rest of it,” Thorne said.

“Don’t be surprised if she doesn’t open up to you, Thorne,” Savage warned. “She’s a tough nut to crack, always has been, even when she was a kid. She’s as stubborn as they come.” Thorne had a feeling that was true, and probably why she had stayed with her ex for so long.

“I won’t push her for more than she’s willing to give,” Thorne promised.

“I appreciate that, man,” Savage breathed. “Keep me updated and let me know if we can help in any way. Just keep my cousin and her kid safe, man,” he ordered.

“Will do,” Thorne said. “You know that I will.” Savage knew what Thorne did for a living and if he could help Rose and keep her and her kid safe, that’s exactly what he’d do.


“I thinkthat I need more information about your ex,” Thorne said.

“What?” she asked. They had been sitting across the room from each other, watching the nightly news ever since she had put Sadie down for the night. She should have just gone to her room and gone to sleep, but eight o’clock in the evening was way too early to go to bed for the night. Plus, she was too wound up from their long drive to go to sleep yet.

“Your ex, I need more information,” he repeated. “If I’m going to be able to help you, I need more details.”

“Like, what kind of details?” Rose asked.

“What did he do to you to make you leave?” Thorne asked. The last thing she wanted was to rehash what Joe had done to her. It was embarrassing that she didn’t get out sooner, but she was an idiot for thinking that she’d be able to change him. She wanted things to work out with Joe because he was the father of her child. Rose was hoping that he’d change, if not for her sake, then for Sadie’s

“I don’t know why you’re making me repeat this. I’ve already told you that we weren’t married and that he abused me,” she said.