“Sounds good,” Tommy said, lifting himself up from the chair. “I’ll make sure that Annie knows how to prepare the case notes.”

An idea popped in my head, and even though I knew it was a terrible one, I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth as I spoke to them. “Send her in here,” I said.

Tommy’s brow was raised in surprise. “Are you sure?” he asked. “I’m happy to make sure that she has her marching orders.” Normally, that was what Tommy would do. He’d been with me the longest, so I let him take charge of the office.

I’d never taken an interest in anyone in the office before, and I knew that Tommy was wondering why I would suddenly start.

“With O’Connor sniffing around all of these cases, I can’t leave anything to chance. I need you working on some of the more challenging cases, and I’ll make sure that Annie knows how to do the case files.”

Tommy went from surprised to offended quickly. “I’m happy to make sure…”

I stopped him. “O’Connor is an ass, but he’s a good lawyer. Your notes are always impeccable, and I need that this time.” Tommy was still young and naive, so he preened at the compliment.

“I’ll let her know.”

I nodded as he walked out. Things in my life were heating up, so I definitely didn’t need to add a woman like Annie into my life. But that wasn’t going to stop me. I’d seen something I wanted, and I was going to find a way to get it.

Plus, I needed a release, and as I recalled Annie’s delicate fingers, I couldn’t help but wonder how they would feel wrapped around my cock.


I’d spent the rest of my day with my head down. I hadn’t looked up when Ezra Wright had walked past my desk to go into his office, and I decided to run out of the office as quickly as possible when five o’clock came around.

I’d been so tense for most of the day that I’d been too exhausted to eat or socialize when I got home. I’d fallen on my air mattress and didn’t wake up until my nightmare hit me at five in the morning.

Now, I was back in the office with heavy eyes as I tried to focus on the court schedule. “Annie!” Maggie called out. I cringed at the sound of her voice. She was pissed. She only yelled out when she was ready to read you the riot act. “Get in my office.”

I sighed as I pushed myself away from the desk. I was expecting this. While my work yesterday had been impeccable, I knew because Tommy had said as much, but I also knew that I’d embarrassed Maggie by slamming into Ezra Wright with a full cup of coffee.

He’d been nice enough in the moment, if not a little forward, but I was sure that he’d gone to Maggie to complain, especially when I rebuffed his advances.

“Yes?” I asked, biting the inside of my lip.

I couldn’t afford to lose this job. I was barely making it as it was, and that was only because Julia was paying slightly more rent than I was.

“Ezra Wright asked for you,” Maggie said, cutting to the chase.

“I’m sorry?” I wasn’t sure what that meant. Ezra didn’t have a bad reputation like some of the other lawyers, but his office was always understaffed. We always assumed that it was because he was an asshole, so I was wondering if he had said something about me to Maggie. If I’d embarrassed her, I might as well walk out of city hall and keep walking.

Maggie’s lips were so thin that her bright pink lipstick was nearly gone. What was left had settled into the grooves of her wrinkles, and I felt my eyes drawn to it. “Ezra Wright personally requested that you be transferred to his office.”

My stomach dropped both in worry and in excitement. I was a temp, and in order to make sure that I kept this assignment, a good one, I needed to prove myself. If my work was good enough to be requested out of Maggie’s bullpen, then I needed to go where that took me. But I worried about why Ezra Wright had requested me personally.

“Apparently, you’ve impressed him.” I could tell from the tone of Maggie’s voice that she thought that there was something more to it than that. Sighing, I tried my best not to wring my hands together in worry.

“I’m surprised since I only worked with his paralegal.” Tommy had been sweet and complimentary almost to a point where it has been too much.

Maggie’s lips didn’t change, and I knew that she felt as though I hadn’t headed her warning. “Well, he’s never asked for one of my girls before. Not personally, anyway. Whatever you did…” she trailed off for a moment, and I knew she was making a point. She’d warned me to keep my head down, and now, she assumed I’d spit her warning back in her face. “It impressed him.”

I tried to smile, but I was sure that it came out as more of a wince. “I wish that I knew what it was that I did.” It couldn’t have been how I had spilled the coffee.

From the tenseness of Maggie’s face, she seemed to think that I knew exactly what I had done, and in her mind, it hadn’t been above board. “You’ll need to pack up your desk,” she told me.

My eyes widened. “What?” I asked. “Why?”

Maggie’s face changed and for the first time, she looked at me with sympathy. My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t like people looking at me in sympathy. For years, people had looked at me with sadness in their eyes lamenting the life that had been chosen for me because it definitely wasn’t something I’d chosen for myself. I’d never understood those looks until I’d seen them reflected in Julia’s eyes.

I hated them.