This caused me to snort. “If you are talking about the O’Connor’s, I don’t think we are going to have to worry about them much longer.”

Dom shook his head. “Patty was just the tip of that iceberg. There are three more brothers for every one that ends up in jail, and at least two nephews behind them.”

“Doesn't matter,” I said. “Unless the O’Connor’s end up in my courtroom, there’s nothing I can do.”

“Not as D.A., but as mayor, there’s a lot you can do. After all, aren’t you committed to clearing up the streets of New York?” Marco’s tone was sarcastic, but his words stopped me.

“When I become mayor, I’m coming after all of you,” I spit out.

Dom sighed and drank out of the glass in front of him. “What if we agreed to clean up our act?”

“Well, to a degree,” Marco said.

His brother shot him a long-suffering look, and I knew that he was frustrated. “What?” Marco asked, raising his hands in defeat. “We are criminals.”

“We’ve agreed to stop the bloodshed between us,” Maximoff said.

I paused and sat back down in my chair. The war between the Petrov’s, and the Banchi’s was legendary.

“Well, we’ve agreed that we’ll call a truce as long as you focus your energies on helping us bring down the O’Connors.”

I sighed. They’d fucking trapped me, the bastards. Because I couldn’t ignore what a truce between the two largest crime families in the city could do for the safety of the city I loved so much.

“Fine,” I said. “But I’m going to take you dicks for every penny you have.”

Maximoff laughed, but I could see a bit of pride in his eyes.

I wasn’t going to spend too much time thinking about that. This was a means to a safer New York, and I was going to take it not just for myself, but for all the people like Annie, the innocents who’d been caught up in this bullshit.

Plus, taking down the O’Connors would be sweet.

“I need to make a call before we get underway,” I said, pulling out my phone.

If I was going to be mafia made, I was dragging Marcel’s ass with me. After all, he’s the one who got me into this mess. I smirked as I thought about my best friend. He’d enjoy this once he wrapped his head around it.

“Now,” I said. “Let’s make a deal.”


I pressed a kiss against Ezra’s mouth. It was feather light and chaste, the opposite of the type of kiss that I wanted to give him, but we were in front of an audience, and on live TV, so I kept things as PG as I could.

When Ezra pulled away from me, he held my hand above his head, and I laughed as we made the V for victory sign. It was totally corny, but I suppose since the news had just come in that he would be the next mayor, I could forgive him.

“Thank you, New York!” Ezra said.

I smiled and waved as we made our way off of the makeshift stage and into the crowd. We were at a nice hotel, which Marcel had converted for a victory party that evening, and now that the results were in, we could finally celebrate.

“My God,” I muttered as Ezra led me away from the camera crew that Marcel had made sure would be there to capture the moment. “Do you think Marcel could have done less with the confetti? After all, you aren’t running for President.”

Ezra laughed before he swooped down to kiss me. “Not yet anyway.”

I rolled my eyes. “How about we take this one step at a time.”

He laughed before squeezing my hand. I smiled up at him, my heart leaping as I took in his sparkling blue eyes. “Come one,” he said, pulling me slightly. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

Looking behind me at the bustle of people who were expecting us, I felt myself panicking. “Ummm, Ezra, there’s an entire party of people waiting to congratulate you.”
