I’d picked her up from her apartment an hour ago, and I’d wanted nothing more than to take her back to my house. She was dressed in a blue sundress that was somehow formal and casual. She’d paired it with a pair of nude heels that made it seem that her legs were endless. I couldn’t help but think about putting her on my kitchen island and wrapping those endless legs around my waist as I thrusted inside of her tight heat.

I groaned internally as my dick started to swell.

Annie looked at me with wide eyes. “Are you well? Maybe we should cancel and tell your mother that you are ill.”

I shifted slightly and pressed the blazes I’d brought to the front of my slacks. Thoughts of my mother cooled my blood immediately. “Let’s just get this over with.” I pressed forward and knocked lightly on the door.

Almost immediately, my mother’s butler opened the door. “Sheldon,” I muttered, nodding at the man who’d been serving my family for years. He was older than my grandfather, but he still traveled with my mother ensuring that everything was exactly as she wanted it.

“Your mother is waiting for you,” he warned. “The front door camera let her know that you arrived ten minutes ago.”

“Thanks,” I said, handing him my jacket. The stress of this situation had caused the blood in my body to recede, which was good considering that I needed to keep my wits about me. Protecting Annie from my mother was the goal the evening.

“Right this way,” Sheldon said, leading us through the house.

I grabbed Annie’s hand and led her to follow Sheldon. My palms were sweating with nerves as I walked toward the foyer. This house brought terrible memories back to a time when I was too young and too meek to stand up to my mother.

“Are you sure that you are alright?” Annie whispered, squeezing my hand in hers.

I gave her a tight smile. “I’m fine.” I wasn’t. My mouth went dry. I’d never brought anyone home. There had never been a woman I felt worthy enough to get to this point. Hell, normally, I didn’t go back for seconds. But Annie and I were putting on a facade of seriousness, and part of that meant doing this.

“Your mother is in the dining room. She says that you can have drinks at the table.”

I nodded at Sheldon and turned to Annie, stopping her before she was able to go into the room that held my mother.

“Wait a moment,” I said, gripping her wrist.

For a moment, Annie looked panicked, but she hid it quickly. “We are already late,” she hissed. “She’s going to be angry.”

I snorted. “My mother has never been happy a day in her life. She can wait another two minutes.”

I hadn’t told Annie much about my mother. After shopping, I’d dropped her off at her place to change, and we hadn’t had a chance to talk.

“I’m not going to tell her the truth if that is what you are worried about.”

I shook my head. “I trust you.” Outside of Marcel, I trusted Annie more than anyone else. Yes, I’d showered her with money, so I knew that she was getting something out of this arrangement, but I also knew that I was asking her to put up with a lot, and so far, she’d exceeded her end of the bargain.

“Then, what’s the issue?”

I sighed. I didn’t have enough time to explain the reasons why I found my mother abhorrent. I’d put a lot of my anger towards her to bed years ago, but that didn’t mean that I wanted her in my life. Not at all. She brought nothing to me but a headache.

But I didn’t have time to get into all that with Annie. Instead, I gripped her two hands in my own, squeezing them slightly. “Just promise me that whatever happens, you won’t leave.”

Annie’s blue eyes collided with my own. “Don’t worry so much. I’m not going anywhere.”

A huge weight lifted off of my chest. Annie wouldn’t give me her word if she didn’t mean it, so her saying that took a weight off my shoulders.

“Let’s do this,” I said, leading her into the dining room.

Annie walked behind me, and I heard her suck in a breath as we entered the room. I wasn’t surprised. My mother loved Versailles, and her house made it seem like she’d taken the golden palace to heart.

“You’re late,” she said, as we got closer. “I’ve been waiting for nearly thirty minutes.” My mother didn’t get up from her chair. She was sitting in a Chanel suit, with a highball glass, looking like a cartoon villain.

“You told me to be here at seven.” I looked down at my watch. “It’s 7:03.”

My mother pursed her lips. She didn’t like being corrected, but I couldn’t help myself. My mother’s eyes narrowed in on Annie, and I tensed immeasurably. I’d learned long ago how to deal with her barbs, and as her only son, she could only push me so far. Annie was a different story. She was soft and kind, and I knew my mother could smell blood in the water.

“You must be the girl who's been photographed all over the city on my son’s arm.”