Ezra’s mouth tightened a bit, and for a moment, I thought that he was going to order me not to be with my friend, which wasn’t going to work for me.

“How is Julia doing?” he asked.

I shrugged. “She’s got a brace, so it’s easier for her to get around, but she’s struggling, especially in our apartment – there’s no elevator, as you saw.”

Ezra looked concerned. I was surprised by how genuine it appeared. “Is there something I can do?” he asked. “I have a few vacant properties in my portfolio.”

I held up a hand. “It’s fine,” I said. Julia might not mind moving, but I was not going to take anything more from him.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded. “Julia is actually heading over to her mother’s place. She lives in an elevator building.” What I left out was that she lived in a one-bedroom studio where Julia would be crammed into the space for the next month while she recovered from her upcoming surgery.

“Well,” Ezra said, shifting back and forth. “Let me know what you want to do.”

I nodded, unsure of what to say. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Ezra nodded. “See you tonight.”

* * *

My mouth watered as I looked at the menu of the steakhouse Ezra had chosen for us tonight. It was an expensive restaurant, one where a single steak would set me back a week’s pay. My fake relationship with Ezra had a lot of benefits, but one was that I’d been eating better than I had in a while.

“I hope this place is okay,” Ezra said. “I wasn’t sure what you would like.”

His words made me smile. Say what you would about Ezra, he was always considerate. “It all looks great.” It really did. My mouth watered as I thought about the food on the menu. For the past year, I had scrimped and saved just to buy groceries, and here I was about to eat a delicious meal as if it were just a normal day.

“Marcel suggested this place,” Ezra told me.

I raised a brow as I looked around. I wasn’t familiar with this restaurant, and it didn’t look as trendy as the sushi place we’d gone to that first day. In fact, I was sure that Ezra and I were the only people under the age of fifty in this restaurant.

“Odd choice,” I told him, taking a sip of the red wine Ezra had ordered. The taste of the grapes exploded on my tongue, and I closed my eyes to savor the feeling of it.

Ezra leaned closer, so that I could smell the musky spice of his aftershave. The smell of him aftershave sent goosebumps down my spine, and I tried to force myself to focus on the conversation at hand.

“Apparently, a ton of political players dine here.”

“Ah,” I said, laughing. “Marcel is always just a few steps ahead, isn’t he?”

Ezra laughed before taking another sip of his wine.

The waiter came over and set a tray of appetizers on the table. “I hope you like oysters,” Ezra said. “They are always incredibly fresh here.”

I was excited as I placed the oyster in my mouth. The saltiness exploded on my tongue, and I released a low moan in the back of my throat.

As I looked over at Ezra, I noticed his eyes were dark, and I felt my cheeks turning red. My tongue reached out and swiped over my lips, which caused Ezra’s fingers to grasp the napkin on the table.

“Sorry,” I said, blushing furiously.

“Have another.” It was an innocuous request, but I could hear the order in his tone. I wanted to deny him, but I was curious to see what would happen if I did what he wanted. Reaching out, I grasped another oyster, tilted my head back, and allowed the insides to slide down my throat.

Once more I moaned, though in a slightly more exaggerated way. I closed my eyes savoring the taste of luxury that I had missed this last year.

When I opened my eyes, Ezra’s lips were parted slightly as his dark eyes looked at me. I knew what he was thinking, and I felt the space between my legs starting to pulse as I wondered what it would feel like for Ezra to slide his hands up my thighs to the place that I most needed him.

“Should I eat another?” I asked, my voice husky with want. I was playing a dangerous game, but I couldn’t stop myself. My nipples hardened as Ezra’s eyes undressed me.

“Are you ready to order?” a male voice asked, jerking the two of us out of our lust filled haze.