“Sawyer O’Connor,” I told her. I released her shoulder, noting the small red indents on her milky skin. I couldn’t stop the slight thrill that went through me as I saw them. A part of me wondered what it would look like to mark other parts of her skin.

I shook those thoughts quickly from my head as I took a seat at the table and took a long draw of my whiskey.

“I’m aware of who he is,” she snapped. “I’m just wondering why he was so eager to antagonize you.”

“How do you know Sawyer?” There was an accusation in my tone that surprised me. From the way that Annie’s eyebrow was raised, she was also surprised. “Sorry,” I sighed, draining the rest of my drink. “He has a tendency to push my buttons.”

A small smile broke out over Annie’s face, and I felt some of my tension starting to leak out. “Sawyer and I have been in competition, at least in his mind, since college. He came over here to fuck with me.”

Annie nodded, but there was a tenseness about her that made me wonder once more what their conversation was about. “Are you alright?”

Annie wrapped the shawl she was wearing tighter around her body. “I’m fine. He was trying to make me uncomfortable, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t deal with.”

I sighed and reached down to grab Annie’s hand. “I’m sorry,” I told her. “I shouldn’t have left you alone at the table. Sawyer isn’t the only person who doesn’t like me much.”

“I’m shocked that there are people here that don’t like you. I thought everyone loved Ezra Wright.” Annie’s voice was laced with sarcasm as she spoke, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the insult.

“Most of the women in this room want to cut off my balls.”

Annie laughed, and I was glad to hear it. Whatever Sawyer had said to her, hadn’t upset her too much, and for that, I was grateful. Sure, Annie had agreed to this plan, but she could back out at any time, contract or not. The only way I could keep her on board was to make sure that she was comfortable.

“I’m sorry,” I said, again.

Annie shrugged. “It’s fine. I’ve been in worse situations.”

Something told me that she wasn’t lying. Annie might seem like a meek mouse, but there was steel inside of her that was just starting to become visible. Annie was like a diamond. I was starting to realize that she shined under pressure, which just made me happier than ever that I’d chosen her to be on this wild ride with me.

“Do you want to do a lap around the room?” Annie asked. “You should probably mingle.”

She was correct, but mingling was the last thing that I wanted to do. But dinner wouldn’t be served for another hour, and our table was still empty. Marcel’s warning rang true in my head. If I was going to run for mayor, I was going to have to start playing the part.

Standing up, I held out my hand to Annie. “Let’s do it.”

She placed her small hand in mine and allowed me to take her around the room. I cringed internally as I got a good look at the guests. Sawyer had been correct. I’d slept with a good portion of the women in the room, and currently, they were all looking at me as if they wanted to strangle me.

“We should go and greet the hostess,” Annie suggested.

“Must we?” I asked, cringing internally. I’d grown up with Marcel, and his mother scared me almost as much as my own, who, luckily, was out of town currently, so there was no chance of running into her tonight.

Annie didn’t say anything as she led me straight towards Marcel’s mother. “Carolina!” I exclaimed as we got towards her.

“Ezra!” She opened her arms wide, embracing me quickly in her arms and pressing two quick kisses to my cheeks. Carolina had once been one of New York’s most beautiful women, but years of cosmetic surgery had marred her naturally pretty face. Now, she looked almost like a caricature of the women I’d once known. “So glad you could make it.”

I forced a smile. “Thank you for the invite.”

“Where has my son gotten off to?” she asked. “I’m sure that the two of you came together.” Carolina half-heartedly looked around.

“He’s at the bar.”

Carolina released a huff of irritation, and I suspected that she would be giving Marcel an earful by the end of the night. I hid a smirk at the thought. But Carolina was used to her son’s antics, and she didn’t spend too much time thinking about Marcel before turning her attention to the woman on my arm.

“And who is this?” she asked, a slow smile overtaking her face.

I looked over at Annie, who had a serene smile on her face. “I’m Annie Smyth,” she said, confidently, reaching out her hand.

Carolina’s eyes roamed up and down Annie, and I felt myself tense. I knew that she was likely picking Annie to pieces. It was why I’d given Annie my card. The people at this party would be looking for something wrong with her, and I didn’t want to put her in the position for it to be found.

“Charmed,” Carolina said, taking Annie's hand slightly. She turned her attention to me. “You’ve been the talk of the party.”