Page 29 of Like It Rough

The world was still spinning.

“No, no, you’re not good.” She held her hands tightly around him. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”

She walked him into the bedroom and then perched him on the chair. Chloe dried him, and then changed him into a pair of sweatpants and an ugly-looking shirt.

“Why are you trying to dress me? Don’t you want me naked so you can have your wicked way with me?” he asked.

“As tempting as you make that sound, it is not going to happen. Come on, it’s time for you to go to bed.”

“Aren’t you going to join me?” he asked.

“No, I’m going to make you something to eat.”

“I can’t eat.”

“Not now, but after a little rest, you’ll be able to eat. Trust me.”

“I do trust you, Chloe. You’re the only person I trust.”


Chloe recalled her mother often described her father as a pain in the ass to care for, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. She loved her husband so much, and taking care of him when he needed it most was her specialty.

Chloe loved taking care of Roman. She put all his little confessions down to the illness. She wasn’t sure if they were real or not, but she didn’t ignore them. The way he was talking in the bathroom sounded like he loved her. That couldn’t be right. There was no way Roman had any feelings for her whatsoever. It wasn’t even possible, and yet she felt that hope blooming in her chest.

She finished taking the chicken meat off the bone, and once it was on the chopping board, she ran her knife through it, turning it into small chunks. This was her mother’s recipe, and it was perfect. Lots of onions, celery, carrots, and a few bits of garlic. A whole chicken for extra flavor. Herbs. Salt and pepper. This was her mother’s miracle cure for her children. Chloe didn’t believe it healed anything, but it was always so tasty. She hadn’t made it since her mother was gone.

Picking up the chopping board, she slid the pieces of chicken back into the broth, and then took the large wooden spoon and gave it a good stir. It felt right making it again.

Bringing the pot back up to a boil, she then lowered it to a simmer and waited ten minutes. Before the ten minutes were up, she added the frozen peas, and then once they were finished, she gave it a final stir and ladled out a bowlful for Roman. She had gone to check on him. So far, no more sickness, but she didn’t want him dry-heaving.

With the bowl and a spoon in her hand, she walked to the bedroom. He let out a moan and then sat up.

“Hey,” she said. “It’s just me. I’ve got a bowlful of my mother’s soup. It should help make you feel better.”

“Your mother?”


“Do you think I should drink it?” he asked.

“Yes, I do. I think it’s going to help you feel better, much better.”

“And you want me to feel better?” he asked.

“Yes, of course I do.” She had no idea what had gotten into him. The flu must be making him a little woozy.

He let out a groan and then placed a pillow behind his back, helping him to stay up. “Everything aches. Why do I feel so fucking rotten?”

“It’s the flu or the bug.”

“You didn’t moan like this,” he said.

She couldn’t help but smile. The truth was, she had felt awful, even worse, but she didn’t want to give Roman an excuse to leave, so she’d put up with it, and instead focused on him being there.

Chloe sat on the edge of the bed close to him. “Would you like me to feed you? Or would you like to feed yourself?” she asked.

“You feed me.”

She held the bowl, gave it a small stir with the spoon, and then scooped up some of the soup and lifted the bowl as she presented it to Roman. He took a mouthful and she watched as his eyes closed.

“It’s good,” he said.

She smiled. “Good. That’s good.”

She fed him, pleased that he liked it. Her mother always made sure it was good, and she did taste it for him, but it did bring back memories.

“Do you want children?” he asked.

“Someday, yes.”

“My children?”

“Yes, Roman, your children. Unless you’ve got plans to divorce me?” she asked.


“Never? You don’t think you’re ever going to want to divorce me?” This did surprise her.

“I’m never going to want to divorce you, Chloe. You’re mine.”

That shouldn’t make her happy, but it did. She didn’t let him see how it made her feel, though.

Lifting the spoon, she fed him more food and waited for him to be done.

“You’re a lucky person, Chloe, to have known truly loving parents.”

“I know.”

Roman hadn’t been quite so lucky.

“What was it like when you were a boy?” she asked.