“I’m hungry,” I said out of the blue. “What’s Kai making for lunch?” He was working as a chef now and loved it. He was damn good and made a meal for us all every Sunday after we recorded.
“No idea. Said it’s a surprise,” Marcus replied.
Kai didn’t have to make special meals for me anymore. I ate whatever he cooked. The past couple of years I’d made a shit ton of strides when it came to my self-esteem and food struggles. Was it perfect? No, but I was the healthiest I’d ever been. I didn’t obsess the way I used to, and when I looked in the mirror, I saw the real me and liked what I saw. While I still used social media, it was only sporadically now, and I didn’t pay as much attention or care about what anyone had to say about me.
“I hope it’s pasta,” I replied. “In fact, maybe he should just hit me up before each meal so I can tell him what I’m craving.”
“Because the whole world revolves around you?” Declan questioned.
“Not the world. Just our friends. I mean, let’s not pretend you don’t all know I’m the most important one in our group.”
“You’re the most ridiculous one in our group,” Parker countered.
“Someone is being a naughty boy. Be good, or I’ll tell your husband you need to be punished,” I teased.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Parker replied, and we all laughed.
“We’re almost forty,” Declan said, “and nearly every conversation we have leads back to sex.”
“Um…never say my age again.” I’d never believe we were almost forty. “We should do ‘Mimosas and Man-Talk.’ I want to talk about the latest episode of Loud & Queer.” Sebastian’s show was wrapping up the newest season and had been renewed for another. It was the queerest show streaming and got accolades for—and I quote—“diverse and authentic queer experiences”—because like in real life, no one in his show had the same journey. It wasn’t about being perfect. It was about being real.
“Oh my God!” Parker chimed in. “The threesome scene surprised me, but now that I think about it, becoming poly fits those characters. It makes sense.”
“Agreed,” I replied. The show had poly characters and married couples. Some characters were spending their life dating, and there was the coolest, healthiest relationship between an ace woman and her longtime girlfriend who wasn’t ace.
We rambled on about Loud & Queer for a while, then answered listeners’ questions. Marcus wrapped up the episode with a Queer Historical Fact, and then thanked our sponsors.
Afterward, we made our way into the living room, where our men were hanging out. I smelled tomatoes and basil, which made me pump my eyebrows at Kai. “You made pasta for me?”
“Sure, we’ll go with that.” Kai winked.
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about the scholarship program at the center,” Spencer told Marcus. “If you have time later, let’s chat.”
Marcus and Spencer had gotten closer over the years. Since our Daddy M liked to take care of people so much, he ended up working with Spencer on a college scholarship program. Gael was the first recipient, and Marcus had sponsored someone each year since.
“Yeah, sure. I have some new ideas for how we can expand it,” Marcus replied, and the two of them went off on the subject now instead of later. I didn’t mind. Watching them together made me happy.
Gael was doing great. He went to school in San Francisco but visited often. The last two times, he’d brought his boyfriend, Max, whom Spencer and I really liked. Gael still gave me book recommendations, and I read every one.
We spent the next few hours laughing and eating. We saw each other all the time, but it still felt like none of us ever ran out of things to say, and in those moments that were quiet, it was comfortable, the eight of us fitting together like it was meant to be.
When it was time to head home, Marcus kissed my temple the way he always did. “Love you, kid.”
“Love you too.”
I hugged everyone, then headed out to the car with Spencer. We’d moved from the apartment last summer, Marcus helping us find a small house in Santa Monica that we could actually afford.