“He said ‘who gives a shit? I’ve got half a dozen of those bitches meeting me up on the roof later.’ He said that’s when the real party starts. Now, what should I do?”
“Did he say when?”
“Don’t go anywhere. Your only job now is to let us know when Roselli gets on an elevator. Boys, meet me upstairs.”
Fuck. Roselli hadn’t taken the bait. But at least now we knew where he was heading.
I took the stairs, not wanting to risk running into someone who knew me in the elevator. Timing was going to be everything tonight. Roselli would have men up on the roof, his bodyguards and such. They’d be patrolling while he was conducting his own private orgy.
That meant we couldn't stake the place out now. If there was a shootout, word would get back to Roselli and he’d be out of there in a flash.
Julian, Slater, and I paced at the foot of the maintenance stairs that led up to the rooftop. Our guns were drawn, and our nerves were fried.
Finally, Eddie’s weedy voice came through.
“He’s coming up.”
Good. We couldn’t head up until Roselli got there. If he arrived and saw any of his men were out of place, the gig would be up.
We waited five more minutes, pulled on our ski masks, and then crept up the stairs. I pushed the door open. We shouldn’t be in the direct line of sight of anyone yet, but maybe we could get a bead on Roselli’s location.
After another minute, we heard feminine giggling. Christ, Roselli must be paying those girls an amazing amount to feign that kind of enthusiasm.
We moved through the doorway at a crouch and split up. The new plan was to take out Roselli’s men as quietly as possible. We had silencers, but a blow to the back of the head—and then catching the man before he crashed to the ground—would be better.
As I crept around the rooftop, my gun drawn, Gambini’s words echoed in my head.
“Whatever you do to take out that motherfucker, it’s got to work. You’ll only get one shot at this. If you fuck up, Roselli’s going to be so pissed that he’s going to send every wise guy in New York after you.”
The old man had a point.
Mistakes were not allowed.
Roselli could not be alive after our little encounter.
My heart was racing, and I forced myself to take some deep, steadying breaths. Some light was coming from the right. I eased around a wall and spotted light reflecting off the water of the first pool. A naked woman sat on the edge, her feet dangling in the water. I didn’t have time to appreciate the view.
I waited a moment, hoping that Roselli would join her, but he didn’t show up. While I was waiting, I spotted a guard off in the shadows beyond the pool. As I formulated a plan, he collapsed silently to the ground. That looked like Julian’s work to me.
Roselli didn’t show, but I could hear muffled giggles and shrieks. Just when I determined I was going to have to knock out the bathing beauty, she got up on her own, wandering off to join the party.
Silently, I followed her.
That was when I saw Roselli.
That pervert was literally lying on the ground. A naked dancer walked up to him and straddled him, waddling past his head to his toes while he gaped upward with his mouth opened.
Two more naked women lined up. To get their attention, I banged my gun against the wall behind me. The girls looked up and they screamed. I raised my pistol and fired one shot. A bodyguard who’d been rushing up behind them dropped like a log.
“Clear the fuck out,” I growled, my gaze staying on Roselli. He propped himself up on his shoulders, an expression of shock taking over his face.
The girls ran toward the stairs, where Slater would be waiting. He’d detain them as long as I needed so that they wouldn’t raise the alarm.
“What do you want?” Roselli said shakily. His cock had gone limp, and he looked pathetic as he struggled to his feet.
I pulled off my mask, and the fear in his eyes intensified.
“DeLuca!” he exclaimed; his squeaky voice thinner than ever. “You can’t do this. Gambini will hang you up by your balls.”
“Unless he’s already approved the hit,” I said calmly, and my former boss’s face turned even whiter.
“Rocco, wait! Please!” he begged as I strode toward him, towering over him. A rotten smell hit my nose and I realized he’d pissed himself.
“Are you scared, boss?”
“Rocco, please!” He begged once more as I grabbed him by the neck.
A movement on the left caught my eye. Julian was there, and he gave me a nod. I knew that meant all of Roselli’s bodyguards had been taken care of.
I was free to shoot the prick who had made our lives miserable. Who’d threatened Maggie. And who’d been a shame to his family’s name.