So why couldn’t I stop thinking about them?
Well, it wasn’t that hard to figure out why I couldn’t stop thinking about Slater. He’d infuriated me when I stormed over to his place, but my god, he’d also turned me on. I’d never had an experience like that before. I’d never been spanked, toyed with, or teased like that. I’d also never come that damn hard.
So, each night as I worked my shift, I looked up when the door opened, wondering if it would be them.
It wasn’t.
Which, again, was a good thing. Or at least that’s what I tried to tell myself. Because truth be told, each man had gotten under my skin. Rocco with his devotion to his son. Julian with his loyalty to his friends. And Slater with his… well, I hadn’t quite figured him out, but he was more than just a sexy guy who turned me on. Though that was a factor, too. I never would’ve thought I was the type of woman who’d liked to be spanked, but let’s just say that he proved me wrong.
They all were.
And it’s not like I knew what I’d do if and when they did show up again. What I’d say. What they’d say.
But I sure as hell had spent far too much time thinking about it.
The night air was on the cool side as I walked back home after my late shift. As always, I clutched the small canister of mace on my keyring. Luckily, I’d never had to use it, though I had decked a couple of guys at the Rusty Bucket who’d gotten handsy. And I’d pulled that shotgun the night those thugs tried to hold it up, but it turned out I hadn’t needed to because Rocco was there.
Still, I was a small woman, walking the empty streets at night. I never let my guard down in situations like that.
I was near my building when I caught sight of a man out of the corner of my eye. He was skulking near a closed coffee shop and wearing a ski mask.
Instinct kicked in, and I took off, running toward my place. I glanced back and my adrenaline spiked as I saw him on my heels. That’s when I ran smack dab into the broad chest of the third man.
He caught my arms, steadying me, and even through the panic in my mind, one truth broke through. There was nothing a woman my size could do against one of these brutes, let alone three.
I was trapped.
My lip’s part, waves of fear washing over me. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out. It didn’t matter, though. A guy came up behind me, his fingers covering my mouth. His accomplice was quick to grab me by the wrists. Yanking them back, he tied my hands over my lower back. In seconds, they were dragging me toward the street.
I thrashed around, trying to get away, but it was useless. In that tight hold, my screams drowned out by that thug’s hand.
“Don’t fight it, babe,” a low, raspy voice said. “We’re not going to hurt you.”
Yeah, right.
In the dark, I didn’t see the curb, so I stumbled at the sudden step down. Strong hands grabbed me just before I slammed into a black sedan. The trunk popped open, and I dug my heels in, trying to keep them from dragging me toward it.
But the two men easily lifted me off the ground. They put me in the trunk on top of an old musty blanket. Beyond that, there was the faint smell of gasoline.
I wiggled around, my arms trapped behind my back as I tried to look up at my captors. “What do you want from me?” I asked, staring at the two masked men.
The only answer I got was the lid of the trunk closing. There was a certain finality about it.
There was nothing I could do as the car began moving. I was trapped. There was no way out. Yet the panic in me wouldn’t let me rest. I kicked at the sides of the trunk. I rolled over and managed to get to my knees, trying to push the trunk open with my back. I shouted. I cried.
None of it did any good.
Eventually, my panic and tears receded. I focused on doing what I could to make myself comfortable. It wasn’t easy, with my wrists tied behind me, but if I were to have any chance of escape later on, I’d need my muscles to be loose. After a lot of wiggling around, I managed to prop myself up on the, positing the old blanket over the ragged parts of the bottom of the trunk.
My mind was running through scenario after scenario, trying to figure out what the hell was going on, but I had nothing. Had enemies of the guys kidnapped me? Had those two thugs who’d held up the bar come back for revenge? My mind went in circles, and eventually, I drifted off a time or two.