“Look how pretty you are when you come, Frank,” he murmured. “I want to see you like this every day. Feel you wrapped around me. Only you.” As he spoke, he delivered slow, powerful thrusts while my eyes were rolling to the back of my head. He thrust inside me again until he was balls deep and a groan shot out of him as he palmed my waist. Before I knew it, he was leaning forward until we were chest to chest, him moaning against the shell of my ear. “Holy fuck,” he sighed. “I love coming inside you.”

We laid together a few seconds, catching our breaths in a drunken bliss before Clay sluggishly pulled out and rolled onto the bed beside me. We breathed softly, staring up at the ceiling fan. There were still glowing stars on the ceiling from when I was younger, and to this day, they burned bright.

“This night feels like a dream,” I whispered.

“Yeah. To me too,” he said back.

I turned my head to look at him and he was still staring at the ceiling, clearly deep in thought.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“Probably the same thing you are.”

I twisted my lips, sighing. “How this is going to work between us?”

He nodded. “Spot on.”

I lay back and focused on the stars again. I didn’t know how this would work. There were no more boundaries to cross now. We’d done it all and there was no salvaging what he had as friends and “siblings” before. None.

“I’m going to tell Mom about us.”

That caused all the peace in the room to fade. I rapidly sat up on one elbow to peer down at him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I can’t keep denying what I want, Frankie.” His glistening eyes connected with mine. “If Mom knows, she’ll understand. Plus, I’m sure she’d rather me be with someone she knows she can trust and not some random chick out here.”

“Clay, you can’t be serious. Other than you when we place nice, Aria is all that I have. What if you tell her and she hates me for it? Or she finds it disgusting? We’ve known each other since we were kids and all this time, she thought we saw each other as brother and sister. That’s going to burst her whole idea of us if she finds out we’re into each other in this way.” I gestured between our naked bodies, hoping to make the point clear.

He only sighed. “That’s your fear talking, Frankie.”

“No, it’s not. It’s reality speaking for me.” I moved to the headboard, folding my arms over my chest. Clay sat up to rest on his elbow.

“I think you don’t want to tell Mom and would rather hide it because you think she’ll abandon you, or that she’ll look at you in a different light, but I know my mom and she’ll love you the same. We’re adults now, Frankie. We can’t keep lying about what we want.”

I avoided his eyes and looked out the window instead. “I just…I don’t see how this could work, Clay. Even if Aria is like “okay, no biggie,” everyone else we know has considered us siblings. It’ll be weird to everyone if they see us together.”

Clay’s fingers gently gripped my face, and he turned my head to look at him. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks, Frank. All I care about is what makes you and me happy. Do you know what all that time in college away from you made me realize?”


“That there is no life without you. I know you might think we’re not meant to be together, but you have to face a different type of reality, Frankie. Mom isn’t gonna be here forever and when she’s gone, it’ll be just us. And where will that leave us? Are we just gonna pretend we don’t know each other anymore? Or like we’ve never tasted each other? Never fucked? Because I’ll tell you, Frank…I don’t want to live like that. I don’t want to lie or fake it. I don’t want live a life that doesn’t include you.”

His words were tugging my heartstrings, hitting every emotional chord and nerve, but I couldn’t help thinking how terrifying they were. Sure, everything could be okay, but there was also the possibility of it all blowing up in our faces and putting a bad taste in my second mother’s mouth. I had so much respect for Aria and I wasn’t afraid to admit my respect for her surmounted my desire to be with Clay. I loved him so much, I really did, but he had to realize it was safer like this—to hide. To lie. To pretend.

I climbed out of the bed, shaking my head. “I’m going to take another shower,” I told him, and I left the room and rushed to the bathroom before he could get another word in.