Oddly, the apology part seemed sincere for once.

“Is this ever going to end,” Darius wondered out loud.


“Because of that stupid Dhestroyer prophecy? Jesus Christ, that old yarn is nothing but folklore.” He glanced to his closed chamber door. “But I’m still not going with you tonight.”

When Vishous’s unrelenting stare didn’t change focus, Darius rolled his eyes. “What. Just say it. Although the shit talk better not be about her.”

After a moment, the brother moved around the desk. “I didn’t come here to get you to hold my hand when I go check out that induction site.”

As a sudden feeling of dread hit Darius like a tank, he tried to keep his face in a mask that gave nothing away. “Why did you come, then.”

Even though… he knew. Vishous’s reputation preceded him not just when it came to snarkiness and sexual matters of an unconventional nature. There was also a lot of talk about his second sight, his visions of the future.

They were only ever of death.

“Well, get on with it,” Darius said hoarsely. “Tell me what you saw.”

“Sometimes people don’t want to know.”

“Then why give me a choice.”

“Because sometimes they want to know.”

Darius had the strangest sense that the pronouns had changed because the brother was distancing himself.

“So what’s it going to be, D. What do you want to do.”

In the silence that followed, the only thought that went through Darius’s head… was that he wondered what Anne would choose for herself. What she would suggest he choose.

“Think about it.” Vishous stepped by him. “Let me know—”


The brother slowly turned. And as those diamond eyes swung around, they seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

After what felt like an eternity, Vishous said in a grave voice, “I saw you engulfed in the sun, with flames surrounding you. Click…”


“That was the sound before the sun came for you. Click.” Vishous frowned and rubbed his tattooed temple. “It was like a mechanical sound. And then… the sun.”

“So I opened a window? A door?” Darius shook his head. “Impossible. I’m not suicidal. I’m never doing that during the daytime.”

“It wasn’t daytime.”

“Sure it was. That’s when the sun’s out.” As he thought more about it, he exhaled in relief. “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me. And I’ll be extra careful from sunrise to sundown. Thank you.”

Riding a wave of buzzy emotion, he pulled Vishous in for a hard embrace. Then he set the brother back.

“And please don’t go to that farmhouse alone,” he told the male. “The Omega could be there.”

“You just said there was no reason to go because he and his inductees would be gone.”

“I lied. You know where Tohrment lives. Go and find him—better that you stay alive to fight than get yourself killed by trying to add a slayer or two more to your belt all by your lonesome.” When Vishous opened his mouth, Darius cut in. “No, I’m serious. Don’t do anything too risky, we need you.”

“I always thought you disliked me,” came the dry response.

“Of course I don’t like you.” Darius leaned in and spoke out of the corner of his mouth. “News flash, nobody likes you.”

V leveled a hard stare. “Stop with the compliments, you’re making me blush.”

“But you’re very useful. Not as decorative as Rhage, but very useful.” Darius clapped the brother on the biceps. “Now go find Tohr. And have fun, but be safe—and don’t come down here again without calling ahead first.”

As Darius opened the door, Vishous said roughly, “It was raining. Before the sun… there was rain. And I’m telling you, it was night.”

Darius regarded the brother across the distance that separated them. “Then your vision was wrong for once. That great glowing fireball in the sky only comes out in the daytime. But hey, I’ll be careful—and so will you. Say hello to Tohr for me. He’s such a male of worth.”

* * *

As time slowed to a crawl, Anne had to force herself to sit up off the pillows and stop with the nervous munching. With her feet dangling off the side of the bed, she looked back at the headboard. She wasn’t sure what kind of antique wood it was made out of, but the carvings went so deep, she could put her fingers into the pattern of relief.

After a moment of inspection, she decided it was the depiction of a garden of fecund fruit trees.

She glanced down at the mattress. Was this a baby-making shrine or something?

Hopping off, there was a good distance to the floor, and she landed on the jewel-toned carpet with a grunt. To loosen up her sore hip and leg, she wandered over to the oil paintings that hung from hooks drilled into the black rock. The lake scenes reminded her of the Adirondacks, green mountains rising up from basins of crystal clear water, humans, if there were any, so small by comparison. Set in gold frames, the works of art were clearly masterpieces.