“Would they be willing …” Agatha cackles, an old lady’s caw. “Write the letter and you will find them waiting at the rift within days.”

“Then we will make sure you reach Ulysede.” And Mordain’s scribes will continue Gesine’s work, as she wanted.

“If I don’t keel over before then.”

“Please don’t.”

With another cackle, Agatha eases out of her chair. “I know just the messenger.”

“And I would be more than happy to send a message to the Prime, informing her of the change in rule.” Solange’s lips twist with satisfaction.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that she doesn’t get along with Mordain’s current leader. Will I like this Prime? Or will I need to make swift changes there as I did with Ybaris’s army commander? Do I even have the right? I’ve spent all my time avoiding Mordain and its casters. Now I must learn everything I can about them.

Another question for tomorrow.

First, we must survive the night.

“This is not how I anticipated the day going.” Zander rides at my side as we cross the bridge back to Islor, the legionaries giving us a wide berth so we can talk. The sun has begun its descent, and two full moons hang bright in the sky.

My heart pounds with anticipation. “With me wearing wings and showing up on a dragon to kill my mother? Really?”

He reaches out to entwine my hand with his. The overwhelming relief he feels is palpable, even as we still have so much to worry about. “Kienen will lead Ybaris’s army with honor.”

“And what am I going to do? I have two thrones now, Zander.”

“And I have none.”

“Is this where you lecture me about sharing?”

His deep chuckle carries. “This is where I could say that I will help you. I know a thing or two about ruling.” He pauses. “But honestly, you have taught me far more about leading people in the last weeks. I keep asking myself, ‘what would Romeria do?’ and the right answer always seems to come.”

His words are sweet and unexpected, but I can’t find too much joy in them. “I’m not sure all of my decisions have been the right ones.” My brow furrows with worry. “When we left Cirilea, the keepers and mortals were storming the castle. I don’t know what’s become of it.” I wanted to go back through the nymphaeum door the second I felt my affinities replenished to find Wendeline and Annika, but Jarek talked me out of it. All we needed was for one guard to see us vanish into the stone, and there would be a ring of soldiers waiting around it for us to come back through. If they’re not all dead.

“We will march south and deal with it.” Zander squeezes my hand. “But our focus is here tonight.”

“One day at a time.”


Caindra’s roar echoes as she leaves her perch on the Ybarisan wall, alarming the horses. My heart races as I grab my reins tight, fearing mine will either take off running or throw me over the bridge.

She swoops down to land in front of us, blocking our path and putting herself between us and Jarek.

Zander frowns curiously. “What is this about now?”

“I think she wants something.” It’s how she was sitting outside Ulysede’s gate earlier, with her wings tucked against her sides. I dismount and make my way over to where she waits, nerves stirring at the sheer size of her. “Thank you for earlier. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She brings her head down to meet me at eye level, like she did before, and I smooth my hand over her snout. “At least you understand me.”

A puff of hot air breezes over my face.

And then I’m in her grasp and we’re flying high into the sky once again.



“Romeria!” I bellow as the beast carries her south without warning.

Jarek charges up on his horse, his face hard with fury. “That’s what she did last time. She grabbed us and flew away!”

“She will bring her back before Hudem’s rise.” Abarrane tries to assure me as we watch the dark form shrink in the distance. “She must.”

I sigh. “I hope you are right. Until then, we must prepare.”



I can just make out Bellcross’s purple banner as Caindra soars over the approaching army. Rengard answered Zander’s call. It’s impossible to gauge how far off they are from the rift—a half day, maybe? The Nulling will be open by the time they arrive.

Still, Zander’s allies haven’t abandoned him.

I smile, even as the soldiers below shout with terror, the dragon’s massive body unable to hide in a cloudless sky. Caindra continues south and it’s not long before I spot a second army, this one’s banner green and gold. It must be the soldiers Atticus sent north. The company is comparable in size to Bellcross, and it’ll likely arrive within hours after them.