Kazimir curses and shifts as if torn between checking Jarek’s claim and not letting us out of his sight.

“For real?” I whisper. I can’t see a thing in those windows, but I trust that Jarek can.

“I saw them there before I went in. Told you this was a bad idea.”

I yank on threads of Vin’nyla’s affinity, forming a solid shield in front of us.

Kazimir’s eyes widen, and I know mine are glowing silver, but I’m not getting shot by another arrow. Besides, with my mask on, he’ll never know who I am.

A cloaked form barrels out of the Goat’s Knoll in a rush then.

It’s Atticus.



So many unfamiliar faces in the Goat’s Knoll tonight.

Or perhaps I never paid enough attention before. Any one of them could be plotting against my seat on the throne as we speak.

I steal a glance over my shoulder to Kazimir.

He jerks his chin out the door. There’s something out there that has interested him.

Fine, I say with a subtle nod. I can handle myself within these walls if needed.

Bexley’s thoughts are lost in a gold coin when I slide into the booth across from her, but she snaps out of her daze. “Back so soon?”

“What can I say? I missed you.”

“I wouldn’t think you’ve had time to miss anyone, as busy as you’ve been.”

I offer her a sly smile. “Aren’t you the one who told me to give them something to fear?”

“You’ve certainly done that. There isn’t a lord or a mortal who isn’t terrified. The only ones who seem content are the ones who wish to see you fall.” She feigns casualness, but I sense rippling tension in her. “The streets feel oddly vacant now that your Cirilean army is gone. When do you plan to catch up with them?”

“At dawn. It’s time these eastern soldiers heard the truth from their king, not lords who fill their heads with lies and lofty dreams.” Fates knows what Adley and the others promised them. Land? Wealth? A cure for the poison?

“And what will you do about Neilina?”

“I have to hope the forces there can keep her occupied until I lead the men from the east.” I hate relying on my brother, but if anyone can succeed, he will. “We will form a second front to assault those who do make it through.”

“And what are your plans for Ulysede?”

I should have known that name would reach her ears soon enough. She’s Bexley, after all. “How did you hear about that?”

“Not from you.” She taps the table with her coin. “Though you had the perfect opportunity to share those details.”

“So you could peddle them to the highest bidder?”

“Why are you here tonight?” She snaps. “What is it you wish to gain from me?”

She’s angry. That’s fine. I don’t have time to play games. “Who vies to take Lord Adley’s place, now that he and Lady Saoirse are locked up?” It’s not his son. They found his head the morning after Zander left, amongst the fallen bodies. I heard I have Abarrane to thank for that.

“I’m sure the list is long.”

“And which names are at the top?”

“Good question.”

“Stop toying with me.” My patience is running short. “Do not forget to whom you speak.”

“I speak to a commoner who has found his way into my bar, looking for information. Perhaps he’ll find someone peddling it.” She raises an eyebrow. “But when you see the king again, please tell him to reconsider who he paints an enemy to Islor, because I suspect he will desperately need one in particular before long.” She sets her gold coin on the table. “And I would stop executing mortals if I were you.”

“I have.” At least the ones who don’t openly defy the rule of law.

“It was mildly pleasant knowing you, Atticus.” With that, Bexley is gone, slipping out of the booth and gliding through the darkness toward the door.

Leaving me alone with my dour thoughts.

It was mildly pleasant knowing me? Past tense?

What does Bexley know that she refused to tell me? I survey the Goat’s Knoll, looking for an immediate threat, but I see none. Still, my hand lands on the hilt of my dagger for comfort. I have half a mind to haul Bexley into a dungeon to see if she’ll be so surly when her wrists are shackled.

The gold coin she left behind gleams under the firelight. I collect it and flip it over within my grasp as she did. My stomach clenches as I take in the two crescents, intertwined. This coin must be from Ulysede, which means there is someone from there within my city.

I scramble out of the booth and charge out the front door intent on finding Bexley and interrogating her.

Instead, I find Kazimir armed and facing off against the raven-haired beauty I bumped into earlier, and a tall, cloaked form at her side.