Page 98 of The Skeikh's Games

She told Helen about it when she got home that night.

“I knew that Forlanie guy would be good for you. They like you. I’m betting they’re thrilled that you’re getting canned so they can snatch you up.”

“Oh stop. It’s not a done deal.”

“I’m guessing it pretty much is. Just don’t screw the pooch,” Helen warned with a laugh.

“I’ll do my best,” Amanda told her. “But you know me; you can’t take me anywhere nice.” Even if it wasn’t a sure thing, she was happy to have a job interview lined up. And to work for Forlanie? It had to be better than dealing with Greg. Donnie had never been anything but completely gentlemanly with her, and Bill McConnell had always been such fun to talk to. Not that she expected she’d be talking to him very much even if she was working for his company, but it was nice to think that maybe he’d come and seek her out for a chat very occasionally.

As Helen predicted, the job turned out to be a sure thing. Ferocious Claire was perfectly charming to Amanda. She said, “Oh you’re the woman Donnie is so enthusiastic about! Let me get you all set up with the application and an appointment.”

While she was filling out the application, Claire said, “Donnie is in his office right now, and said to send you in when you finish with that.” Then she gave Amanda a thumbs-up.

Donnie was exactly what Amanda had imagined. He was short and stocky, with blue-black hair and sharp dark eyes that missed nothing. There was a sense of furious energy that swirled around him.

“It’s good to meet you at last, Amanda. Come in and sit down, please.”

“I really appreciate this, Mr. Kingman.”

“No, you just go on calling me Donnie. My whole staff does. I think it’s friendlier,” he explained in his soft drawl.

“All right, then, Donnie. I’ve brought my resume, updated with my work history at HostAssist.”

“Thanks. I’ve got a glowing recommendation from Dorothy Tonetti here, and an indifferent one from Greg Kolin. Can you tell me what that’s about?”

The request threw Amanda into an agony of indecision. “I’d prefer not to. I don’t feel it would be in anyone’s best interests to speak about my problems with Mr. Kolin. It’s over with. I can’t say that I bear him no ill will, but I’d rather not speak badly of him in front of anyone else.”

“I understand. Let’s take a look at that resume.”

She was grateful that Donnie didn’t press her about Greg. The idea of talking about the harassment which was never actually sexual or threatening, but felt like both, made Amanda uneasy.

After talking about her experience and her intentions for the future for a good ten minutes, Donnie said, “Let me explain the position. I need an assistant to our Media Relations Director. Sandra Wilder is primarily a strategist. Her office is responsible for communicating corporate themes to the media in a timely manner. What you will be doing is working in conjunction with our different departments and with senior management so that Sandy’s message is consistent with the company’s aims. You’ve worked with the media, you know how hard it can be, so I expect you to be supportive of Sandy by working hard, and making sure she has the information she needs when she needs it. Any questions?”

“I imagine I’ll have some when I start doing the job, but right now, I don’t think I can frame an intelligent one, so no, not at this time.”

Donnie laughed. “I like it that you can admit you don’t understand everything. I worry about people who always say they have a handle on everything.”

“I wouldn’t try to put one over on you. I think you’d know I was lying anyway, just based on my resume.”

“True. All right, then, let’s go talk to Sandy.”

Everything was moving so fast that Amanda hardly had time to think. She grabbed her purse and coat and went scurrying after Donnie who seemed to do everything at top speed. He introduced her to Sandy Wilder as “your new assistant.”

Sandy was a sharply-dressed middle-aged woman with a no-nonsense air about her. “Good to meet you, Amanda. Please call me Sandy. We’re big on first name friendliness around here. When can you start?”


“Really? That’s great. Thanks, Donnie.”

“Don’t throw her to the lions right away,” he warned.

“I’ll wait a couple of days.”

Her training began immediately and she was pleased to find that it wasn’t too demanding. Much of it was common sense, and Sandy was a good teacher. The session ran late and when Sandy asked “How late can you stay?” Amanda replied, “As late as I need to.” She wanted to hang on to this job, and more, she wanted to do well at it.

It made Sandy laugh. “Okay, but we don’t demand that you give your life to Forlanie, understood?”
