Page 59 of The Skeikh's Games

Dad made a sympathetic sound in his throat and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry. I know it can be hard when that happens. It feels like a part of you isn’t there anymore. A leg you’ve always stood on suddenly can’t support your weight and you wonder if you’ll ever be able to walk again.”

How was it he always knew exactly what to say? She clung to her daddy and held him as she let herself cry just a little, just to release some of the pressure.

“Look, I’ll help you for a bit until you guys get on your feet again. You don’t have to tell him it’s from me. I’m not looking to hurt anyone’s pride. Is he looking for another job still?”

Saundra nodded. “His job history is making it hard though.”

“Let me get his number from you before you guys go. I’ll see what I can do at the store. I might be able to get him something.”

Saundra pulled away and looked up into his face. “Do you think you could?”

“I can’t make any promises right now, but let me look into it and see what I can do.”

Saundra sighed, already feeling lighter. “Oh daddy, that would be so helpful. Thank you.”

Dad kissed her on the top of the head and gave her hair a quick ruffle. “Anything for my pumpkin.”

“I’m going to go see what he’s getting into.”

Dad nodded and she went out to the backyard. When she’d first glanced out the windows when they had come in, it had been full of children all running and playing moments before.

Now they were all gathered at the far end of the yard. Miles sat on the edge of the garden box, a beer next to him. Where had he gotten the beer? Her sister rarely had alcohol in the house. Had he actually brought beer with him and she didn’t know about it? The kids surrounded him in a half-circle, all giggling and watching with awe.

“…but it’s not in this hand anymore. It’s on your pocket,” Miles said, pointing to a boy beside him.

The boy quickly checked his pockets and pulled something out of it, though at her distance Saundra couldn’t see what it was. The crowd of small kids were wowed and clapped. Miles took the object back, made a few exaggerated hand motions, then held up both hands wide open and the kids all made sounds of surprise.

“Where did it go?” Miles asked them.

A few of the kids giggled, while those in front all tried to figure out who had it.

Miles pointed to a girl in the back. “She has it, but it’s invisible.”

The girl in the back, who Saundra could tell was the quiet type, gasped.

“Reach into your pocket and show everyone.”

The little girl reached into the front pocket of her overalls and held out an empty hand.

“There, do you see it?” Miles asked them excitedly.

Some of the kids said they didn’t but most played along claiming they could.

“Throw it back to me,” Miles said, clapping his hands and then holding them up.

The little girl, she couldn’t have been more than seven, reared her hand back and threw the invisible thing at him. Miles made a show of diving to catch the object, and then held his open hand for all the kids to see, and they all cheered.

“Nice arm,” Miles praised her, then gave a small toss. She caught the object – Saundra could now see it was a coin, probably a quarter – and grinned at Miles.

“If you guys can find me balloons I can make you some animals,” Miles said.

The kids all hollered excitedly and split off in every direction to find him some balloons. Miles chuckled as he watched them all go and took a drink of his beer.

Jimmy stayed by him, and Miles put an arm around the boy and give him a hug. “Happy birthday, buddy.”

Saundra’s heart filled with such warmth that it pushed out everything else. There was the man she’d fallen in love with. That, right there, was the warm, caring man she knew he could always be. She didn’t know what they were going through, but with a little of her dad’s help, she was sure they could pull through.

Miles lied on the couch, one foot propped up on the arm as he watched TV. Saundra wouldn’t be home from work for a few hours yet, so he was soaking up the silence before heading out to the bar again. She seemed happier ever since the birthday party, and he didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. That meant just avoiding interaction if at all possible until he could figure a way out of all this.