Page 57 of The Skeikh's Games

Miles set down the empty bottle and snatched up the fresh one without a word. He took a long pull from the bottle, needing the alcohol in his system, needing that coolness to wash through his stomach.

“Thanks,” he said belatedly after taking a few breaths.

“No problem,” the man said. “I always order two. I tend to go through my first pretty quickly and I don’t like having to wait for the second.”

“I’ll get you back as soon as he finishes up whatever he’s doing,” Miles said, raising his voice as he neared the end of the sentence so that he could be heard on the other side of the bar.

“Don’t worry about it. You seem like you could use it more than me. Troubles with the wife?”

“Sorta,” Miles said, taking another drink. The addition of the new beer reminded his body it was already loaded up with beer and his buzz started to come back. “Money troubles. It’ll lead to woman troubles.”

“Ahh,” the man said knowingly and took a drink from his own beer. “Ain’t that always the way it goes?”

Miles tilted his head, contemplating the bottle he was drinking. As it was he was spending money that wasn’t his just to pay for these drinks. Knowing he was doing that filled him with such horrific guilt, all it did was thrust him deeper into the abyss.

Maybe it was the man’s willingness to listen, or maybe Miles just couldn’t take it anymore, but he started talking. He told the man about his childhood, fighting all through his adulthood, and now trying so hard to be a person and just failing. Utterly. He even told him about finding out about the kid and knowing he was going to lose Saundra when all of that came out.

“What if money wasn’t an issue?” the man asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, let’s say I could help. If you were making money, do you think it’d help smooth things out?”

“I…” The possibility had never occurred to Miles for even a second. Now just to entertain the notion was almost frightening for him. He gave a slight jerk of his head. “Maybe. What are you, like a loan shark or something?”

The man laughed. “I’m not talking about loaning you money. Even if I were a loan shark, you just told me you wouldn’t be able to pay me back. In the end I’d just be losing money and I’d have to break your legs in the process. More work for me. No, I’m talking about you working and earning yourself some money. Good money.”

Could this solve everything? Miles looked at his new friend and sized him up. He was obviously a guy that knew how to handle himself. Whatever this job is, it wasn’t going to be something as simple as computer tech support or customer service.

Still, whatever he offered, if it kept him from losing everything he loved in his life, everything he’d worked so hard to achieve, he owed it to himself, to his future to at least consider it.

Saundra had her forehead propped against her hand, her elbow wedged against the car door as she drove. Miles sat in the passenger seat, watching the scenery go by. It was noon, and she honestly wasn’t sure if he was drunk this early in the day, or if he was simply still drunk from the night before.

They were on their way to her sister’s house. It was her nephew’s sixth birthday. All of her family was going to be there, and the last thing she wanted was for them to see Miles like this. They never approved of him in the first place, but to see him drunk this early in the day, the hell that she was going to get for it…

Saundra wasn’t sure she could take it. She was already filled with anxiety about life as it was. Now she was in a near panic about how the day was going to go.

“I’m not going to lie,” she said, her emotions getting the better of her, “I really wish you’d stayed home.”

“I’m not going to miss Jimmy’s birthday. I’m fine, I promise.”

“You’re not fine! You reek and you’re obviously drunk. How am I going to explain it?”

“Don’t explain anything. I’m not your problem. We’re going for your nephew, so maybe just stay focused on that and not how I’m going to embarrass you. I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment, but this is the best I got, okay?”

“You look like trash. You haven’t shaved in days, and I’m positive I’ve seen you in those pants for the last three days now.”

“Keep talking. I’m going to be thinking real hard about what you’re saying, so when I don’t respond, it’s not because I’m ignoring you, it’s just because I know you’re so right that I’m dumbed to silence.”

Saundra rolled her eyes and snarled. This was going to be a nightmare.

After pulling up to the house, purple, blue and green balloons and streamers lined the front of the house, three balloons tied to the mailbox.

Saundra got out of the car, opening the door to the back seat to pull out Jimmy’s birthday present. When she looked back, Miles was walking up the drive. She paused to watch each step he took. He wasn’t exactly steady, but he wasn’t wobbling like crazy either. They may be able to get through the day.

Miles waited at the door for her, but didn’t look at her as she walked up the drive.

“Ready?” she asked him. He just gave a smirk and opened the door.