Page 54 of The Skeikh's Games

They never understood. They could never be reasoned with. All of the stories about bullies leaving you alone when you stand up to them, that was fairytales. In real life, they came back. Their power had been compromised, and they needed to make that which had defied them cow before them. If not, then they knew they were nothing. That could not be allowed. No, to deal with bullies, they needed to be beaten. They needed to be beaten so badly, that the thought of returning, of trying anything ever again made them shudder in fear.

Miles was no victim, he was not someone to be bullied. He was an intelligent, rational man that would much rather talk his way out of any situation. Yet, all of that was gone as he sat straddled over Blake’s chest, beating him senseless. There were hands on Mile’s arms and shoulders, but he brushed them off with shrugs of his shoulders. Men shouted, but he couldn’t hear them.

“Do I scare you?” Miles shouted at Blake even as the man’s eyes rolled back into his head. “Huh? Answer me! Do I scare you!”

Suddenly Blake dropped out from under him, the world shifting and spinning around, and Miles face was pressed against the asphalt. When his mind returned to him, he was aware of three men with knees in his back, two others holding each of his arms down. Another stood at his head, holding him down.

Upon realizing what he’d done, hearing the other men speak with raised voices to the unconscious Blake, all Miles could think about was how he was going to explain this to Saundra.

Saundra came home to find Miles sitting on the couch, his face in his hands, the TV off. His knuckles were scraped, bruised, and still trickling blood. He hadn’t even changed out of his work clothes, which was the first thing he did normally.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” She dropped her bag and came to sit on the couch. Now was not the time for time outs. She needed answers.

Miles shook his head and hugged himself. “I got fired. Again. I’m so sorry.”

She took up his hands to look at them more closely. The back of his hands were bruised. He could’ve broken the bones in his hands, but he’d never say anything. She loved how strong he was, but it could be really damn obnoxious when he put himself in such jeopardy for the sake of his pride.

“What happened?”

“Short version? Blake and I got into a fight. I got fired.”

“Longer version?”

Miles looked away, his jaw swinging from side to side as he struggled to maintain control over his emotions. It hurt her to see him so upset, but deep inside, she couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. Now they were going to be under a huge financial strain while he tried to find another job. “I stood up to Blake and took on an order. He stole my tires to get back at me. When I went to take the tires back, he came at me with a socket wrench.”

“What?” She couldn’t believe to hear this sort of thing happened in the work place. “Are you kidding me?”

Miles shook his head. “I told you. This guy, he just hoarded everything for himself. He’s a bully. Was a bully. I just…” Miles shook his head violently and pressed his palms against the side of his head. “What are we going to do? I’m so sorry. I know we can’t afford for me to keep losing jobs like this. I’m so sorry.”

“No, shhh, stop.” She reached out and pulled him to her, holding him.

She knew he tried his best. He didn’t mean for this to happen. Unfortunately, it seemed like he was a magnet for this sort of thing. How one man could keep running into trouble at work, she just couldn’t understand. But what were her choices? She could either believe he was a screw-up, or she could believe in him, stand by him, and help him work through it all.

She knew he wanted to do better, was trying to be better. To stop supporting him now would be to remove all of the pillars they’d build together to make him a better man. Miles didn’t cry, but she felt his body shudder against her. Saundra kissed the side of his head and held him close.

“I’ll start looking for another job tomorrow. I swear to God, I’m not going to be unemployed for long. I can’t put this on you. I can’t keep putting this on you.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I know you’re trying.”

Miles shook his head again and pulled away from her. “No, that’s not good enough. Trying isn’t good enough. You don’t deserve this, to have to carry me. I’ll do better.”

She took his hands in hers again, making sure to be gentle with them. “I know you will.”

The next day Saundra sat at lunch with a friend and fellow teacher Jared. “I just don’t know what else I can do for him,” she said before taking another bite of her sandwich.

Jared sighed softly and gave a shrug. “It sounds like you’re doing the best you can for him.”

Saundra shoved the food into her cheek with her tongue. “But am I, though? Why does this keep happening? This isn’t an isolated incident. He’s been fired for fighting before.”

“My brother went to school with Miles, did I ever tell you that?”

Saundra shook her head.

“Yeah, they weren’t friends or anything. Went in different circles.” Jared gave a smirk at himself. “Well, sort of. Miles didn’t really have a circle.”

“What do you mean?”

Jared tilted his head. “You don’t know?”