Page 50 of The Skeikh's Games

He crammed his body into me at full blast, grinding himself into my deepest fathoms with fierce velocity, my tits jostling about like wild across my chest, the screams of ecstasy pouring like water from my open mouth.

And, WHAM!

With one final blast of force he hurled himself into me, holding himself in place, and our bodies bursting into an explosion of sensations. His ejaculate poured into me, pulse after pulse of his molten essence spilling into my innermost recesses, filling me up so thoroughly that it spilled back out of me onto the bedspread just as quickly as it could enter.

I came as well, an orgasm at least ten times more intense than the first sweeping across my body, wrapping its arms around me, and squeezing as tightly as possible, my limbs twitching, my body convulsing, and the entire room seeming to disappear around me as I shook with sheer, unadulterated pleasure.

A few weeks later, I discovered that I was pregnant...

I cried at first, thinking that the night I had at last discovered what should have been happiness had resulted in a situation I was not at all prepared for, and certain that Arthur would want nothing to do with me once he found out. I was sure that he would either pay for me to have... A procedure- Something I wasn't at all prepared for... Or else he would simply pay me to just shut up about it and get the hell out of his life, utterly unwilling to further include me in his day to day existence in any such capacity.

I was floored, then, when I told him the news, and found myself wrapped up in his arms, with words of the utmost joy streaming forth from his lips.

As it turned out, he was as terrific a man as I'd suspected from the beginning, and his love for me was every bit as true as he'd professed it to be.

The two of us made love in celebration (me, as much in relief as anything,) and I lay dozing in his arms in the sunlit afterglow, feeling relaxed and serene, as well as more certain about myself and my future than I could ever in my life recall having been...


Forgiving My Bad Boy

Saundra’s classroom was a gentle cacophony of 5th graders talking amongst themselves while they separated into groups. Most classes around their age group were learning from doing quiet book exercises or listening to the teacher lecture, but Saundra preferred a more hands-on method for teaching.

The other teachers liked giving her crap about it, saying she only went the extra mile because she was young. “Give it a few years, you’ll see it doesn’t make any difference and you can save yourself a lot of energy.”

What a horrible way of thinking! Saundra didn’t become a teacher to hang out and get the summers off. She enjoyed working with children, sculpting their minds and helping them learn about the world around them. There were no bad children, just children going through a hard time that haven’t been taught any better way to be. Take lectures for example. It was one thing to tell a student the information, and have them test well on it. It was another to have them actually perform the science or make a fun activity out of the geography homework to help them actually learn the how and the why of it. Then you’re not just teaching a child what to think, but how to think.

Saundra paced around the room slowly as she watched the children in their groups. They had to match certain colors to the nations of the world, but there were no words or labels. They had to do it by shape. They could talk, but raised voices weren’t allowed. Their classroom had neighbors, after all.

Suddenly a boy fell backwards out of a group, and Clark, what some would call a trouble child, came around to stand menacingly over him.

“Clark,” Saundra snapped. She made sure her tone wasn’t aggressive, but she put no hint of fear into it. Saundra was well known as a teacher not to be messed with by anyone.

“He started it!” Clark said immediately.

“Wrong answer.” She helped Jonathan to his feet. “What happened?”

Clark stood with his arms crossed and glared at Jonathan.

Jonathan said, “I didn’t do anything! All I said was that it wasn’t Italy.”

“I know what Italy looks like,” Clark yelled and reached out for Jonathan.

Saundra grabbed Clark by the wrist, twisted her body at the waist, which both twisted his arm and pulled him off balance. She kept him there like that for a moment.

“We do not handle things physically. If you have an issue or a question, you ask me and I will assist you in handling it. When you make the situation physical, you immediately place yourself in the wrong. Am I understood?”

“You’re hurting me!”

“I’m preventing you from hurting someone else. Answer me: am I understood?”


Saundra pulled him so that he had to take a few steps forward, moving him away from the group, and she released his wrists. “According to school policy when is it okay to fight?”

Clark averted her eyes, which she allowed. She could see the indignant shame in them.
