Page 45 of The Skeikh's Games

“Definitely.” She absorbed the affection in Helena’s hug. “I hope we can still be friends once the deal is closed.” She knew she shouldn’t have said that the moment the words flew out of her mouth. “I’m sorry I didn’t meant to presume.”

“Nonsense Ava. You’ve been like the daughter we’ve always wanted and we’d be honored to keep you in our lives.”

It was inevitable to stem the flow of tears but she dabbed discreetly with a smile. “Thank you.” She’d shared with Helena the death of her parents and most recently of her grandmother so the woman knew she had a craving for family.

“You might find you have your own family sooner than you think.”

“Oh I don’t think,” she stopped because she couldn’t finish that sentence truthfully. It had just hit her. She’d had sex with Kate dozens of time in the past few weeks and neither of them had mentioned a word about protection. Oh no, oh no, oh no! She sagged into the nearest chair. Please don’t let this be true. She looked to Helena, “Please don’t say anything.”

“Of course not, dear.” She dabbed at Ava’s eyes. “Now let’s get out there before they spend all night talking business.”

The rest of the meal was fairly uneventful yet entertaining all the same. She tried to avoid Kade’s gaze just in case he saw the truth in her eyes but she kept up her role as the devoted fiancé. Bruce turned his attention to her and she listened with a serene smile on her face.

“Ava, as I’m sure you know, I had my doubts about Kade. About him taking over the business I built with my wife. Tell me why I should sell to him.”

Ava’s smile brightened in Bruce’s direction but her gaze turned to Kade. She looked at him with all the love she felt shining in her eyes, radiating from every pore. She told Bruce everything. “Kade is a man of honor even when it’s difficult. He works harder than anyone I know and he genuinely loves what he does. He takes an interest in every business he owns. But more than that Bruce, Kade is a great man. He treats everyone around him like an equal and he doesn’t take himself too seriously. Most of all Kade has a way of making everyone in his orbit feel important, loved, special and that is a skill not many people have. It’s what I love most about him.” Helena dabbed the corners of her eyes and Bruce’s face was a blank mask. She turned her gaze away from the scowl growing on Kade’s face. “At least that’s what I think, but maybe I’m biased.”

Bruce smiled. “I’m sure you are biased as his fiancé and all, but I’m sold. You’ve a good woman there, Kade. Marry her soon.” He stood holding a glass in his hand. “I’d like to make a toast to Kade and Ava, may your love last long and grow stronger every day. To Helena, get ready to spend the next decade traveling the world because I’m selling Cakes A-shakin!” She squealed at the news and draped herself over her husband. “Kade we’ll talk tomorrow about the details.”

That was it. This was all over. “Congratulations,” she told Kade and pressed her lips to his.

They saw the Hendersons out and Ava was ready to turn in but Kade was giddy with excitement and she wouldn’t abandon him at this moment when he’d just gotten what he wanted. “You were fantastic Ava! The best fake fiancé I ever had,” he smiled and squeezed her tight around the shoulders. He laughed, “All that stuff about ‘that’s why I love him’ it was fantastic! I can’t thank you enough Ava.”

Her heart sank to the ground and shattered into too many shards to count at his words. Of course he’d never believe she really loved him because he saw her as a friend and convenient bed partner. “I aim to please,” she said with more bite than she intended. “I’m tired Kade, I’m going to bed.”

Something was wrong with Ava. Kade knew it from the moment she had emerged from the kitchen with Helena. Her eyes were glassy with tears and she was more subdued than normal. Her words at dinner left him shaken and hopeful that she was doing more than acting but she’d gone to bed in her room. Alone. He hated that he was thinking about this when he was set to close the deal he’d been working on for months.

“What’s on your mind, son?” Bruce Henderson strode into his office and took a seat, giving Kade a quizzical look.

“Nothing.” He sighed heavily. “It’s Ava, she was strange last night.”

Bruce nodded knowingly and stroked the early stages of what Kade assumed was his retirement beard. “Son I’d guess that your fake fiancé has fallen in love with you and just realized it.”

Kade nodded and then his entire body froze. “Fake fiancé?”

Bruce’s laugh was deep and booming. “You thought I didn’t know?” Bruce told Kade how he’d done his homework and knew Ava was a recent addition to his life. “You were too affectionate that first night. Dead giveaway. Helena was so nervous during her first business dinner part she barely ate or said word.” His laugh was wistful at the memory. “But I can tell you now, that sweet girl is deeply in love with you and terrified you won’t love her back.”

“No Bruce, you’re wrong.”

“No son, you’re blind or dumb. Helena told me the girl lost her parents as a child and most recently the only other family she had. It was her poor luck to fall in love with a playboy she’s not sure could love her back. But you can and you do.”

It wasn’t a question from Bruce. Did he love Ava? Yes, without a doubt. “Dammit Bruce.”

Again Bruce laughed. “You’re welcome son. Now send those contracts to my lawyer so I can take my wife on a cruise around the world. And Kade? Good luck with Ava.”

Most of his day after Bruce’s visit was spent staring out the window thinking about the fact that Ava was in love with him. Could it be true? She hadn’t said anything but Bruce seemed so sure. He stood and grabbed his jacket. He needed to see Ava.

“Ava you can not sulk around here forever.”

“Sure I can,” she told Sophie without even looking up. “As long as I’m cheery when clients show up, who cares?”

“For starters, I do. You won’t tell me what happened with you and Kade yet every time I see you your eyes are red and glassy from crying, you’re quiet and you look like someone ate your kitten.”

Ava glared at her friend. “Look I was stupid okay and now I’m embarrassed and heartbroken. I need to work through it and I will.” She knew the last few weeks she was a nightmare to be around because she was weepy, emotional and tired all the time. Kade was only part of the reason why but she wasn’t ready to share that just yet.

“There’s nothing wrong with falling in love. If the idiot doesn’t love you back, then he’s as dumb as he is hot.” Sophie wrapped Ava in a hug and kissed her cheek. “What did he say when you left?”

That was the part that broke her heart all over again every time she thought about it. She’d packed up and left the morning after dinner with Bruce and Helena. She couldn’t stay there loving him and him thinking it was all a big joke. But the joke was on her because it had been a month and Kade hadn’t called or texted or stopped by. He hadn’t even arranged a time to do a full photo shoot so she used one of the few shots she had.