Page 39 of The Skeikh's Games

“Not a chance.” Women were too much work and much too complicated to make any one of them permanent. They either wanted to spend his money or take up all of his time, neither of which he was prepared to give. So he stayed happily single, easily able to secure a date or bedmate when he needed one. Violet shook her head and walked out but he was sure she said something about seeing the show when he fell. Fat chance of that happening, he thought bitterly.

Half an hour later Violet escorted his next appointment into the office. Ava Nelson was a 25 year old photographer in town and he had no idea why she wanted to meet with him. He didn’t recognize her and he was certain if he’d ever met this goddess with brown sugar skin he’d have remembered. She was a breathtaking beauty and he was captivated by her from the moment he set eyes on those plump pink lips and those toned legs looking endless in the sexiest pair of red heels he’d ever seen. “Ms. Nelson,” he stood and put on the smile that was guaranteed to make women melt, his hand extended to hers.

She smiled and prayed her smile didn’t falter at the sight of his gorgeous smile at full wattage. Goodness the man looked even better up close than he did in pictures. His sandy hair was slightly tousled, his green eyes sparkled like emeralds and diamonds and those dimples said he wasn’t all bad boy. She didn’t believe that for a second. Those dimples lied. “Mr. Steele, please call me Ava.”

“Ava,” her name rolled off his tongue.

Her body shivered at the sound of her name in his mouth. Control your hormones, this is a meeting not a date! She couldn’t allow herself to become distracted. There would be plenty of time to fondle his male beauty with her eyes during the photo shoot. “Thank you for meeting me today Mr. Steele. I really appreciate it.”

He hadn’t even heard her, only knew she was talking because his eyes were riveted on her full mouth. Perfect for kissing…and other things. The smile her gave her this time was placid, professional. “How can I help you today Ava?”

Ava smiled, nervous. His rich deep voice made the question seem a lot dirtier than she was sure he’d intended. “I’d like your help.”

He groaned inwardly. Of course she did. Beautiful women didn’t just show up at his office to take him out to lunch or out of the goodness of their hearts. “We have a charitable donations department, perhaps they can help you.”

Ava was confused. “Why would I need them? I need you.” Her eyes widened at the slip. “I mean I need you, uh, okay let’s start over. I’m not here for charity, not really.” She went on to explain, mostly without a stutter, what she needed from him and why. For his part he listened intently for which she was eternally grateful.

Kade leaned back in his chair and looked her over, an idea forming in his head. She could be perfect. “You want me to model for you?” Although well hidden under her dark brown skin, her innocent blush made Kade smile and want to do other things that would make her blush. “Why?”

Come on Ava. This is it. She could tell he was having fun at her expense and she didn’t mind. Especially if it persuaded him to agree to model for her. “Because you are incredibly good looking,” her eyes widened again, “You are attractive” he cut her off with a slice of his hand in the air.

“You said ‘incredibly good looking’” he teased.

“Attractive, single, and a high profile man in Rainbow Springs. You’d be perfect.”

“For what?”

“My ad campaign and calendar.”

“Calendar?” His brows rose in suspicion. She nodded. “Yes businessmen bachelors would be the calendar and then there’d be some studio shots of you for the marketing campaign.”

“You’re asking quite a lot, you know.”

She nodded. She did know she was asking a lot, probably too much. But she hoped his sense of philanthropy would make it difficult to say no. “Yes I’m aware it is a lot. However I’d be willing to hire you for your time and provide you with free professional headshots.”

He thought about it. He wasn’t a model that was for sure but he knew he was attractive, incredibly good looking, he amended with a smile, and he could use more headshots. But he also needed something else. “I’ll do it.” He’d said the words before he could fully think them through.

Her eyes widened, the gold flecks highlighted in the midday sun. “You will? That’s great!” She stood and bent over his desk, her hand reaching out to him. “Thank you so much Mr. Steele, I truly appreciate it.”

“But I require something in return.”

Her smiled dimmed at the tone in his voice. Surely he wouldn’t be requesting that, she thought. He was Kade Steele and he always had a beautiful woman on his arm. “Sure. What is it you require Mr. Steele?”

“A fiancé.”

She gasped. “A fiancé? I have a few single friends but I assure you Mr. Steele I’m no matchmaker.”

He wanted to laugh at her ramblings. Goodness he actually thought they were…cute. He groaned inwardly and stood. “You misunderstand me Ava.” At her confused look he leaned forward until his face, his mouth was inches from hers. “You should get used to calling me Kade since you’ve agreed to be my fiancé for the next few months.”

“It’s just a date Sophie, no big deal.”

“No big deal?” Sophie looked around Ava’s empty bedroom as though she were addressing a crowd. “She’s going on a date with Kade Steele, mega hot billionaire and she says it’s ‘no big deal’!” Sophie was overexcited and a tad jealous of her friend. “How can you say this is no big deal?”

Because none of it is real, she thought sadly. Yes she had agreed to become Kade’s fiancé, fake fiancé she amended, but the fake part was to remain between them. So they had to go on few dates because in a town as small as Rainbow Springs, word of their relationship would spread quickly. Like a virus. Ava sighed sadly. Of course the first relationship she’d had in years would have to be with a gorgeous man totally out of her league, oh and completely fictional. “It’s just dinner.”

“With Kade Steele! Might I remind that you he’s hot enough to set a girl’s panties on fire? Your words, not mine.” Sophie smoothed Ava’s dress over her hips, “I hope you’ve decided to spare your panties death by smoldering,” she laughed, looking at her friend in the mirror.

Ava couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay yes he’ll make fine eye candy for a few hours. But I’m not expecting anything.” The truth was Ava rarely expected anything of men. After a few failed relationships on her travels Ava figured she wasn’t meant to have that kind of connection with anyone. Her most recent relationship with a dentist had ended two years ago when she surprised him with lunch at his office. Turns out she was the one surprised when she found him buried deep in his receptionist. She walked away and never looked back. She was content to be on her own, most of the time.