Page 32 of The Skeikh's Games

“Well, I want to take you around in a limo tonight, but I figured that’d be just a touch too conspicuous in a town like this, so I opted for the town car.”

Aimee laughed. “A limo? Wow, you’re really going all out tonight.”

The driver snorted, then tried to cover it up by clearing his throat. Aimee caught it though, and she looked from the driver then back to Xavier who was trying desperately not to smile.

“What? What am I missing? Are you rich or something?”

“Let’s just have a nice night,” he said as he tried to not laugh.

“Oh my God, you’re rich, aren’t you? Like, how rich?”

“Roland,” Xavier said to his driver, “how rich would you say I am?”

“He paid off my mortgage as a tip one day.”

Aimee sat frozen and looked from Roland the driver to Xavier. “That was nice of you.”

“Roland is an exceptionally good driver.”

“What, I don’t pour your coffee well enough?”

Roland barked out a laugh and clapped his hands twice. “Oh I like her, sir.”

“I’m so glad you approve.” He then turned to Aimee and poked her belly playfully, “And you are currently in the backseat of my car about to have the night of your life. Where do you get off complaining?”

“That is a fair point,” she said and relaxed into the chair. “This is a really nice car.”

“Just wait,” Roland said, grinning.

They drove to the city, the first time Aimee had ever been in her life. Once Xavier discovered this fact, he became even more excited for their evening together. They switched from the town car to the limo, and Aimee was blown away by the difference. There was champagne and roses. They played music in surround sound back there, movies. She could’ve spent the whole night just in the back of that car.

It was a good thing she didn’t, though. Xavier took her first to a restaurant on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper. The view was amazing, and there weren’t any other customers.

“I bought out the place for the night,” he said. “I wanted us to have a nice quite chance to talk.”

After that, he took her to a movie, again he’d bought out the auditorium. The screen was at least twice as big as the theater she’d been to once. It was incredible. He took her for a ride around the city, showing her the lights of the park, and all the people hustling up and down the street in the shopping district.

She’d never seen so many people in her life. He walked with her, arm in arm, to each store. She was happy to just look in the windows, but he insisted she at least go in and have the experience. The smell, the feel of the fabrics between her fingers. It was so beyond anything she’d ever done before.

Beyond her as a person.

This was like stepping into the life of someone else, someone famous or, well, rich. This wasn’t her life. As wonderful as it was, she couldn’t take it seriously. He offered to buy her things, but she refused. She was worried he would be offended by this, but instead he seemed almost amused. It just wouldn’t feel right. She imagined owning one of those dresses, or maybe a piece of jewelry and wearing it around town.

All of that dust, the desert heat. It stood out in her mind like an egg in a gunfight. It just didn’t make sense. She was here for the time being, like an amusement park. That’s all this was. It’s all it could be. Still, she was going to enjoy every minute of it so she made sure to not let it get to her. She’d have plenty of time to feel down about it once she was home and it was over.

He continued taking her around to shops, and monuments, explaining the history of different buildings and how the city grew into the metropolis it was. He even took her to the tallest building in the city which he told her, with no small amount of pride, he owned. That was his office near the top. He offered to show her, but again, she refused. That was too deep into his life. Too real. Let that be his place.

She was just happy to have this chance to see how the other side lived, to really live the big city life she’d been dreaming of her whole life. Even if she ever made it to the city, she knew it would never have been as amazing as this.

Being here with him wasn’t just a good time. It was a gift. He treated her like a lady, as though she was someone he was proud to have beside him. With her cheap dress next to his tailored suit that probably cost more than her car, she felt like she slummed him down, made him look as cheap as she felt. But despite that, he walked proudly and with the largest smile on his face.

He was actually nervous, to boot. Excited in the way he showed her things, but stumbled over his words here and there. Hesitated when reaching for something if he thought he would accidently touch her. After all the work he put into getting her to go out with him, it was so cute how nervous he actually was to have her. When the evening finally wound down, she decided she was going to end the night on a final note.

One last thing she needed to mark it as the perfect night. As they settled back into the limo, she said, “I’d like you to take me home now.”

It was late, so he looked a bit sad that the evening was over, but he understood. He nodded and pushed the intercom button over his head, but she reached out and touched his leg.

“But tell him to go slow.”