Page 321 of The Skeikh's Games

“I’m sorry? Is something wrong with your food?” he asked nervously.

“Yes. There is. I said I wanted the lemon butter on the side. Does this look like it’s on the side? Fix it!” she demanded as she pushed the plate away. Catching Kamal’s eyes, she smiled. “Waiters. You’d think they could get something right. It’s not like their job is hard.”

“You didn’t ask for the lemon butter on the side, Sara. I heard you order. You didn’t ask for it on the side.”

“Whatever.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Now I want it on the side.”

Kamal tensed inside, but he didn’t say anything else. She’d changed her mind and blamed it on someone else. Where else did that seem familiar. “Tell me about your palace,” she said excitedly.

“It’s home. Mother keeps some beautiful gardens out front, and we’ve got a small pond in the back. I love the landscaping.”

“No I meant how many rooms to do you have? Do you throw a lot of parties there? I bet your parties are amazing. I mean, you’re practically royalty, right?”

Bewildered, Kamal stared at her. “Sara, when we were dating, you said you had a problem with me being the future Sheikh. Now you don’t. What’s going on here?”

Reaching across the table, she grabbed his hands. “We were so happy, Kamal. We were so happy and so in love, and you threw that away.”

“I loved you,” he said coldly. “And you threw that back in my face.”

She smiled tightly and squeezed his hands. “I was young and scared. And I made mistakes. Seeing you across the table like this reminds me of everything that I’ve been missing. I’m so sorry, Kamal.”

He tugged his hands away. “I’m married,” he reminded her. And right then, he was missing his wife.

“Like I said, I’m just here for forgiveness.” She leaned back and gave him a seductive look, and Kamal sighed.

Was this what she was like when they were together? Was that what he’d been pining over all this time?

Because if so, he was a fool.

Chapter Ten

“What am I doing?” Kamal asked himself as he stared at his reflection. His color was pale, and there were circles under his eyes. It wasn’t the long hours at work or the sleepless nights. It was Sara. She was draining him of all his energy. She was draining him of his life.

Unable to face himself, he turned and finished dressing. If he didn’t hurry, he was going to be late. Grabbing his briefcase, he opened the door and stopped short.

“Hi,” Sara said with a smile. “I thought I’d come say good morning.”

“Sara, how did you know where I was staying?”

She twirled her finger around her hair, and he stared at the red strands that used to haunt his dreams. “Baby, what’s wrong? You were so strange last night.” She reached over to touch his chest, and he grabbed her hands.

“Sara. I am married. You know that. What are you doing here?”

She rolled her eyes and pushed past him. “I know that you’re married. You keep bringing it up. And I think that should tell you something. We haven’t done anything, Kamal, except talk. And you shouldn’t have to remind me that you’re married just because we’re talking. You shouldn’t have to tell me that unless you feel something.”

With a sigh, he left the door and walked towards her. “I constantly remind you of that because I’m afraid you think there’s something here.”

“What makes you say that?” she asked curiously. “Is it because you can still feel the chemistry between us? And you know that I can feel the chemistry?” She smiled at him and shook her head. “We’ve talked a lot in the past couple of days, Kamal. But we’re not talking about what’s real.”

He stared down at her. “Sara, I spent months missing you. I thought that you were the love of my life. I thought that when I met you, that was it. I thought that we were going to be forever. And you broke my heart. You broke my heart, Sara. You left me, and I got married. And that’s our reality. No amount of talking about it is going to change that.”

“You don’t love your wife,” she murmured as she leaned towards him. “I can tell that you don’t love your wife. I love you. I’m here for you. She’s off spending your money and wasting the day away in another country, but I’m right here. I want you. I don’t care if you’re married. I don’t care if you stay married or if you divorce her. I just need to be close to you.”

She raised up on her tiptoes and kissed him. Kamal froze as their lips touched, and in a moment of weakness, he responded to her.

“I’m not in another country.”

Kamal turned sharply to see Jada standing in the doorway. “I’m not spending your money or wasting the day away. I came here because you seemed like you were having a hard time. You weren’t sleeping, but now I can see why.”