Page 317 of The Skeikh's Games

Nahid took a deep breath and shook his head. “I don’t have a daughter, and I know I could have done a better job with my son. But your father is my best friend, and I know that raising was a struggle for him. And I know that no matter what happens, he is proud of you. And he loves you.”

“Thank you,” Jada said softly. “That means a lot.”

“Ameena isn’t wrong. My son is blind. But it’s not something that you did or that I or his mother did. He loved someone in the past, and I don’t know the details, but I know that it damaged him. He doesn’t see you because he’s too scared to see anyone again.”

The smile slipped off her face, and she felt her shoulders slump. It was probable that Kamal would never love her, but it was too late for her. She was already in love with her husband, and she had no idea that it was going to hurt this bad.

“Thank you, Sheikh. I think I’ll just go back up to my suite now,” she said softly.

“You could do that, or you could go find my wife, and you two can complain about your husbands together,” Nahid said with a wink. “The more my wife vents, the faster she comes back to my arms.”

“You two fight often?” she asked in surprise.

“We love each other. Of course we fight,” he said simply. Jada chuckled and turned from the door.

“I’ll go find your wife so you two can having something else to fight about,” she said with a smile.

Marriage was difficult. Marriage meant fighting and compromising and understanding. And when Kamal got back, she was going to work on that. She wasn’t going to be afraid of fighting and compromising and understanding. And she was going to make her husband see her.

* * *

Kamal slumped at the desk and sighed. Papers were spread out all over the desk, and he was barely keeping it together. He thought he was ready for this. He knew that he was ready for this, and he wrong.

“Kamal? The board members want an update, and the paperwork for the county license needs to be turned in by tomorrow. The supervisor has interviews for tomorrow, but the hiring system in the computer isn’t up and running.”

He pushed back the chair and sighed. “Leave the information on my desk, and I’ll get to it tonight. Right now, I need some food. So I’m going to grab dinner, and I’m going to call my wife, and then I’ll get back to all of this.”

“You’re married?”

There was a span of silence before Kamal nodded. “Yes. I’m married.”

“I guess your wife isn’t happy with you,” the man muttered.

“She’s fine. She understands. Besides, we haven’t been married very long,” Kamal muttered.

“Wow. Newly weds. So you’ll probably be divorced before you get home,”he said as he shrugged. “Enjoy your dinner.”

Kamal stared after him. Divorced? Jada was happy for him to be gone. The man had no idea what he was talking about. Pushing himself from the desk, Kamal walked past him and into the sunshine. He’d been trapped inside for hours, and he inhaled deeply. Closing his eyes, he rolled his head and tried to relieve the tension in his shoulders. Food. He really needed food.

He’d been eating at the same restaurant since he’d gotten here, and he really needed something different. Flagging his driver down, he slipped into the backseat. “Let’s go to the diner on Third street. I’m looking for something new.”

“Yes, sir.”

The diner was only a few minutes away, and he pulled out his phone. In those few minutes, he’d check in with his wife. “Jada?”

“Kamal,” she said shortly. “This isn’t your normal check-in. Is everything okay?”

“What do you mean it’s not my normal check-in?”

“It’s a little early. You normally call a few hours from now. Not that it matters. I’m not complaining. I just want to make sure that everything is okay.”

He heard laughing on the other end. “Everything’s fine. I didn’t realize that I was on such a routine schedule. Is that my parents that I hear in the background? When I left they weren’t speaking to each other. Now they’re laughing.”

“It’s a marriage, Kamal. They love each other. They fight. And then they make it. Down the road, they fight it again.”

Her voice sounded odd, and Kamal shifted uncomfortably as he moved the phone from one ear to another. “I’m glad they’re speaking to each other, and I’m glad they’re keeping you company.”

“Yes. It’s making things better for me. I know you’ve been busy and stressed. Is there anything I can do to help?”