Page 313 of The Skeikh's Games

He moved, changed angles, and slid even deeper inside her. All of her nerves screamed for release, and she lost it. Digging her nails into his back, she arched and buried her head in his shoulder.

“Look at me, Jada,” he whispered. “Look at me. I want to see your face when you orgasm.”

Trembling, she pulled back and stared at him as everything inside her broke wide open. The orgasm was stronger, more intense, and more intimate that her first one, and he rode the wave with her. As he anchored himself to her, she felt his own orgasm, and he never broke eye contact. He never let her go, and for the first time since they’d announced their engagement, she felt safe. In his arms, she felt safe.

Instead of collapsing on top of her, he rolled so that she rested on top of him. Feeling almost embarrassed, she pressed her faced to his chest and slowly moved her fingers over his pecs.

“Are you okay?” he murmured as he ran his hands over her bare back.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“Are you just okay?”

She chuckled and raised her head. “I’m definitely more than okay, but I’ve never done this. I’m not sure what happens after.”

“Well, there are several options. If you’re feeling uneasy, we can talk until you feel better. If you’re tired, we can sleep. If you want go for round two, you’ll have to give me a couple minutes, but I might be up for it.”

Unable to help herself, she laughed. “I couldn’t even begin to go for round two. But I am tired.”

“But you’re also uneasy. And I won’t have my wife feeling uneasy after our wedding night.”

Her heart skipped a beat, and she reached up and kissed him gently. “It wasn’t what I expected, Kalil. I’m just adjusting my expectations, that’s all.”

“Yeah? Is that a good thing?” he said as he studied her.

The truth was that she wasn’t sure if it was a good thing. She’d never expected to feel so intimate with her husband. She never expected to enjoy her husband, and now that her reality was shifting, everything was changing. She was falling love with her husband, and her husband was going to leave soon. And more than anything, she wanted to tell him that she needed more time with him to explore this new reality.

“It just means that I’m going to enjoy my nights a lot more,” she said with a smile before she settled on his chest. He continued to hold her until she finally surrendered herself to the arms of sleep.

Chapter Six

Kamal stayed busy through the next few weeks. Jada did her best to keep herself busy, but there was little to do.

Long after the darkness covered the sky, Kamal dragged himself through the door. Jada had stayed up to kiss him goodnight, and she rubbed her eyes and stretched. “It’s very late,” she said softly. “Would you like a drink?”

He looked at her oddly. “What are you still doing up?”

“I was going to warm something up in case you were hungry.” She glanced down at the floor nervously. Was he angry at her?

“I ate in the main kitchen.”

Swinging her legs from the couch, she stood and half bowed. “Very well. I’ll clean up dinner.”

“Dinner?” He reached out and grabbed her wrist as she moved past him. “Jada, did you cook me dinner?”

“I’m your wife, Kamal. I cook you dinner every night.” She tugged her wrist free and went to clean up the small kitchen. The truth was that Kamal went straight to the main kitchens when he got home from work to eat with his father and talk business. Jada knew that, but she also knew that it was her responsibility to take care of her husband. She cooked dinner for him ever night, and when he didn’t eat it, she ate the leftovers the next day.

“I didn’t know. I’m sorry. You don’t have to do that. You have just as much access to the palace staff as I do. Utilize them,” he said in a tired voice. “I will take that drink though.”

Jada tried to pretend that his words didn’t hurt. Ameena ran the household staff. If Jada didn’t at least try and take care of her husband, she wasn’t worth much around the palace. She was little more than a bed warmer.

As she fixed his drink for him, she realized how completely ironic the whole situation was. At first she was afraid that marrying a Sheikh meant she would lose her independence and become little more than a trophy wife. But now that she couldn’t even do menial things around the house, she realized how little she meant to him.

“If there is nothing else, I’ll go to bed,” Jada said stiffly as she handed him her drink. She knew he had a lot on his mind, but surely he remembered that she existed, right?

“Jada.” Kamal reached for his drink and caressed her hands at the same time. She felt a small thrill of excitement race through her. No matter how tired Kamal was, when he wanted her, he was always very attentive.

Very attentive.