Page 311 of The Skeikh's Games

Nahid even winked. “I am also pleased to announce that the board has reviewed Kamal’s expansion plans for the company. Within a few months, Kamal will be in America to oversee the new quarters there. When he returns, we will be stronger, more profitable, and more powerful than ever.”

A huge cry went up in the crowd, and even Kamal himself hissed. He left Jada to embrace his father, and Jada felt her breath escape her lungs as she looked around.

Everything slowed as she realized what this would mean. Kamal would never take her with him when he went to head the new section of America. He would leave her behind for months, even years.


As the crowd continued to celebrate and laugh and cheer, only one person looked at her. Ameena.

There was nothing but regret and sorrow on her face. She knew what was in store for Jada. And she was sorry.

It took all of Jada’s training not to lean over and hurl. What kind of Sheikh’s wife would she be then? Instead, she stood tall and plastered a fake smile on her face. She would support her husband. No matter what.

That was what she was bred to do.

Chapter Five

Jada peeled down her wedding dress and stepped carefully out of it. With trembling fingers, she slowly put it on the hanger. She reached in for her robe and wrapped it around herself. She was nervous. She was more than nervous.

Kalil was still down at the reception speaking to everyone, but she’d had enough. There was a twisted knot in her stomach and it grew with each passing moment. Any minute now, he’d come to the room and open the door and demand that she perform her wifely duties. She wasn’t scared. Jada didn’t get scared.

But she was definitely nervous. And anxious.

Pacing, she stopped when she saw her reflection in the mirror. She was still in her wedding make-up, and her hair was still curled and styled. She looked like the woman she was bred to be, and all she wanted to do was scrub the make-up off, gather her hair into a band, and rip off all her lingerie.

“Get it together,” she muttered. “This is your life now.”

The door opened, and Kalil leaned against the doorframe. “I must be taking too long if you’re talking to yourself,” he said with a smile.

Her eyes widened, and she ducked her head. “I’m sorry.”

“It was a joke, Jada. Don’t be sorry.” He stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. “It’s been a long day, Jada. I won’t hold it against you if you want to just sleep.”

She took a deep breath. “I’m a virgin.”

Startled, he narrowed his eyes. “Excuse me?”

“I think you hear me,” she said dryly. “But if you want to force me to say it again, I’ll be more than happy to.”

“No.” Kalil shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’m just surprised. It’s rare these days. How?”

“Really? You need me to go over how I didn’t have sex?” Immediately, she blew out her breath. “I’m sorry. That was rude. It just happened. I’ve been focused on other things, and I just never got around to sex.”

“What else have you been focused on?”

She blinked at the sudden change in conversation. “Excuse me?”

Kalil walked forward and took her hand. “What were you focused on? We rarely talk about you, and now we’re married. Now I want you to talk about you.”

“School, mostly. I like studying and learning new things. The world is always changing.” She was so focused on the conversation that she didn’t even realize that he’d led her to the bed. Jada sat on the edge of it, and Kalil settled behind her. He began to massage her shoulders. “World policies have to be studied to discover a pattern. You can’t just guess what another country is going to do. You have to be prepared and look at the patterns.”

She leaned against him and enjoyed the warmth of his body. His fingers felt like magic as they moved deep into her muscles. “Is that what you studied? Your father just said you focused on general studies.”

“Hmm,” she moaned. “I did start with general studies, but I focused on international politics. When you’re being raised to be a Sheikh’s wife, you want to come prepared. But it wasn’t just about that. I enjoyed it. I loved it.”

“You loved international politics,” he said with a chuckle.

Realizing what she was saying, she immediately tensed. “It’s not that I’m considering getting involved in your affairs,” she muttered.