Page 30 of The Skeikh's Games

What if this girl, this Aimee were one of these rare specimens? Perhaps that would explain why everything felt so natural and joyful around this girl? Because she was a natural and joyful person instead of a soul-sucking lifeless demoness from the bowels of…

No, there he was doing it again. Not every woman was like that.

He anxiously tapped his thumb against his desk twice before pushing himself up to stand and stare at the window. Maybe she wasn’t like that, but it didn’t hurt to play it carefully, did it? He could take it easy in the beginning and reveal to her who and what he really was later, once he was sure she accepted him for who he was first.

Of course, that begged the question: who was he? If he wasn’t the business tycoon the upscale denizens of the city knew him as, then who would he be? That stumped him. It was a shameful thing. He should’ve been more imaginative than this. His parent company owned nearly every major corporation working out of the city, yet here he stood completely lacking in ideas of who he would be to this woman.

After five minutes of blankness as he stared into the sun kissed distance, he just rubbed his forehead with his thumb and decided to go for a ride later to think about it. That was when he hit his forehead against the window. Of course! The bike. She knew him as a biker already. All he had to do was maintain the persona. It wasn’t entirely a lie, anyway. He did enjoy a good ride and their meeting had been a very genuine one. All he had to do was omit the fact that he could buy and sell her little café a dozen times with just his pocket money. Easy. He was a fantastic liar. How much easier it would be to simply not tell the truth, instead?

That very day he left work early to go home and change into his riding leathers. Then, firing up the ol’ hog, he set off on the highway toward the little township. When he arrived, he pulled up in the little parking area out in the front of the café and killed the engine.

Xavier was an admittedly impatient man, and when he set his mind to something he wanted it done right then and there. So when he walked into the café and didn’t see her, his heart sank a bit.

“Just have a seat anywhere,” the cook called from the back.

“Is she working today? Uh, Aimee. Is she working?”

“Aimee?” the cook asked. “Yeah, she’s here. She’s out back on break. She’ll be with you in a minute.”

“Great, thanks.” Xavier went and picked the same booth he’d been sitting in when they first met. He sat there for all of two minutes before getting up and leaving to go find her.

Impatience wasn’t necessarily an attractive trait to have, but it was him to a very defined point. He just couldn’t wait to talk to her.

That thought made him stop and laugh. He really couldn’t wait to talk to her. Remarkable.

As he rounded the corner of the small building, he saw her. She stood there in the arms of another man. He was large, much taller than her and looked to be made of equal parts fat and muscle. A force to be reckoned with if he ever saw one. The man was kissing and pawing at her, and she didn’t look exactly like she was unwelcoming towards it. Though she smiled up at the big man, when he moved to kiss her neck, the smile would fade immediately, her eyes glazing over as she went to another place.

Xavier pulled back and went inside once more to wait for her. It was another ten minutes before she came back inside.

“Hey, you came back,” she said as she approached his table.

Xavier did his best to smile up at her. “I did indeed. Never pass up a place with excellent service.”

She giggled at him. “What can I get you?”

“I don’t want to seem weird, so I apologize if this creeps you out. I saw you back there just now.”

“What?” Her arm holding the notepad dropped.

Xavier pointed back toward the cook. “He said you were on break and I was hoping to catch you so we could chat a little, but I saw you were with…?”

“John. He’s my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend. Got it.” Xavier nodded and drummed his fingers on the table. “Anyway, I didn’t want to interrupt, so I came back inside. Should I go, then?”

“You’re asking me?”

“You’re the one with the boyfriend.”

“Oh,” she said, her eyes lighting up as it dawned on her what they were talking about. “Well I don’t know. I guess that’s up to you.”

“I don’t want to be where I’m not wanted.”

“You’re not unwanted… exactly.”

“Good enough,” he said with a smile. “Good enough for me.”

Things were a bit more complicated than he originally thought. Good, he liked a challenge.