Page 307 of The Skeikh's Games

His father was right. Kamal closed his eyes and shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

“You’re mother would not be happy if she heard the words coming out of your mouth. You will go and spend some time with Jada. Get to know her. She might surprise you.”

Kamal doubted that very seriously, but Jada didn’t deserve the words that came out of his mouth. He pushed back his chair and stood. “I’ll see if she’d like to get lunch,” he muttered as he grabbed his presentation and slid it into the drawer.

“Very good. Kamal, I realize that this isn’t the life you had planned. But sometimes the life that is thrust upon us is better than anything we could have planned.”

Kamal doubted that very seriously, but he wasn’t about to talk about the life he had planned. It wasn’t an option anymore, and there was no reason to discuss it with anyone. Instead, he nodded curtly to his father and strode out the door. He didn’t bother with calling Jada first. Nahid would no doubt already have Jada’s father on the phone to tell him the news. He considered stripping out of his professional wear for something more formal, but then he dismissed the idea. He was a businessman. Jada would simply have to get used to that.

Her father greeted him warmly. “Kamal! It is good to see you. Your father and I were worried that you were getting lost in this big presentation of yours. Care to give an old man a sneak peek?” he said as he embraced Kamal.

Kamal laughed appropriately. So long as it was business they were discussing, he was comfortable. “I won’t even give my father a sneak peek,” he said with a smile.

“Ah, but I am not your father. You can trust me,” he said with a wink. “Come. Have a seat. Jada will, no doubt, be awhile before she finds herself presentable. You know how women are.”

Kamal laughed again, but his time it was more hesitantly. Sara used to take forever to get ready, but then, he had no one to compare to. Secretly, he hoped his future wife would not take too long to pamper herself. He had no intentions of drawing this meeting out.

Lunch. He needed to remind himself that it was a meal for his bride, and not a conference.

“Your mother hounds me with wedding questions,” he muttered. “I’ve told Nahid that he must do something, but he swears it will only get worse if I don’t comply.”

“Sound advice,” Kamal said dryly. “What did you think of the meeting last week? Do you suppose the board will allocate the funds for this new project?”

Jada’s father wrinkled his nose. “I doubt it. Most of the board are stuffy old men who do not advocate change. Why do you ask? Are you concerned that we won’t be able to fund whatever it is that you’re working on?”

Kamal spoke carefully. “My project won’t really need funding,” he said carefully. “But if they approve an idea so close to my presentation, they may not be open to something else new so soon.”

The old man smiled fondly. “And you’re idea can’t wait?”

“Oh it can. But I am not a patient man. Besides, it is the optimal time to set everything in motion.”

“And what would it be?”

“Oh no you don’t,” Kamal said with a hearty laugh. “You won’t get me that easily.”

Someone cleared their throat, and Kamal turned in his chair to see Jada standing in the doorway. She looked stunning in a periwinkle blue dress. As usual, her eyes were cast to the floor.

“Jada!” her father boomed. “It’s about time, woman. We were growing old waiting for you.”

Kamal rolled his eyes. He’d hardly been here five minutes. “He’s joking, of course. You look lovely.”

“Thank you, Kamal. You look well, yourself. If you would like to continue discussing business, I can return at another time.”

“That won’t be necessary,” he said hastily as he stood. “Your father is trying to pry some information out of me, and I’d prefer to spend some time with a beautiful woman.” The compliments were rolling off his tongue, and they almost surprised him. He didn’t expect to be so at ease in her presence.

Or so flirtatious.

He saw the flicker of surprise in her own eyes as well. “I’ll call the car around to pick us up.”

“No need. My driver is ready.” He turned and smiled at her father. “It’s always a pleasure.”

“Enjoy yourselves,” her father said with a nod of his head. Kamal held out his arm, and Jada linked hers through. He thought he heard a small sigh come from her, but when he turned to her, she was looking away from him.

“Everything all right?” he asked once they were situated in the car.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” she responded, and he sensed some impatience in her voice. Looking at her shrewdly, he noticed that was almost hastily put on. Not that she wasn’t beautiful, but she wasn’t wearing nearly as much as the night of the party. Of course, what did he know of make-up?

“I interrupted something,” he said with narrow eyes.