Page 300 of The Skeikh's Games

“I want you to end your accounts with Rigel, or at the very least, get a new account manager,” she said, suddenly.

“Done,” he said. He tapped his phoneand in thirty seconds he’d sent an email that was probably going to fuck over Reid’s entire career.

Oh well—maybe if he’d been nicer. Then again, if he had been nicer, she might not have been here. The universe worked in strange ways.

“And I want to go to Scotland.”

“Flight plans take about twenty-four hours to clear,” he said, tapping away at his phone.

“And I want to see what’s in that drawer.”

He looked up, surprised. But then, unexpectedly, he smiled. “You know what, I think I will,” he said. “Come with me. But I have to warn you: you’ll probably like it.”

“I’m counting on it,” she said, taking his arm.


The Sheikh's Temptation

Chapter One

She’d been fascinating from the moment he’d laid eyes on her. Everything about her, from her pale skin to the dusting of freckles across her nose had intrigued him. There were nights when he stole away to hold in her in his arms, and he’d try to count those freckles. His Sara. The women that surrounded him bowed their heads in respect, but Sara was different. She wasn’t just American different, but she was simply unique. In his years studying abroad, he’d focused solely on his studies. But the moment she’d bumped into him in the coffee shop and spilled the searing hot liquid all over his books, he’d been smitten. It was like the start to a beautiful romantic movie.

“Oh, I am so sorry.” She stared at him and pressed her hands to her cheeks. “I haven’t slept all night. I’m like a zombie.”

“It’s okay,” he said smoothly as he tried to clean his books with the sleeve of his shirt. “Please don’t stress about it.”

“No, please. I need to make it up to you. I’d buy you a cup of coffee, but I’m already late for class.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of paper. After scribbling furiously on it, she handed it to him. “This is my number. Please text me this evening and let me know when you’re free.”

Raising an eyebrow, he glanced over the paper. “Sara?”

“Yes, that’s my name.” Glancing at the clock, she gasped. “I am so late. I’m so sorry. Please. Call me.” She gave him one more apologetic look and bolted.

Women gave him their numbers all the time. Maybe it was his exotic dark skin or his prominent cheekbones, but finding dates had never been a problem for him. But she had barely glanced at him.

Staring at her retreating back, he folded the piece of paper and stuck it in his pocket. He was far too busy to call her, but maybe, if he found the time, he’d try to get to know this Sara a little better.

“Kamal, I am talking to you!”

Torn from his memories, Kamal pushed away from the window and turned to stare at his father. Nahid Al-Basir’s face was contorted in anger. “Have you not heard a word that I just said, boy?”

Kamal straightened. His culture dictated that he show his father respect, and he bowed his head in reverence. “I apologize father. I have much on my mind.”

Nahid sighed. “It’s fine, Kamal. Your head has been filled with dreams ever since you returned from America. I wonder if we did not make a mistake by sending you there.”

Kamal didn’t answer. If his father hadn’t sent him, he would have never met Sara. “Not dreams, father. My head is full of ideas for the future. And you would not be so quick to dismiss my time in America if you knew of the contacts that I had made there. I can expand our business two-fold.”

Beaming, Nahid clapped his son on the back. “That’s my boy. Now then, there is something I am here to discuss. As you know, you’re reaching your twenty-sixth birthday next week. There will be a special lady in attendance that I need you to pay particular attention to.”

Special lady? Kamal narrowed his eyes. “Who?”

“Jada will be there.”

“Jada? Your partner’s daughter?”

Nahid’s eyes widened in delight. “You remember her! Excellent!”

Kamal tried to catch his breath. “I have not seen her since we were children. I did not know she was back in Moracco.”