Page 286 of The Skeikh's Games

She poked her head over the top of the bed to see that he had moved away from the window and slid her body up over the bed, keeping as low as she possibly could. With one hand she reached out and grabbed it and recoiled back to her position on the other side of the bed.

“I can see you,” said Brian. “I’m not going anywhere until we talk,” She could see the silhouette of the thing clutched in his hand now. It was a gun, there was no doubt about it anymore.

April dialed 911.

“Hello,” she whispered. “I’m in a motel room. My ex-fiance is trying to break in.”

After giving the operator the her name and the address, she hung up. She thought of Max and how nice he had been to her. He had told her to call her in case of trouble and if this wasn’t trouble she didn’t know what was. What if she didn’t get a chance to thank him properly? What if Brian had finally lost it and the moment he got frustrated at not being able to get inside, he shot through the window at her?

She hurriedly dialed Max’s number and he picked up on the third ring. “Hello, Max Connor speaking.” She tried to keep her voice steady, but even so, she couldn’t keep the panic out of her voice.

“Max,” she said. “It’s April.”

“April? Are you okay?”

“I’m at the Greenferry Motel out on Old Lake Drive. He’s here. Brian. And I think he has a gun. I called 911, but just in case I wanted to…”

“Listen, stay low, get into the bathroom and lock the door. I’m just a few minutes away. Hold on.”

The phone went dead in her hand and she stared at it for a moment, her mind struggling to grasp the instructions he had given her.

The bathroom was on the other side of the room. If she got up, from her spot, she’d be out in the open. Even if she leopard crawled, there was a 5 feet of open floor between her and the bathroom that would make her an easy target.

Nope, she thought, I’m not taking any chances. Instead, she pressed her body flat against the floor and waited.

The beating against the door continued and she poked her head up intermittently to see if either Max or the police had arrived.

After what seemed like hours, but what must have been mere minutes, she saw a black Range Rover pull up in the street on the other side of the motel parking lot. April watched as a silhouette strode across the lot toward Brian. Brian was standing at the window peering in again, waving the gun around. As the silhouette drew nearer, she recognized Max’s confident gait. Without hesitation, Max slipped one arm up under one of Brian’s armpits and around his neck, locking him in place and securing the weapon. Max brought his other fist up into Brian’s kidneys. The gun dropped instantly from his hand and Max booted it away, out of reach as he wrestled Brian to the ground.

Sirens wailed in the distance and finally the flashing lights of two police vehicles appeared in the parking lot. The officers double timed out of the vehicles and over to the two men, entangled on the ground.

April bolted out of the room to find the two officers pulling Max from Brian. Both men were restrained and one of the officers spoke into his radio while the other turned to April.

“Do you know these men, ma’am?” he asked.

“Yes, he’s my ex-fiance and this is Max, a friend of mine.”

“I see. And you made the call?”

“Yes, officer. My fiancé had a gun. We’d just broken up this morning and I thought he was going to try something stupid. He’s been drinking too much lately and acting really strange, so I was really worried. I called Max just in case. Max was only stepping in to help.”

The officer released Max and walked over to where the gun lay on the ground. With his pen, he lifted the gun up by the trigger guard. “Ma’am, do you know what kind of gun this is?”

“No, officer, I’ve never seen it before. I didn’t even know he had a gun.”

“This is BB gun. Pretty harmless unless he shot someone in the eye. Has he harassed you before?”

“Not really. I mean he almost tipped me out of my chair last night, but…”

“We can get him for harassment and intimidation, should you choose to press charges, but I’ll be sure to give him a good talking to down at the station. Make sure he never pulls this sort of thing again. It might be wise to get a restraining order set as well.”

“Okay, do you mind if I talk to him quick?”

“Go ahead.”

April walked over to where Brian was being handcuffed. His eyes were wild and his face flushed. “What were you thinking, Brian? I can’t believe you.”

“I thought you were in there with some guy. I was just going to scare him.”