Page 278 of The Skeikh's Games


Riley woke early the next morning. They had fallen asleep in Nick’s bed after another round of steamy lovemaking. She pulled herself away from Nick’s naked body and pulled on his shirt. It hung so baggy on her that she wondered how a human being could ever quite fill it the way he did.

She made her way down into the kitchen. She had promised him breakfast and she was going to fulfill that promise even if it meant rising at the crack of dawn. She did her best keeping quiet while she rifled through the unfamiliar fridge and cupboards and finally got together the ingredients for a breakfast of pork sausages, eggs, toast and coffee.

Once she was done, she loaded it onto a tray and crept back up the stairs and into his bedroom. He was still fast asleep. She placed the tray onto his bedside table and crept back beneath the toasty covers with him.

His eyelids fluttered as she ran her hands down his body beneath the sheets and he rolled over to kiss her.

“Morning handsome,” she said. “I promised you breakfast, so I made you breakfast in bed.”

He nuzzled her neck with his stubbled chin by way of thanks and goose bumps erupted on her arms. “You keep doing that and the breakfast is going to have to wait until you’ve finished what you’ve started,” she teased.

They ate breakfast together and after they had both showered and dressed, they headed back to the hospital to see Matt. This time, her excitement to see him was added to by the nervousness of what she had to tell him. Would he accept her wanting to be with Nick? Would he reject it outright? Would it be wise to even tell him now? She hoped it wouldn’t affect his relationship with Nick, or worse, affect his relationship with her. She could only pray that he would be able to see it from her perspective.

When they arrived at the door to Matt’s room, Riley turned to Nick.

“I’m so nervous,” she said. “What if he gets upset?”

“Better to tell him now than keep it a secret,” said Nick. “You sure you don’t want me to do it?”

“No, I’m sure.”

They went in together, to find Matt propped up on his pillow looking cheerier than the day before.

“Hey, guys!” he greeted happily. “The doctors say I’m going to be out of here by the end of the week. I’ll still need to wear the neck brace, but otherwise, it’s all good.”

Riley clapped her hands and kissed him on the cheek. “That’s great news!” she said.

Nick slapped Matt on the shoulder. “I guess they’ve had enough of you then.”

“Nah, they love me here,” said Matt grinning mischievously. “That nurse of mine keeps giving me sexy looks. I think she wants me to stick around some more.”

“You mean nursezilla that keeps chasing us away?” said Nick.

“Yeah, that’s her. You know me, I love a strong woman.”

Riley laughed at that and felt some of her nervousness leave her. Now would be as good a time as any, she thought and gave Nick a look that said the same. Nick picked up on it immediately.

“I think this calls for a celebratory coffee, what do you say? Man, I can’t get enough of the stuff from this place. Maybe it’s the smell of disinfectant that makes it taste so good.”

“I’ll grab one of those,” said Matt.

“Me too,” said Riley, “thanks.”

They watched Nick leave together before Matt turned to Riley smiling mysteriously.

“What?” said Riley.

“You like him don’t you? You want to have like a million of his babies.”

Riley blushed. “How do you know?”

“Riley, you’re my sister. I haven’t seen you this happy around a guy for a long time. Your eyes practically sparkle when you look at him.”

Riley rubbed her hands together nervously. “Matt, I have to tell you something.”

“It’s already happened hasn’t it? You guys are totally falling for each other.”