Page 275 of The Skeikh's Games

On the way up the long driveway to Nick’s house, Riley got the first sense of how big the place actually was. At the end of the drive stood a huge futuristic glass building that looked as though it had been designed by a cubist painter, glass panes and white walls running off at strange and breath-taking angles.

Behind the house, the infinity pool seemed to continue right into the dark ocean beyond. In the distance, Riley could see the sparkling lights of Miami on the other side of the bay. They sat on the edge of the pool, sipping cocktails that Nick had prepared.

Riley dangled her feet into the water. The pool had retained the heat of the day and now felt warm and soothing to her weary feet.

“I just want to jump in,” she said. “The water’s so warm.”

“Be my guest,” said Nick.

“It’s kind of silly,” said Riley, “But ever since I was a kid and saw the Jaws movies, I can’t swim alone. Also, I only packed what I could fit in my backpack so I didn’t bother with a swim suit.”

Nick chuckled. “I can help you with the first one, but you’re on your own with the latter.”

He didn’t wait for a response, instead he stood up, unbuttoned his shirt and stripped down to his boxer shorts.

Riley had just enough time to notice the rippling muscles of his stomach and then his back as he launched himself head first into the pool.

“Come on,” said Nick, “The water is beautiful.”

Riley thought of Matt telling Nick to keep his hands off and then remembered what he’d said about how quickly life can turn, how you should enjoy it while you can.

“Come on,” said Nick again. “I won’t bite. Live a little.”

She imagined diving into the pool and pressing her body against Nick’s firm, wet skin and bit her lip. No, she told herself, it’s just a swim, nothing’s going to happen. But deep down she knew that what she wanted was very far from nothing. What she wanted was to seize the moment and everything that came with it.

Riley stood up, trying to mimic Nick’s explosive confidence. She turned away from him as she lifted her dress over her head and tossed it over a nearby deck chair. She stood for a moment in her white bra and panties, crossing her arms over her breasts. She could almost feel Nick’s eyes taking in her figure, stroking down her bare shoulders and back. When she glanced coyly over her shoulder at him, she was pleased to confirm her suspicions.

“Here goes nothing,” she said and dived as gracefully as she could into the pool.

She opened her eyes too late and when she came up, she was standing face to face with Nick. Water glistened in his hair and on his lips. His chest mere inches from her damp, now see-through brassiere. She could feel her nipples hardening under the cool fabric and the buzzing electricity of his presence.

Her lips parted on their own accord as their gazes locked. His eyes looked deeply into hers then dropped to her lips. Instinctively, she moistened them and watched him do the same. The electric aura between them suddenly revved up tenfold and tingled across her skin. As he leaned in closer, the conflicting thoughts in her head roared to an almost audible level.

Don’t do it, Riley!

Do it!

Don’t do it!



Nicks lips hovered an inch from hers, pulling her in with all of his magnetic power. Her breath caught in her throat at the sheer force of the attractive pull. Her hands drew up to his chest to push him away, but instead rested there on the warm, firm flesh of his pecs. Her heart leapt. His skin so incredibly alive beneath her fingertips.

The electric tingle spread down across her belly, tingling, warming, all the way down, her breasts now rising and falling heavily, faster and faster until the explosive crescendo. She leaned in, caught his lower lips between hers. Her tongue flickered across the tender flesh, tasting the clean water cooling there.

His hands cradled her head, nibbling her lip in return. Then, like a tidal wave of passion, the little nibbles became furious, feverish kisses: swirling tongues, roaming hands, hot skin against cool fabric.

His mouth roamed down her neck, stubble grazing her ear as it went, whispering titillating secrets. His hot tongue and gentle teeth found the erogenous spot of her throat bared to him, sending paralyzing waves of pleasure down into her legs, causing them to buckle forward, pressing her against him. She could feel his hardness through the fabric of his boxer shorts and the thin damp lace of her panties. Wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, she pushed against him harder, wanting to be as close as she could to him, wanting him inside her.

Her body became weightless in the water as one of Nick’s powerful arms supported her while the other hand unclipped the clasp of her bra. She let it slide off into the water, feeling her nipples tingling in the cool air.

He cupped one small breast, his thumb teasing her nipple, never quite touching and then alighting on it for only one maddening moment. She rocked her hips against him, lifting her breast to his mouth. His tongue spiraled around her sensitive nub in tightening circles until finally treating her to the delicious warmth of her mouth. She moaned softly into the warm night air as he suckled her.

When he pulled away, he looked into her eyes. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” said Nick. “I know we shouldn’t, but I wanted you the moment I first saw you.”

She placed a finger on his lips. “I want this,” she said. “I want you.”