Page 264 of The Skeikh's Games

“Sabrina,” he growled a warning.

“So you had sex with sweet little Shala and then you did something to piss her off. Sound about right?”

“Yes,” he sighed impatiently.

“Okay let’s go slower. What happened after sex, did you cuddle, shower together, go again?”

“She fell asleep and I went for a walk on the beach,” he spat out.

“Then you returned and slid back into bed, wrapping your arms around her naked sated body, and then…?”

Zadir grunted. “I came back from the beach, grabbed a pillow and slept on the sofa.”

“Zadir!” Her shriek was so loud he pulled the phone away from his ear to preserve his hearing.

“What?” He ran a hand over his face and through his hair. “I took her virginity and then I freaked out, alright?” He whispered furiously into the phone.

Sabrina’s gasp was loud and worrisome. “You like her.”

“I do not!” He paced faster and faster, stopping with a curse when his knee hit the bed.

“You do! You totally like Shala!”

“I do not like Shala!”

“You’re a liar. You like her but you’re worried giving you her virginity means she’s ready to get married, so you acted like an idiot.” She made a sound of disgust that kicked him in the gut. “Newsflash Zadir. Giving you her virginity means she liked you and trusted you to make it good for her, not that she wants to have your babies. Bloody idiot!”

“How am I to know?”

“Well you don’t sleep in another room after you’ve robbed a girl of her virginity.”

“Hey! I never stole anything. She gave it freely and willingly.”

“I don’t need details you fool! Go make it right with her. See you soon.”

She disconnected the call and he stood until his thoughts were interrupted by the flight attendant. “We’re preparing for descent, Your Highness.”

He nodded and took a few deep breaths before heading back into the cabin to take his seat. He glanced over at Shala and instantly felt gutted. She was wiping away tears.

* * *

Stupid eavesdropping girl, she berated herself. What did she think would come of spying on Zadir and his private phone calls? That she would find out he was secretly in love with her and wanted to pursue a relationship? More like the exact opposite, he didn’t even like her! She flung herself on the plush leather seat and took several angry swipes at the tears that streamed down her face. I don’t like Shala! He couldn’t have been clearer.

It was just sex. He’d seen her too lush curves and, like most men, couldn’t resist trying to own it for just a little while. She let out a long, slow breath to stem the flow of tears when she heard his heavy footfalls on the floor. Turning her face toward the window, she continued to wipe them away as the plane lowered into the beautiful—from the sky—city of Florence.

By the time the plane had landed and they made it to the hotel—another suite—Shala had her emotions under control. Her tears were a thing of the past, but a quick shower and tons of moisturizer, and she looked close to normal. “Whatever that is,” she said and went to answer the knocking at her bedroom door. Of course, who else would it be? “Yes?”

“Can we talk for a minute?” He looked sincere and a little lost, but she was unmoved.

“Sure. What would you like to discuss,” she reached for her tablet, swiped a few times and looked up at him expectantly

“You know I don’t want to talk about work. Us, Shala. I want to talk about us.”

She held up her hand. “I don’t. There is no us. You wanted sex and I offered it up so I don’t blame you for taking it. Okay?”

A painful groan ripped from his throat. “That’s not what happened at all, and you know it.”

Her sigh was heavy with emotion. “I don’t know it, and it doesn’t matter anyway Zadir.” She stared at a spot just over his shoulder, her heart cracking and splintering in a million pieces to have him so close, to have her body react to his the way it did, all the time knowing how he felt. “Are we done?”