Page 261 of The Skeikh's Games

He heard the awe in her voice and did the only thing he could at the moment. He crawled up her body and kissed the hell out of her. “I need to taste you.”

Her eyes were hazy with lust. She nodded, “Okay.”

He gave her a satisfied smile and began to place open mouth kisses all over her body, while she moaned and cried out his name. How he maintained control, Zadir didn’t know. He only knew that he needed to keep hearing that sound and he needed to get his mouth on her. Now. One swipe of his tongue and she bucked her hips, screamed and pulled his hair.

“Zadir, no!”

He looked at her in confusion. “You said I could taste you.”

“Yeah but, never mind,” she sighed and fell back against the pillow.

He shrugged and got back to business, licking and sucking at her core until her legs squeezed him tight and she trembled and screamed his name.

Shala quickly got over her embarrassment when the feeling of his wet tongue against her most private parts, sent a jolt through her so powerful that her body had acted on its own. Up and down his tongue swiped, from her opening to her clit, over and over until her body shook with the force of her impending orgasm. “Zadir, Zadir,” she moaned over and over, his name the only thought in her mind. “Oh!” She screamed out when his tongue slid inside her body and her body felt as though it had been set on fire with tiny earthquakes. Her body moved on its own, absorbing the pleasure and riding the waves out. “Wow,” she whispered when she finally caught her breath and landed safely back on earth.

He laughed and kissed around the stiffened peak of her nipple. “You look so beautiful when you come, I almost couldn't stop tasting you. I would taste you forever just to see that look on your face.”

Her mouth froze in a shocked ‘o’. “Well if every time feels like that, I just might let you.” Her hand lay on his stomach, gaining her attention when he flinched at her touch. Her gaze traveled south and when it landed on that hard column of male flesh, her mouth watered. She sat up, looked at Zadir and then at his erection. Shala wrapped her hand around it and squeezed tight. “Sorry,” she muttered when he hissed out a breath.

“It’s fine. Feels good. Too good.”

“Okay enough,” he growled, pulling her up and on her back in one quick move. “I need you, Shala. Need you.”

She nodded and gave him a nervous smile, secretly bracing herself for the pain she heard was nearly unbearable. But Zadir’s kisses had drugged her until she was so boneless and relaxed she couldn’t prepare herself if she tried. “Now, please,” she begged, releasing a grunted “Ow,” when he slid into her in one long thrust.

Zadir froze when he’d felt himself plow through a barrier that shouldn’t be there. He looked down and saw the wariness on her gaze. Had he forced her into something she wasn’t ready for? Dammit, he cursed himself and began to pull away until a pair of tiny hands squeezed his ass, stopping his movement.

“Zadir look at me.” She cupped his face to make sure she had his attention. “I want this. Zadir, I want you. Okay?”

His smile mixed with relief and amazement. She always seemed to get it, to get him and that made him feel good. Really good. He watched her face, saw the disappointment when he began to pull out. He saw her war with herself to keep fighting him or let him go. She chose the latter and he chose that moment to push back into her. The high pitch scream made him harder. “You’re so tight. Wet.” His brain wasn’t capable of regular function as he pounded into her, and complete sentences were out of the question.

Shala caught the rhythm and rolled her hips against, loving the way she felt something new with each new thrust. Her body wanted what Zadir gave it, but it was enough. “More,” she begged as her hands roamed the muscles of his chest and arms. “You’re so hot,” she panted loving the way his body looked as it worked to bring them both pleasure.

He grunted at her words and increased his speed, deepened his thrusts. He was used to women saying things about the way he looked, but the way Shala said it felt different. She meant it, but he didn’t like the doubt he heard in her voice. “Shala, tell me you like it.”

“I can’t, because I love it. I need you, Zadir. More of you.”

He gave her what she wanted, until they were both sweaty and out of breath. He changed the angle, contorting her body so he could hit that spot again and again until her body tightened like a bow. He didn’t slow down or ease up. “Shala,” he groaned when he felt his own orgasm barreling forward. “Shala!” He screamed her name in her ear, shuddered several times and collapsed on top of her.

Shala wrapped her arms around him, letting her fingers dance across his muscles while he rode out his own pleasure. Her own core continued to pulse around him, begging for more of his brand of loving. “Zadir that was magnificent,” she whispered and curled her tongue around his ear lobe. A smile crossed her face when he shivered.

She had never felt so satisfied, so boneless in her entire life. She couldn’t move and her body ached so wonderfully, but she felt so good. Different, but good. Tears pricked at her eyes but she fought them back, refusing to let her emotions and expectations ruin this moment for her. She loved him, so what? Big deal. She knew he didn’t love her back and that this didn’t mean anything more to him than sex. But she also knew that she would give anything, would do anything to feel that way every single day for the rest of her life.

Too bad it won’t be with you.

* * *

Zadir lie in bed, frozen with fear in the aftermath of their lovemaking. He’d been with plenty of women, more than he should probably, and not once had he been affected the way Shala affected him. His orgasm had been powerful. Too powerful. He felt tears prick at his eyes and that was something he didn’t do, not ever.

And damn, she’d given him the gift of her virginity. That had given him a certain measure of male pride, to know that no man but him had ever been inside her sweet lush body. He also had to acknowledge that it was a big deal for her. But, how big? Did she expect a proposal and a promise of forever or was she in it for the physical release? He couldn’t be sure what her expectations were, but he knew that he liked Shala. He liked her more than he’d ever liked a woman, even Kerri, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for a wife and a family of his own. Eventually he wanted those things, but first he needed to get Alzari Holdings back.

That had to be his main focus until he was installed as the head of the company. He couldn’t let anyone, not even sweet and innocent Shala, distract him from his goals. Careful not to wake her, Zadir slid out of bed and covered her sleeping body. He needed to get away from Shala and her sweet scent, her curvy body and those understanding eyes. He couldn’t think straight when she was around, and more than ever he needed to think clearly.

He stepped through the sliding doors, sucking in a lungful of salty ocean air, and decided to walk down to the beach. The warm breeze cooled his still overheated body and the sand sank between his toes. So far this trip had been more successful than he could have ever anticipated. If things went alright with the Sun Energy people, his father would have no choice but to give Alzari Holdings back to him. The chime of his phone interrupted Zadir’s thoughts. “Yeah?”

“Zadir? It’s Rashid.”

He rolled his eyes. “What can I do for you, Rashid?” He felt a pang of guilt at the sigh his brother released.