Page 256 of The Skeikh's Games

She laughed at his eager expression. “Don’t be so surprised, Zadir. I did go to business school, you know.”

He waved off her words. “I just meant the way you took everything and just boiled it down to a few simple needs. I need you. On my team.”

Her heart was mid-soar when he completed that thought and again she felt like a foolish, gangly teen. It plummeted to the ground in a jaw-droppingly fast fall. He wanted her mind, her business acumen and her ability to turn his tabloid escapades into a simple boys will be boys story everyone gets a kick out of around the dinner table. “I already have a job, thanks.”

He leaned in close until his lips brushed her cheek when he spoke in her ear. “Yeah but this one has better salary and benefits, a hotter boss and a lot more travel.”

Shala wasn’t ashamed to admit that the travel appealed to her most. It would keep her away from Jovanbar and her overbearing parents, eager to get her coupled up and married off to some wealthy businessman. But she couldn’t deny the hotter boss was nearly as enticing. But the man would make it hard to do her job. He would flirt and begin a relentless crusade to bed her until she gave in, upon which time he would promptly lose interest. She would be heartbroken and unemployed. “I have always wanted to travel,” she whispered back to him, a satisfied smile crossing her face at his shiver.

Zadir pulled back with a seductive smile on his face. “Stick with me, Shala and you’ll go everywhere you ever wanted…and then some.”

Don’t react, don’t react. Do. Not. React. She willed her body not to react in any way to his words, to that look in his eyes that made a girl want to shove her panties to the floor and do whatever he asked. But her nipples puckered and her skin flushed. She was affected and the night had just begun. She smiled at the beautiful, obviously French siblings coming their way. “Bonsoir Annette and Pierre!”

“Bonsoir,” both siblings answered at the same time, pulling Shala into a hug and brushing both cheeks with kisses. “I feel like I know you already,” Annette enthused.

Zadir watched, rapt, as little Shala—all grown up and not so little these days—charmed the hell out of two wealthy French hoteliers. They chatted like old friends, occasionally including him in their conversation. Finally cocktail hour had ended and they all sat for dinner. He sent up a prayer of thanks that the French always did everything backwards and Shala was seated beside him. “At least we know the food will be fantastic.”

She smiled. “Actually their chef used to be the Executive Chef for Les Filles until he entered into a joint partnership for their 3.5 Michelin Star restaurant, L’hommage.” Her light brown gaze darted around the room, the quiet room, while everyone stared back at her. “Sorry,” she flushed and reached for her water glass.

“No worries,” Pierre assured her. “You speak as though the Emerald, she is yours.”

Zadir wanted to groan at the Frenchman’s praise of Shala. But he couldn’t because this resort was a big deal and with his ideas, and Shala by his side, he could take them all to the next level. “Well we’re hoping it soon will be.”

Annette’s perfect sculpted brows rose in question. “Shala, I thought you were just an employee at Alzari Holdings. I had no idea you and Zadir were lovers.”

Shala blushed from her toes to the tops of her ears. “Um, we’re not.”

“Not yet,” he proudly staked his claim while the table laughed happily at his antics.


“Where are you taking me?” Shala stood in her bedroom inside their suite and stared at her shoe options.

“It’s a surprise. Pick practical shoes, we will be walking today.”

She nodded and grabbed the casual canvas flats. “Got it. Now can I have a minute for a quick wardrobe change?”

Zadir leaned against the wall of the doorway with a flirty grin on his handsome face. “Don’t let me stop you?” He chuckled when she gave him a get real look and backed away with his hands in the air while she closed the door on him. He listened to the woman who had occupied his mind for the past few months as she undressed, the soft thud of her fitted business skirt and tailored blouse. He wondered what color lingerie she wore. Did she wear thongs or those cute little boy shorts that made the ass look extra succulent? He groaned as that image flashed in his mind, Shala with her sweet backside in the air, tempting him to turn her sweet self, naughty. “Do you need any help in there?”

The door swung open to reveal a breathless Shala. “No thanks, I’m all ready to go.”

His green gaze was like a caress as it roamed her body from head to toe. She wore a navy blue dress with a lace bodice that hugged her curves. It flared out like a party dress to give those legs another opportunity to shine. “Damn, you look sexy.” He loved that cute little blush that always stole over her when he teased or complimented her. Zadir wasn’t sure he knew any other women who blushed.

“Thank you, Zadir,” she answered, shyly tucking a few strands behind her ear. “Are we ready, then?”

He nodded, unable to tear his gaze from her. Shala, he was learning, had a knack for making sweet girl next door look sexy as hell. “Yep, let’s go.” He grabbed her hand, threading his fingers through hers and pulling her along.

Their first stop had been to the Louvre, where she’d wandered wide eyed throughout the famous museum. Everything was so beautiful she couldn’t stop feeling overwhelmed at times by the emotions some of the paintings evoked. She’d stood, transfixed by Ingres’ Grand Odalisque, the beauty of the imagery and the softness of the brush strokes. “It’s all so beautiful.”

He thought it was Shala who was the most beautiful sight in the entire museum. The way she absorbed all the good and the beauty around her, appreciated and tried to share it, it humbled him. Zadir knew his life had been one made up of excess. Too many women and toys, exotic trips, money and he never once appreciated any of it. He’d taken it for granted until his father had taken it all away. Through her, he was learning to appreciate life. “Yes it is,” he whispered, winking when she finally looked up at him.

“Zadir that was amazing! Thank you for being my guide. I know that isn’t your thing.”

He trailed a finger down a few strands of hair, curling the end around his finger. “Watching you enjoy all this old art, is most certainly my thing.”

She gasped and looked deeply into his sage green eyes, darkened with desire. For her. A smile slowly spread across her face. “That’s sweet, Zadir. It’s also some world class flirting.”

He smiled, “Well I do have to up my game with you.” She would not be an easy conquest and Zadir found that he didn’t mind that. Not at all.